
Twist N Turn

Anna was no where near like his father. She was always determined towards her goals but end up training for something she never thought would become part of her life. She was a tangle mess of silky string. Her past and present was the biggest turmoil in her life which left nothing but trauma and damage Talking about him he's the strongest mountain of peakest peak but she was the tiniest crack in it which made him fall in love with her. Dealing with his past he got more cautious when he was ordered to train her. Everything was opposite in their lives but what made them fall in love was the quote which says opposite attracts. Their story is beautiful mess of hurtful byes and flashback of beautiful memories. To them the definition of love was more then personification and metaphor. Was it necessary for fate to unite and separate them or will they ever find way back to each other......... She loves him, he loves her, but fate has its own way which is unknown to both! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Are you serious? I am not going to swim in this chilling whether even if that means you are going to complain uncle.I don't care." "Anna you think too much I don't need your uncle to make you do what I want? You are insulting me then, I have my ways" "You are joking right? You will not make me swim?hmm? "Keep telling yourself this because tonight you are definitely going in that pool and yeah ofcourse in this chilling whether."

Uzma_Memon · Teen
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15 Chs

Tired day

Anna pov:

Why this alarm have to ring every time every day when I am deep in sleep.

Ughhh! I didn't wanted to go but I knew the consequences of this.

When I used to meet dad on weekends, if i could not make up for the meet he seriously punishes me in the next meet. His punishment were never physical, he always used to torture me with his emotional words, and I think that's the reason i used to make sure that i at least keep my promise and meet him twice a month.

He always makes sure that I was happy even though not together, and to be honest I never felt that my father doesn't loves me because he don't stay with me.In fact now living with this man makes me feel hatred towards him. I wasn't aware of his evil plan of just throwing me in this stupid competition and not showing up at least once.

I think I should get ready before he finds another reason to punish me.

Well I'd not even know why I am getting ready to meet that devil when I challenged him that I won't come even if he wants me to. I don't know why I am melting so much.

I never wanted to give him that satisfaction of victory, atleast not unless I am dead.

Maybe he will make fun of me for coming or will he do the worst. Torture me to my core.

But I am getting a vibe of just showing that I am not weak. I can definitely handle his tortures.

Because soon he's going to be tortured...

But I should never challenge my fate. Especially not at this place with him where all my luck have gone the day I entered this gate.

Sometimes I feel like leaving everything behind and just run off from this place. But then I remember dads words. I feel so helpless. I have to do this for my dad. But dad is soo busy that he didn't even cared to check his only daughter.He didn't met me properly and I was soo angry at him.

Before coming here things were soo different. I and Zoya used to hangout we used to party. But now this is my fate.

I think I should accept this.

I am getting late. I don't even know why I am getting worried about time when all I want to do is annoy him with every little thing he hates of me which definitely is tardiness.

On ground;

"Good morning."

"Morning Anna, you are late by 30 secs."

Great just great! After a torturous day and a complete bag of warnings and my declining all he have to say is how late I am that to 30 freaking seconds.

"What? Seriously 30 seconds!"

"Yes miss Anna. Here we respect others time. Even a millisecond counts here."

"But Neil it's just 30 secs." I protested.

"You know your opponent needs only that 30 second to bring you down on ground. So be focused."

He's serious. But I am definitely not. If they are gonna impose things on me they have to prove me that it's valuable.

But what he said next froze my body.

"From today till you are here everyday you will do crunches for minutes after the training is over."

"You are joking right. Because it was not a big deal, common."

"Nope, Now go run 5 rounds of the ground and you better be in your timings orelse we will run whole day until you are better at it no matter if it's eve."

"Yesss sir."()

Anna pov:

I should have known that being with this devil I can't expect a good day. How can I be better at my timings in just a day. I am soo pissed.

I think I should focus on running rather than cursing him.

But he deserves this. He truly deserves my curse.

I thought I will take revenge from him for torturing me. But look at me here I am at his mercy all again.

Getting tortured.

Main question is what can he do and till what extent he can go to torture me. I am on my 4 round when he blows the whistle for me to stop.


Did I do very well that he told me to stop.

I went to him.

"So miss Anna will you try to explain why are you soo slow in your run. I told you to improve. Is this what you say a improvement."

He shouted as if showing how disappointed he was.

Why he is so serious all time when I all want is someone who takes things lightly definitely not like him.

And what's up with him calling me miss Anna as if I never was his anything

"I am sorry but I think I did my best. I'll try to do more good." I couldn't believe I am saying this shit to him. Because all I want to do is break that egoistic grin from his face.

He perfectly knows where to break me and he's doing that perfectly.

"You are left with 2 more you better improve than to run all day."

As if I will run all day. He doesn't know me.

Even you don't know him well till now my conscience say.

"Yes sir."

The person I knew was definitely not him. He was sweet caring and protective towards me and he's just piece of shit blabbering.

I think today is the worst day again. Well leaving at his mercy you can't expect a better day. I should have had that much sense after what happened last night. He really doesn't care who gets Ill or even worst gets unconscious under him.

I don't know why I thought that it's going to be a good day. Maybe I was hoping. I wish I had got some better trainer. Now I will run with all strength that is in me. No matter what happens after the round but I have to run.

After 2 rounds.....

I fell on the ground. And the devil was towering me with his evil look.I felt like I'll pass out but thanks to him who woke me up and told me to stand on my feets in such a bad condition.

We went for breakfast after some more stupid workouts which he named as stretching which made my whole body hurt in pain.

On dining table:

"Anna have this and from today you are going to follow a particular diet. And make sure you don't include sugar and gas in your diet without informing me." He says while handing me a tray full of protein.


Ohk was the only word I could spill because I was so tired that I couldn't argue with him. I want my food.

Finally food and First I thought particular diet means some strange things to eat but they were normal things like egg and milk. But in double portion. I was foody but I can't eat more than I want so I really prayed that these food should fit in my tummy.

I was free after breakfast luckily. But I was warned to be there for next session on time.

Which is never going to happen. For sure.....

Or wait it will definitely happen but....