
TWISTED: Chess Piece

"We are the Pawns. Disposable pieces used by the King to maintain their reign." But is that all there is to it? 8 twisted Pawns in a board of 64 squares with 32 Black and White Pieces, who would win this game? Is it the Whites who delivers the first move? Or is it the Black who successfully parries the first blow? Whoever you thought the winner might be, please keep in mind that twisted Pieces are bound to twist the entire game.

Kiyaaan · Realistic
Not enough ratings
212 Chs

Chapter 16

"To the new students of class B, we are the seniors of class C. Every Friday, we are assigned to look after you and try to raise your physical abilities, even though it seems impossible. No exemptions. Anyone who is late or absent would receive fitting punishments. Am I clear?"

The students of class B had gulped before nodding their heads.

In front of the mighty presence of the class C students, they were nothing but little bugs that can be easily crushed. The gap between the two class are too vast it seemed impossible to get along.

"To begin the class, first activity, warm ups. I believe that even geeks like you had knowledge on basic warm-ups, right?" he was literally mocking them, but what can they do? They are powerless.

The students of class B silently rose and did as they were told. With the lead of Angela and few other sophomores, they performed the most basic warm-ups. The way they act so obediently made the others grin.

Then, the leader of the class C had nodded to his classmates. The look on his face was sardonic as he stared at the struggling nerds. His classmates widened their grins as they picked up different kinds of balls from the corner. It had been there since the beginning so no one really paid attention.

No one expected that those balls would be used on them.

The balls are of variety. Some were for volleyball, others were for dodgeball and most were for basketball.

They watched the class B students with their belittling looks.

Then one of the class C students had raised his hand with a ball while his eyes are fixed on one of the female students of class B. He then aimed before throwing the ball towards the girl's direction.

It hit hard on the girl's face, making her sit on the shiny floor as her nose bleeds.

All other class B students gasped, while the class C laughed their hearts out. The freshmen had terrified look on their faces while glancing at one another.

When they all turned to look at the perpetrator, the person just shrugged his shoulders before turning to look at their captain.

"Oh, haven't I told you? We have rules in this class…" The leader acted innocent, placing his hand below his chin as he rubbed his jaw. "Every time you stop, every time you make a mistake and every time you complain, it would result in one hit."

"We never heard those rules!" One of the freshmen had stood up, not accepting what he heard.

This is inhuman, he thought. But what is inhuman and what is not in front of someone who is above you? What can be deemed as good or bad if you are just a little fly in front of a formidable frog?

You can do nothing. You can say nothing.

"Hey, that's a kind of complain, right?" one other class C student grinned as he raised his hand and aimed for that freshman.

It was a head shot.

Balls came one after another, hitting our poor class B students. All they could do is dodge and defend, especially the females. They had covered their heads while sitting on the floor, trying to protect themselves from the hits as much as possible.

Seeing that sights, all present boys had stood their grounds and circled around the girls, protecting them from the balls. Their knees are all weakened, but no one stepped back. The class C students who witnessed the action had scoffed and sneered.

"What are you doing, losers? When you're weak, you don't have the rights to protect others!"

"That's right! Think about your own selves!"

They said many more mean words while throwing the balls nonstop, but the students of class B didn't even budge. They all had pained look on their faces, but they didn't move even an inch.

That very action made the class C students crumpled their faces. The grins on their faces had been long gone. The intensity of their throws had increased.

While the class B students are receiving different hits, Chess, on the other hand, was standing far away from the group.

No one noticed him when he separated from the group. No one even noticed him as he picked up the balls. He then tilted his head while staring at those balls before glancing towards the group of people who were throwing those balls.

Then, he raised his hand holding a dodgeball and aimed for one of those class C students.

The student who was hit had turned his head aggravatedly, looking for the person who dared hit him.

"Who hit me?!" he shouted, making the others stop.

They all knotted their foreheads and turned to look at the person. Then they started to look around to find the perpetrator. All their eyes landing on Chess.

He's the only possible offender from this angle, they thought. But with his pretty appearance and thin build, could he really have the courage to do so?

The class B had turned to look at what's happening. Angela also peeked outside, catching a glimpse of Chess.

Her heart pounded so fast it felt painful.

He's doing it again… He's making her worry.

While she was dying of concern, Chess just stood nonchalantly, flashing his blinding innocent smile while raising his other hand holding a ball.

"Is that a complain?" he asked that class C student.

But before that student could even answer, the ball had already flown over and had hit him hard on the face. He fell down on the floor while clutching his nose. He stared at Chess with wide eyes, looking so shaken.

The others also hadn't expected it, making them stop on their tracks. It really was him, they thought.

Chess had once again picked up balls from the ground. Then he raised his hand while still wearing that innocent smile on his face.

"What's wrong? Why did you all stop?"

In their eyes, the pretty face of Chess had started to warp into a villain's face. His innocent smile suddenly turned into an evil grin.

"By the way, you all stopped… Isn't that against the rules?"

Before anyone could react, balls had already started to fly towards their direction.

Balls came at them, one after another. The tables had suddenly turned, making them take the defensive side. The leader couldn't accept the situation, making him raise his voice as he directed the others.

"What are you doing? Throw it right back at him! Hit him!"

He looked pissed, his eyes opened so wide it felt like popping.

The class C students hurriedly obeyed. They picked up balls and had started to throw them back into Chess's direction. But every ball they throw couldn't even land on Chess's feet.

"He dodged!"

The students of class B had watched with their mouths agape. They couldn't react and couldn't even join the fight.

But is it really a fight?

Chess looked like a little child who's only playing catch with his friends. He looked like he's only playing a simple game. It didn't look like a fight at all.

"You idiots!" the leader had finally reached his limit, picking a ball himself as he aimed towards Chess.

Chess had already predicted that move, moving swiftly towards that person. As soon as the leader raised his hand in the air, Chess had already crossed the distance between them.

'He's fast!' he thought. He's too fast that even though his eyes could catch up, his arms couldn't.

Everything around seemed to slow down. The ball on Chess's approaching hand is the only thing he could see. He wanted to move, but he's too slow… he can't dodge it in time. It was impossible.

With a loud snap, everyone inside the gym had fell into a minute of silence.

The students of class B had stared with amazement and admiration while the students of class C stared at their captain with concern. They gasped and called out his name but he didn't respond.

Their leader couldn't even feel the pain of the ball being shoved into his face. Even when he landed on the gym floor with a loud bang, he didn't even blink. He just stared blankly ahead.

His classmates had hurriedly approached him while Chess just walked away nonchalantly. He even stared at his hands as if he was checking for any signs of dirt. While doing that, he looked extremely cool and handsome… no one ever dared to give comments on his attire again.

Angela was the first to approach him, her heart pounding with excitement and worry. She had slapped Chess on the shoulder while clutching her chest.

"You! You!" she didn't know what to say.

She glanced at the other section's leader who was still lying on the floor while staring into space. She suddenly felt goosebumps so she immediately retracted her gaze and gave all her attention to Chess.

"Let's leave first…" one of the sophomores suggested.

The others agreed and they left just like that.

The students of class C, who was left in the gymnasium, was all concerned about their captain. It had already been a minute, but he still had no intentions to stand up.

"Captain… captain, are you okay? Can you hear me?" his best buddy had asked.

"That person…" their captain had opened his lips, but his voice was too low it was inaudible.

His best buddy had leaned forward and placed his ear near his lips.

"Hm? What is it?" he asked.

He's really concerned about their captain. It was the first time that he saw him like this. He looked like someone who was petrified… it was bothering.

"That person…" he heard his captain's mumble.

He immediately nodded his head, signaling the captain to continue. He actually wasn't really paying attention to his captain's words because of he's more worried for his condition, but upon hearing his next words, he froze on the spot.

"That person is strong." A few second after those words, his captain had started laughing. It startled everyone around him.

They stared at their captain with weird expressions, thinking that he finally lost it. His best buddy shook his head while grinning lightly, helping his insane captain back on his feet.

While everyone had taken their captain's words as joke, someone from the dark corner had pocketed his hands. He had been there from the start. He saw and heard everything.

His eyes had darkened as he took a turn to leave.

"I'm watching you… Chess." he mumbled to himself while staring up ahead.