
Twins alike

NAZUNA · Fantasy
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2 Chs

New beginning

Two average high schoolers that lived in the city of London. They were siblings, with a shitty father that left them and a mother with anger issues screaming all the time. they could only rely on each other for comfort.

Growing up their mothers exceptions for them were very high.

They feared failure and seeked a normal childhood. Having to learn the hard way that people won't care if they were in need of help they decided to keep everything to themselves while putting up a personality.

The sister was an extrovert for such people liked being around her, her cheery personality was quite nice to be around, the girl was stubborn and needy always in need of attention that she got from her older brother.

She was Quite the tall girl with a curvy body long black hair with brown eyes. Her face Usually had bandages on as she would get into fights.

The brother was the opposite.He was an introvert and People were to shy to approach the boy as he had a serious face all the time reading a book or just staring at nothing.

He wouldn't get excited unless you talked to him about novels when speaking about them he would become like a different person.

Although he might not show lots of emotion he would always be there if needed.

He was above average looking with black short soft curly hair and brown sharp eyes.

He was a bit shorter then his sister but not a lot

was the rank 5 in the national exams for the past couple year. Although people admired

Him for his intelligence and looks he never knew he was popular because nobody really talked to

Him because of his serious face

One unfortunate day the siblings decided to go on a trip to the amusement park together.

After the sister has been begging her brother

Every weekend he would spend it reading novels leaving the poor girl to go out with her friends as he brother didn't hang out with her

She was excited and woke up early just to dress up, but her brother didn't care

After a long buss ride the two siblings had finally reach the amusement park.

"Look brother, How pretty!"


"You could pretend you care"


"You totally don't"

"Look over there the Shop is selling cotton candy i want some lets buy some!"

The girl dragged her brother to the shop.

She started ordering herself and her brother some food. Soon she heard people screaming

That grabbed the siblings attention and turned around even the worker was wondering what's the chaos about.

"A bomb!!"

"Run for your life!!"

Everyone was running to the main gate as to leave a terrorist group had put bombs there and announced it on the big screen in the park.

The brother immediately grabbed his sister and started running even if their life wasn't the bed he definitely didn't wanna die at the young age of 19 and so didn't his sister that was only 17

Everyone screaming and pushing

Soon bombs exploded at certain parts and buildings crumbled.

If they ran fast enough the believed the could reach the gate fast enough but then the sister noticed a young girl stuck under parts of a crumbled building. She immediately ran over to help the poor girl the brother who noticed his sister running away he tched and followed while thinking of how stupid his sister could be he need to get her to run away fast there was no time to help some random stranger even if it was just a small child

" Stop it you idiot!"

The brother screamed at the top

Of his lungs he really didn't want his sister to need up dying in such a place.

The girl had reach the child and was now removing the pieces from the girl as to reach her body. Because of her strength she was able to lift the wood pieces in the matter of 1 minutes she now lifted the girl up. The brother extended his hand out to help his sister up.

Just as the girl took her brother hand.

A bomb close by exploded.

Because of the impact they got injured blood flowing out of their body, scratches on their body

The sister was holding onto the girl

The Siblings were slowly bleeding out

Their eyes getting heavy wanting to give up

Not feeling their limbs not grow weaker and ther longs were damaged that made it harder to speak they could only give out as now everything was dark if they could have lived another life they would definitely be more true to themselves

Try to get help open a little book store at the village side of the city.

Adopt a small kitten and just live a normal happy life together. That's all they could have wanted.

But now here they are dying in a place supposed

To be fun, to let people enjoy themselves every once in a while. But now they die in such a place

All they could think was how pathetic it was