
Chapter 61



A pulsating headache threatened to split my head apart as I winced.

I moved my hand…at least tried to anyway because my hand felt numb. Both my hands felt numb and any tiny movement made something rattle against my body.

Prior memories of what happened came to my mind all at once upping the headache even further.

I was crying, damn it after what had happened with Lucia, Kade and Jace, I had ended up like some hobo on the street crying then…then…

My eyes shot open and like someone had knocked my head with a bat, everything came back biting me in the ass.

The unwelcomed light ate my eyes without mercy but that’s not what made my heart pulsate madly in my chest.

It was everything in my surroundings, it was in the way, my hands, my legs…I was tied up!

I was tied up!

What was this place…how…oh God what was…