
Chapter 24



Pindrop whispered and for the most part of it, I ignored the fucker.

My associates wouldn’t know what this felt like it even if it hit them like an IED blast from a ten-foot radius. My boys lay on the bed in the witness room and the fucking sight in front of me was enough to wish that they stayed in my home forever. That they lived with me for an eternity, heaven be damned.

Too scared to even touch them, my large as fuck hands leant at the edge of the bed. Tainted, scarred, I didn’t want to pass my sins to them.

I didn’t want the ink that tainted my damn life to taint theirs. I was their father but at the same time I was a God damn soldier who had more blood on his hands than a murder weapon. And for the first time in my life, I was fucking prepared to leave the rogue life behind me.

No more guns.

No more missions.

And no more motherfucking bodyguarding.