
Chapter 2


MY HEAD HURT as I tried opening my heavy eyelids. The light coming from the light white curtains nearly blinded me as I hugged the comforter tighter. Only, my comforter wasn`t grey but white, it didn`t smell of musk or spice but lavender. I sat up regretting that very decision when my right hand hurt.

My eyes popped out of their sockets as I stared at the metallic cuffs cuffing me to the king-sized bed. This was definitely not my room and I was definitely not in my bed.

Yesterday`s nightly escapades came to mind and I groaned at the headache that came along with it. I was drunk, I was dancing…I was naked.

“No, no!” I cried pushing the covers from my body with my left hand.

I had clothes on! Shit, Nix! Shit! Shit!

I really did it this time. Scared out of my wits, I pressed my legs together a surge of relief washing over me that I didn`t feel sore or penetrated. I believe the correct word was, raped.

Wriggling my wrists against the bed, I tried yanking the cuffs but God knew, I was too thin to pull them off. I can`t remember the last time I visited the gym. Hell, I can`t remember the last time I ate a proper meal that wasn`t salad or some shit my dad told my trainer to give me.

“Hello? Is someone there? Help!”

And the door I hadn`t noticed existed, creaked open. I retreated to the headboard preparing myself for any psycho that stormed through that door.

Instead of a psycho, someone else walked in. Instead of the usual junkies that surrounded me, someone else walked in.



He was fucking hot and huge like a freaking beast with unbelievably huge muscles. My eyes glided over his naked chest. Chiseled abs, a heavy contoured V-line, a screen-worthy jawline and black hair with a neat buzz-cut that screamed military.

Not even the numerous boyfriends my dad had set me up with over the past years could compare to his looks. Hell, they didn`t come close to the goliath of a man eyeing me like a cockroach invading his personal bubble.

He tipped his chin like some sort of greeting.

He freaking tipped his chin at me and everything from yesterday came washing in like a tsunami.

“What you did was dumb”

“Not asshole, not motherfucker, not dumb but Cannon”

Fuck! The dumb as fuck bodyguard from yesterday.

“Get me out of here”, I lashed and he leaned against the door frame a surly leer dominating his face.

Fucking asshole.

“NO”, he said and I scoffed unbelievably and my nerves shot at once at his low guttural intimidating voice.

“I’m your boss and I’m telling you to uncuff me. Do you know who I am?”

“Nicole Brie Montenegro. Daughter of Luis Montenegro, Mayor of Key West. 24 years old. Quit business school. Started sniffing coke as early as this year. Friends with Sasha Byers and a few junkies I’m too lazy to mention and now? You are currently trending for putting your naked ass out there for the world to see. Did I miss anything? If I did, feel free to add some more”

Tongue-tied. I was at a loss of words feeling so naked and bare to him. Feeling his scrutinous eyes undressing every wall I had built up since my mother`s death.

I hated this new bodyguard. I hated my father for assigning the man standing in front of me.

And I especially hated the fact that his penetrating gaze sent shivers between my legs. That his voice which was less baritone and more vibration sent me swooning over how good it would feel to have his hands all over my body.

Dear god! This was a first. I never thought about sex. Heck, I never had sex. One because I was scared and two because I wanted to do it with the right guy.

But all that didn`t matter, I danced naked yesterday around a bunch of people who probably knew me. My ass was trending around on social media and I could only imagine my daddy`s reaction to it. Might as well as said, I broke my virginity.

My eyes lingered at my clothes, my mouth forming an O. Did he?

“I didn`t fuck you”, he said sternly and my nose flared at his crudeness.

‘But you saw me naked”, I finished the statement my eyes betrayingly falling at his V-line. If he removed that short, how big would he be?

Jesus Christ, this wasn`t me.

“Relax princess. I didn`t see anything I haven`t seen before”

And whatever crush I had for my bodyguard trampled on the ground. He was letting me know that whatever thoughts I had about him wouldn`t happen because he had seen naked women his entire life. At least not in this lifetime and that hurt me for some reason.

No one wanted the junkie little mayor`s daughter because she was a fucking nut. That was what the tabloids said and this was Miami. People believed the internet more than they did reality.

I wasn`t a junkie. Yesterday was a mistake. The party at South Beach was a mistake where my then boyfriend drugged me.

“Get me out of these cuffs”, I glanced at him pulling the fakest puppy dog eyes I could on him. They worked on my previous bodyguards, who`s to say the man in front of me wasn`t as dumb as the rest of them meat heads from B & A.


Asshole. “On what?”

“Your attitude”

Was he serious right now? My attitude was fine, his however needed a change.

“Fine. I`ll change my attitude”, I lied. I would run away from him, the very first thing he uncuffed me. My dad was wrong if he thought I would easily comply to his wishes of being watched 24\7.

“Words won`t get your hand out of those cuffs”

“What do you want? Money? Sex?” I shrieked feeling myself lose the little sanity I was holding.

Eyes blazing, it took two strides for him to get to the bed. Six and a half feet of muscled gladiator stood in front of me and I regretted the words that came out of my mouth. The shorts he had worn did nothing to hide the big cock he was sporting on. My breathing became rugged and I forgot about the cuffs.

My blood rushed down, my pussy clenching in a way that screamed need. A need that wanted to be devoured, to be conquered. A need that made my clit throb and ache for touch. I had never been thirsty and hungry like I was now. Not for food but for something else.

He bent over.

My throat parched like I was in the freaking Sahara Desert.

He strode on top of the bed,

I vibrated between my legs.

His penetrating stare landed on me.

My breath hitched and I bit my lips nervously like a six-year-old.

My heart palpitated sending shivers that made me feel cold all of a sudden. When he took my hand in his, I could feel my core start to slowly detonate like a bomb.

Then in a flash he unlocked my cuff and did the last thing I expected.

He tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear, his breath fanning my ear and his voice left his mouth,

“I don`t need you or your money and two, I don`t fuck clients”