
Chapter 10 can you come to school with us

Brian took a seat, facing Melody, and little Alexander sat next to Brian.

" I'm so happy that you came, Uncle Brian, my mom said, you are not a good guy". The little Alexander said with a smile.

" Alex, are you selling me now? I didn't say he is not a good guy, I said how can you trust a stranger?."Melody said she was embarrassed by her son's behaviour, how can he say that in front of Brian?

" But you said, you don't like him?". Alexander said innocently.

" Keep quiet or else, I will not send you to school " Melody said in a serious tone.

" But mom, I'm telling the truth, you said, I should always remember that you don't like him, " Alexander interrogated.

" Please, don't mind my son, let's have breakfast, Alexander talks too much," Melody said, she wanted to hide her face, because of embarrassment.

" Don't worry, I don't mind he is just a kid" Brian said with a smile, he was happy seeing his son and his mother quarrel like this.

" Hey! I'm just a kid, but I'm not lying " Alexander said, he did not like anyone to say he was a liar.

"I know that you are not lying, eat now before it's late for school," Brian said he knew, that this boy was stubborn like him.

" Let's dig in, " Melody announced.

The three of them started eating.

" So Miss Melody, what do you do for a living?"Brian asked, trying to start a conversation.

" I'm the CEO of the 2 star hotel and the Love and Bite restaurant. I started my business 3 years ago and it is going well," Melody said, feeling proud of herself.

" Wow! you worked hard, I wish you good luck," Brian said with a smile, he was really happy to see this new Melody, not the pitiful one he saw for the first time at the hotel. Thinking of what he did to her 5 years ago, he was determined to make things right, this time around.

" So what do you do for a living Uncle Brian? " Melody asked.

" My name is Brian Williams, the chairman of the Williams corporation," Brian said.

" Oh my gosh! Is it really you? Oh my gosh! I'm a big fan of you, you really inspired me a lot, I'm here today, because of you " Melody said, she was so happy that she could no longer sit

" Can I hug you, I'm really happy to meet you, Sir?" Melody asked, she had ants in her pants that she could not sit on.

"Calm down, you will choke on your food, you can hug me if you want, " Brian said, he could not explain how happy he was feeling at the moment.

" No! mom, you aren't going to hug my uncle Brian you said you don't like him " Alexandra said firmly.

" Aren't you happy that I finally met my idol? , don't tell me you are jealous" Melody looked at her son suspiciously.

" Yes, he is my friend, not yours, you said you don't like him," Alexander said.

" Okay, " Melody said pouting, like a baby

' She looks so cute when pouting ' Brian thought.

The three of them ate their breakfast in silence, Melody kept on pouting, looking at her son, who didn't want her to hug her idol.

" Mom don't give me that look, please, " the little Alexander said as he wiped his mouth, he was done eating her food.

" What is your problem little boy, I will not take you to school if you say another word," Melody said. Final her talkative son kept quiet at the mention of school

When the three of them finished eating, they cleared the table, because Brian insisted on cleaning the table even though Melody was against it.

" It was nice having breakfast with you , I should take my leave now," Brian said, even though he wanted to spend more time with them, he wanted to make things right so he decided to leave.

" Uncle Brian aren't you going to come with me to my new school, " Alexander asked.

" Baby, I'm sure he has things to do, " Melody said looking at Brian.

" Mom, other kids will laugh at me, because I don't have a dad, I wanted uncle Brian to be my dad at school," the little Alexander said, in a sad tone.

" Baby, I told you that I'm your mother and father as well, where is this coming from, " Melody asked. Trying to silence her son

" Mom, you are not my dad, but my mom, where is my dad? , " The Little Alexander asked, he was about to cry.

Melody's heart broke into pieces, she did not know about the father of her child or how she even gave birth to him.

" Alex, look you are making mom sad, I will come with you okay," Brian said, with a painful heart, his son was yearning for his father's love while he was still alive.

" Sir, you don't have to do that, aren't you busy, I don't want to bother you," Melody said.

" Nah don't worry, it's just for a few minutes, I can spare some for my little friend," Brian said with a smile.

"yey! yey! I will show them my dad " The little Alexander started jumping in happiness.

Without knowing a tear fell from Melody's eye, she tried to wipe it, but Brian saw it, and his heart ached, he knew everything was his fault.

' I'm sorry Melody, ' Brian said in his head.

" Mom, I have a dad now "little Alexander kept on jumping in happiness.

" Be careful, you might fall" Melody said trying to hold her tears, but it was impossible because Brian saw everything.

' What happened to me 5 years ago, why can't I remember anything Melody thought in her head in

" Okay let's go, go and fetch your bag, Alexander, " Melody said, trying to change the topic.

In no time, the three of them were already inside the car heading to the school.

**At the Brown house.

"Mom looks at what I just saw in the newspaper!" Minami says showing a mother, in the newspaper.

Pink took a newspaper, when she saw what was on the newspaper, her face turned white like a sheet of paper.

[ The first businesses woman, who started and grew her business in 3 years, Can you believe it? ] The headline of the newspaper said, showing a picture of Melody in her black suit.

" How can this girl be so successful without education, I thought her life will be more living hell with no education," Pink said with hints of jealousy.

" How can she be successful when I have a degree in business administration, but I have no job and money, I want it too, mom," Minami said like a baby who is crying for candy.

" Minami, have you lost it? can't you go out and look for a job? Mom that, mom this, you are just useless, I wonder if you are my daughter or not " Pink said with anger in her voice.

"It's all your fault, you and that husband of yours, you sold sister, no one will give me money now, I can't work all day, my hands are so precious to touch anything," Minami said

" Minami, you are 25 years old for God's sake, how will you provide yourself with no money, I will chase you out of my house soon, " Pink said in a serious tone.

" Mom, you should find a job, that one million is over, we need money I will never work, better make a plan, " Minami said as she took a sit on a couch, and turn on the tv, resting her feet on top of the table,

Pink was fuming in anger hearing what her daughter was saying.