
Twist of Fate(Aishiteru Yo)

Their life was paved even before birth. Rank, power and their kind dictates how they should look at society, but what happens if they try to defy what's already written on the stone? Played by Fate, a Lady Yakuza Boss crosses path with the most Prominent Human Rights Lawyer. Will this be a promising encounter or will it rain fire?

Josei_no_Senshi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs



I cannot stand to waste more of my time for this FAKE!

"Where are you?... Meet me at the front!" I ended the call immediately. I was lead to believe that I will be meeting a beautiful woman as what was shown in her profile. I squeezed my phone in the attempt to squash it but only ended up hurting my wrist. I wanted to leash out my anger so I turned to her to vent.

"What are u looking at?" I asked furiously as I noticed her watching me intently.

"Watch your tone Mr. Cobalt. Don't judge me with what you see outside." she reprimands me. How brazen this liar could be, correcting me at this point?. She can't be serious. Does she even know who she's talking to?

"You are no Cinderella. I ain't your Prince, okay?!"

I should wake her up from her delusion.

"You've made a big mistake!" She exclaimed. I hate to admit it... but damn... she's right. She's right that I made a mistake to even breathe the same air as her and spend my precious time with this joke.

Unexpectedly, she never diverted her eyes. Ms. Yamashita looked agitated and It was proved to be true when I saw her upper lips quiver. What right does she have to feel that way? She should even be thankful to have been graced by my presence. I am a son of a conglomerate owner. We have restaurants, hotels and resorts so why would I stoop to her level? If I wanted, I can buy any girl I want or just show a little bit of cash and they'll be licking my shoes... but no.. I wanted some real emotion.

I wanted to feel loved - pure, genuine and innocent. An emotion that is only directed to me and me alone.. someone I can call mine. So when I saw her popped up in this dating website, I took the shot. I had a great time, until today. She turned out to be another gold digger.

She might have made her research.

As a matter of fact, I only showed interest since she bears the name of my..... FUCK!

I almost fell from my seat as I backed away from the table. Was I hallucinating??? Shit!.. Shit!.. Shit! I just saw her eyes turn pitch black. I was frozen stiff. Oh Hell No!!

She then grabbed her phone and typed something. A few seconds later, a guy stormed in. I don't know what his deal is but I smell something BAD is going down. My head was busy following their movements and as I was feeling dizzy... I tried my best to interrupt.

"That is not true! What are you talking about?" I debated. Apparently, I am turned into some kind of jerk by this two. Are they trying to scam me?

Is this part of their shenanigans?

"What's the meaning of this?! I shouted not understanding the situation.

"Don't you dare leave me from your conversation!" They even dared to ignore me more.

"Let's..." Before she could continue, four guys found their way to us. They bowed down in unison as they call out to her.

"Hime, Dono yō ni anata ni hōshi dekimasu ka?"

"I'm Screwed." I muffled. I didn't understand any word they said but my gut feeling tells me that these people are dangerous.

They exchanged more statements but I was just sitting here dumbfounded. My eyes peeled their backs as they naturally walked away.

After a couple of minutes of contemplating, I decided to leave the place. With all my strength, I raised from my seat and dragged my feet outside.

"You need to come with us." I turned towards the sound as I notice a hand grab my arms. I've never felt this afraid in my life. I attempted to punch my way out but my fist was stopped at once. I feel ultimate defeat as a suspicious liquid was plunged into my system.


"Ouch!" I said to myself, eyes still closed.

The cold floor is evident under my soles. My shoulders hurt but I can't seem to know why. I tried to reach out but my hands are constrained. The sound of chains bounced off the walls. Wait, what? CHAINS??

Eyes heavy, I did my best to use my other senses to feel my surroundings. There seemed to be three to five people inside this room excluding me. Their voices are toned down, almost whispering. At a distant, I can also hear what sounds like a heavy door - opening and closing. Footstep noises bounced off this closed space. I listened intently as it gets closer and closer to me.

"Do you want to know where you are?... Oh I know..."

"Do you want to know why you're here? Or..."

"Do you want to know who I am?"

A series of questions hit my ears.

What the heck? Did he just sniff cocaine? My muscles are sore but my brain is still working well. I don't need him to suggest those queries as I already have the answers.

"What's wrong with you?" I questioned him but instead of an answer, a splash of cold water was thrown at me. I gasped as my source of breathing was blocked. I coughed hardly I thought blood would come out.

"Oops! Sorry. My bad! I thought you went back to sleep but I needed you awake.. so.." He whispered. I wheezed at the lack of air.

"What did you do Mark?" Another man asked. Authority and Power was clear in his voice.

"I... I just wanted him to...to.." 'Mark' stuttered.

"It doesn't matter anymore." He cut him off.

"Ōjo will be here any moment so please unchain his hands and wipe him dry. Make him presentable in front of her. Ōjo will be the one doing it so prepare a basin of warm water for her to wash her hands after."

What am I hearing? Did he intentionally allow me to listen to their conversation?? I swallowed my saliva hoping it could quench my thirst. Opening my eyes slowly, an unforeseen image was standing across my postion. His bare back facing me. Detailed tattoos were displayed proudly and boldly.

"Am I going to die?" I asked hoarsely as emotions swept over me.

He is cleaning a fucking KATANA.