
TWISTED: Chess Piece

"We are the Pawns. Disposable pieces used by the King to maintain their reign." But is that all there is to it? 8 twisted Pawns in a board of 64 squares with 32 Black and White Pieces, who would win this game? Is it the Whites who delivers the first move? Or is it the Black who successfully parries the first blow? Whoever you thought the winner might be, please keep in mind that twisted Pieces are bound to twist the entire game.

Kiyaaan · Realistic
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212 Chs

Chapter 173

"I'm Freya, Department of Fine Arts."

Angela shyly accepted Freya's hand, shaking it subtly. With a light smile on her lips, she then politely returned the introduction.

"I'm Angela, second year in the same Department as the two of them." She said, pertaining to Chess and Hans.

Freya nodded her head in return, looking all comfortable and lax.

In contrary, Angela couldn't help but shrink in front of Freya's presence. For some reason, this girl is making her feel a little bit anxious. She looked like someone who's a little hard to please, thus, Angela couldn't help but cower before her.

Especially because of the guilt she's still bringing within her.

Chess noticed it, but he didn't do anything. If that's how she wants to act, then so be it.