
Twin Sugar Mommies X Cultivator

[WARNING! MATURE CONTENT!] Brief Synopsis/Alt Title: In This Superpowers World, I, Alone, Am A Cultivator - NSFW - Extreme Violence - Explicit - Not for squeamish - Mature language Action - Check Urban - Check Drama - Check Romance - Check Melons? - Check Battles - Check NTR - X Netori - Check Harem - Check Magic - X Cultivation - Check Superpowers - Check MC with System - X Rare bloodline - Check R*pe - X Using Hypnosis for S*x - X Incest - X - DISCLAIMER: This novel is not only about s*x and does not follow a degenerate MC that thinks about just that. There is an actual plot and storyline here but the smut aspect is the icing on the cake. Don't complain when there are no smut scenes every 3 chapters. Lol, there are h*ntai sites out there for a reason. could even recommend if you want (if you're over 18)... You shouldn't even be reading this if you aren't. --- BONUS CHAPTERS +1 Chapter Per Dragon Max Bonus per Week = 1 Chapters. Anything more will have to be transferred to the next week. E g. If I get 2 Dragons, I'll give 1 on the upcoming week and the last one will be given on the week after that.

VertiKalEl · Urban
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23 Chs

Starting To Give In To Lust X Regaining Control

Chapter Eight: Starting To Give In To Lust X Regaining Control

[No, you don't. Same applies to a truck, motorcycles, tricycles, and even bicycles.] The Bloodline continued.

At this point, Hudson felt like he was beginning to understand the voice of the Bloodline's point, albeit only vaguely.

[And as for the details, the rest of your questions, you will naturally understand once you take the reins. I could give you a rundown but that would be just like handing you a manual and expecting you to miraculously know how to drive and like a pro no less.]

There was a pause before it added;

[Again, you would still have to learn on the road.]

Hudson mulled things over critically.

Did he want to 'give in' to lust? No, it did not sound the least bit desirable to him.

But become some mad lust monster? That was not even 0.001 percent desirable!

Who would willingly choose a fate like that?

This was essentially a case of having an objective question in an exam with options b, c, and d be being 'the answer is a'.

Hudson seemed to have made a decision just like that. Some would argue that it was made for him - to accept his fate and surrender to the lust.

'Sigh!' he inwardly made an apology to his wife and kid.

"Right... I was wondering..." He paused, a bit sucked, that simply deciding to accept his fate was enough to show him to Gain of his mouth and speak. "Not that it changes anything, I will still be accepting the bloodline as I have no choice, but I wanted to know... Seeing as you addressed yourself as a 'Grand' bloodline, I would assume that you're something special."

[...] Bloodline-Kun didn't immediately answer as it could sense that its host's question was incomplete.

"With this special quirk of mine, you, would I be able to grow strong enough to travel across worlds?" He asked, seeing a light at the end of the dark tunnel he now found himself in.

[Sigh, I suppose getting you to completely shed your past is a tall order.] Hudson could picture shaking its head with that sigh. [Better to have it as a motivation then...]

[Yes, you will naturally be able to do all that, and even more. Hmph, you could even reach a point where transversing time would be possible too - but that depends on how talented, dedicated, and lucky you are.]

[Uh, well I would not recommend tampering with time though. Or those fellows that locked up the ((Eldritch Sins)) would come knocking.]

Hearing his bloodline's answer, the path ahead seemed to be a tad more clear for Hudson.

He was fucking ecstatic!

A spark of determination was lit in the depths of his consciousness - he would do his damned best to go above and beyond in pushing his power to the extreme, with Chloe and Ciri as the end goal in sight.

"Let's do this then." He spat these words with a striking solemnity as he decided to let go.

He stopped trying to resist the urges, covering to let them flow naturally.

It seemed that he was still a bit taut at first but as the seconds trickled by, he began to feel... Something.

He was not sure what it was exactly, but they were in close proximity to him.

Even with his eyes shut, he could "see" several motes floating around him.

At first glance, it seemed that these motes be classified into two main groups - the portion that continually changed colors like his wings and eyes, and the other half including a certain type of colorless energy.

Probing the colorful motes, he received information directly into his mind.

'These are the pheromones that I release naturally when I'm horny - but I can restrain them if I wish.'

'They are primarily inclined to stimulate and overload "mating instincts" in targets.'

'Aside from that, I could nudge them to induce other emotions of my choosing in them - hatred, hunger, psychologically induced allergies, and much more.'

'Once the awakening started, I must have fallen into a beastly state because I could not control it and hence it turned on me.'

"Heh. How ridiculous." He snickered before glancing down at the nurse with a complicated expression on his face.

"Was she also a 'spectator' like I was?" He wondered. "Or was she truly unconscious the whole time?"

He really hoped it was the latter. Or else...

'How troublesome.'

[I am not omniscient.] The bloodline answered flatly. [So, I would not know. Could have gone either way. It all depends on the amount of her own willpower.]

Hudson swallowed hard before returning his attention to the motes in the air around him. This time he paid special attention to the colorless ones, deciphering their existence.

'Spirit Energy? Also dubbed as Qi?' he blinked as he got a lot of information in a short span of time.

'Used by practitioners known as 'Cultivators' to refine both their body and soul, enabling them to defy the rules of the world - longer lifespan and special abilities that can change terrains and landscapes, flip the seas, fly, and even initiate and control natural disasters.'

"Damn! This is some good stuff! The stuff of fiction!" He exclaimed, getting excited as he imagined walking on the sea and flying past clouds.

[Hmm? Why do you look so lost? Have we not been through this already?] The bloodline was more than a bit dumbfounded at the sight of the excited expression on Hudson's face. [I already told you: With I, this Grand Bloodline, your prospects are imaginable!]

"Tch. Can it, you parasite." Hudson's face turned solemn and somewhat irritated. "You interrupted the moment."

Bloodline-Kun on the other hand was so shocked he actually started;

[Pa... Pa... Para... Rasite?!] How could anyone with a fragment of a brain cell dare refer to a Grand Bloodline such as itself as a 'Parasite'?! [Who?! Me?!]

Hudson clicked his tongue as he slowly rose to his feet and started dressing the woman back up.

"What else would I call a foreign existence inhabiting my body seeking a symbiotic relationship?" He explained.

[The fuck? Symbiotic? You and I? Ah, I see that you are turning delusional. Your body and soul are no longer injured, so were you born a natural dunce?]

It was Hudson's turn to be speechless, his hand freezing just before it zipped up the nurse's skirt properly.

[I am the one giving you the benefits. Without me, you're nothing but a trash with a mob superpower like [Endurance Up]! Without me, you would still be as ugly in face and physique as a tortured piglet?]

Receiving the bloodline's retort, Hudson's eyes twitched slightly. He was clearly upset.

The first part - about him having no good superpower - he could easily brush off since the body was not originally his, but the appearance?

He had always been average! How could...

'Wait, what is wrong with my brain? Doesn't the new body rule also apply to the second proposition as well?'

Raising his hands to his eye level, everything looked the same as they did in his previous body, albeit slightly younger.

[You were fat with innumerable spots all over your face, and I cleared them and refined your physique with as little pain as was necessary while the wings burst forth.] The bloodline continued. [After all that I have done... Do you think awakening a Grand Bloodline is as easy as brief pain from spurting wings and losing self-control? Huh?! You, ungrateful ape!]

Hudson was stunned silly as he thought about it.

He had not really paid as much attention to the characteristics of his new body as he did his surroundings and the people in it.

He also vaguely remembered one of the inmates back at the cafeteria calling him a frog or something like that.

He brought his hand to his face and felt it for himself. Although he had no mirror, he could tell from touch alone that although he had the same face as he did in his previous life, this one seemed more... Perfect, having no unnecessary fat and wrinkles.