
Twins Brother Idol meets Sakamichi Group

Twins Idol had to see their favourite Sakamichi Group while they had gone to the studio and suddenly, Haruki and Karuki had fallen into one of the Idol members Haruki had fallen in love with a Nogizaka46 idol member but Karuki had fallen in love with Hinatazaka46 idol member.

Haziqah_Zulkifli14 · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Chapter Forty-Six: Ichinose has been drinking someone blood

Moriya Rena had woken up from her sleep and she had seen that we have a new vampire slave someone is been can see the lost soul of a vampire hunter that Servant had brought them over to have given more blood for Ichinose Miku to drink.

Rena: so you are Kitagawa Yuri and nice to meet you, Yuri

Yuri: of course you too Rena nice to meet you

Ichinose: I want more blood to be sucked by another member not just the Sakurazaka46 or Nogizaka46 I want the Hinatazaka46 member's blood to give to me

Before Yuri and Rena had gone to take the 4th gen or 3rd gen member and they are been knocked out from them with some magic spell that they had been given to them to drink while Ichinose had snapped her finger like some kind of magic.

Haruyo: where are we at anyway?

Hirao: wait...is that what I think it was?

Haruyo: what it is, Hirao?

Meanwhile, Yuri and Rena use magic in her ear while Ichinose was changed back to the Nogizaka46 uniform and they can see that we can see that it was Ichinose Miku who is here in front of us.

Hirao: oh my god that was Ichinose Miku?

Haruyo: wait...hold up why are we here inside of some kind of creepy vibe

Hirao: hey...Haruyo I don't think they want to speak with us

Suddenly, Ichinose Miku sped up toward Hirao's neck while Haruyo is have bitten at her neck by Rena who are having fun with Yamaguchi Haruyo but Hirao having a hard believing that Ichinose Miku is a vampire who likes to drink blood.

Hirao: please...Ichinose it hurt so much

Ichinose: it will be over soon I promise

Hirao: are you sure about this are you, Ichinose?

Once Ichinose had finished drinking her blood and same as Rena are wipe off her blood mouth and later Nagi had give both of them the anti-vampire heal potion for them to drink to heal up their vampire bite mark.

Nagi: I'm sorry that you to get surprised by Ichinose Miku

Hirao: why are you so calm about been Ichinose become a vampire

Haruyo: did Michi Senpai know about this yet?

Ichinose Miku nodded at Haruyo and she kind of missed her brother along with the twin brother who are going on a trip with Kubo Shiori with Michi he will be back soon or maybe later he will be back here.

Ichinose: servant please call Aya and let her know that I was ready for her

Servant: as you wish master

Yuri: wait...why all of a sudden do you want to see Aya here Ichinose I mean master

Before the Hinatazaka46 idol member had back to the studio and Hirao with Haruyo who had been sucking her blood with a real vampire on her neck and they can't tell about it the rest of the members.

Servant: master I had to bring over Ogawa Aya

Ichinose: thanks servant you may leave us alone inside the vampire mansion

Servant: let go for some haunting some more blood you two

Kitagawa Yuri and Moriya Rena follow Servant to have some haunting more cow blood for Ichinose to drink she could never become some vampire dust and she will get more strength than her usual self.

Ogawa: Ichinose why did you want to see me here at your vampire mansion

Ichinose: I want to show you something else inside the room please follow me

Ogawa: okay Ichinose

In the meantime, back from somewhere else inside the deep dark forest where Kitagawa Yuri and Moriya Rena along with Servant who had been training them how to get cow blood for the first time.

Servant: Yuri and Rena please go for some haunt for cow blood and bring it over to me

Yuri: copy that servant let go, Rena

Rena: not say that twice I will get going now

When Yuri and Rena are having fun with some kind of training with Ichinose Servant who has been killing some cow and take their blood and put it inside the blood bag just like in the hospital donation blood bag.

Servant: we'll that was enough of blood bag to give to master

Yuri: I am not a vampire but I do have some few power I can see the dead soul of a vampire hunter who had been killed by the vampire

Rena: we'll you are special ones Yuri and we are glad that we have you with you along this haunting

Back inside the vampire mansion alone with Ichinose and Ogawa went she had to give much more love than anyone else beside Ichinose want more of Ogawa's blood but she had enough of sucking her blood for a day.

Ogawa: Ichinose please stop drinking my blood and they will give you some cow blood for you to drink

Ichinose: Aya it is the last time I was drinking your blood

Ogawa: okay it is the last time for you to drink the blood on my neck Ichinose

Once Ichinose was been forced to drink Ogawa Aya's blood on her neck and Servant had been blasted off the door Ichinose can see that they had been looking for us some cow blood that Yuri and Rena are giving master some blood to live in hundreds of years old.

Ichinose: Yuri heal up Aya's neck with your power

Yuri: as you wish master

Ogawa: wait...Yuri did you have some vampire power just like they had

Kitagawa Yuri was shaking her head toward Ogawa Aya but she are fine now Ichinose had grown something in her mouth that she had more blood to eat just like the reborn vampire who is very hungry as much as her stomach is growling and Rena with Yuri go back inside to the Nogizaka studio and go tell them that Ichinose Miku is not drinking anyone's blood from now on just drink the cow blood that the servant had brought for her to drink at the bloody bag hospital.