
Twin Sugar Mommies X Cultivator

[WARNING! MATURE CONTENT!] Brief Synopsis/Alt Title: In This Superpowers World, I, Alone, Am A Cultivator - NSFW - Extreme Violence - Explicit - Not for squeamish - Mature language Action - Check Urban - Check Drama - Check Romance - Check Melons? - Check Battles - Check NTR - X Netori - Check Harem - Check Magic - X Cultivation - Check Superpowers - Check MC with System - X Rare bloodline - Check R*pe - X Using Hypnosis for S*x - X Incest - X - DISCLAIMER: This novel is not only about s*x and does not follow a degenerate MC that thinks about just that. There is an actual plot and storyline here but the smut aspect is the icing on the cake. Don't complain when there are no smut scenes every 3 chapters. Lol, there are h*ntai sites out there for a reason. could even recommend if you want (if you're over 18)... You shouldn't even be reading this if you aren't. --- BONUS CHAPTERS +1 Chapter Per Dragon Max Bonus per Week = 1 Chapters. Anything more will have to be transferred to the next week. E g. If I get 2 Dragons, I'll give 1 on the upcoming week and the last one will be given on the week after that.

VertiKalEl · Urban
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23 Chs

Losing Control X Pinning Her Down

Chapter Six: Losing Control X Pinning Her Down

As a nursing graduate with the awakened superpower dubbed as [Hyperperception], Felicity was an invaluable asset wherever she found herself in.

Several organizations of various calibers had tried to scout her after a blogger (who was a fellow student at the time) wrote an article about her, so in the end what kind of future she had was left in her laps for her to decide.

She did not have one of the most OP of abilities but being able to sense tne most minute of details whithin a certain range around her like a sonar became a big deal when coupled with her profession.

She could access the conditions of patients quicker with even more accuracy, communicate with them effectively as she monitors the details of their reactions better than others, measure medication with inhuman precision and quickly notice minute allergic reactions that might otherwise go unnoticed, and swifter and more accurate documentation of medical reports.

She was also a natural at team work due to this, making her an invaluable teammate or leader in emergency situations, also capable of detecting and handling cases dealing with infections and viruses, and much more.

In the end, such an individual with great potential chose to become a nurse at the Rook City's Mortal Penitentiary.


"It sounds like it'll be interesting and fun."

Hearing her response, the prison warden nearly choked on her own saliva. Good thing she didn't die or her death records would have been quite funny... Or maybe not?

'Seriously? You declined those high paying offers for what? For fun? Better not let those whose offer you declined know about this.'

In any case, here she was barely a year later witnessing her first real case of an inmate having an "episode".

Usually they would be acting, trying to get checked into an institution for psychological care rather than going to that hell hole aptly dubbed as the "well".

She immediately rose to her feet and tried to carefully approach him in a way as non-aggressive as she could.

"Stephan." She addressed him by his name, rather than "inmate blah blah blah", a wise choice on her part. "Can you hear me?"

Yeah, no he couldn't hear her. He seemed to be in a world of his own, being force-fed visions of his family suffering different kinds of disheartening circumstances in his absence.

"Stop!" "Stop!" "I said! Stop it! Stop it now!!!"

Felicity, who had been just about to touch him, instantly jumped backward m, away from him.

Just then she had felt a surge of something erupt from within her patient's body. What exactly has changed? She did not know.

However, what at happened after he fell to his knees, proved her senses and instincts right.

With a face contorted in pain, he hunched over for forward, making his back have the ceiling.

His mouth was open but no sound was coming out of it. It was like he was having a silent scream, one probably linked to the pain he was enduring as his back began to split open.

From within, a pair of wings came out - and no, it was neither the bird-like angelic ones nor the bat-like demonic ones that most would expect.

They were actually...

'... B-btterfly wings?'

The hot nurse in black was shelll shocked, and quite rightly so.

What she was witnessing was an 'awakening', something that everyone goes through at some point in their life.

However, a lot of things were wrong... Very wrong with the situation.

Well, for one, it was not the fact that he was growing wings per say, since there were innumerable a quantity of people that had [Transformation Type] abilities; but the inherent peculiarity of his wings.

The way they constantly changed colors, that even she could not keep up with even with her ability, was beyond dazzling and breathtaking.

"So beautiful..." She muttered as she found herself entering a trance, failing to register the painful sounds that had finally started leaking out of her patient's mouth.

If she was in her right mind, she would have also been wondering how it was possible for a grown man to be undergoing an awakening.

It was como knowledge that most people started showing signs of their power by the age of 9 and by the age of 18 one would surely have undergone their full awakening.

At that point, one's potential paths in life were made clear as there would never be any further awakening beyond that age. The only thing that could be done then was to train to master the power and improve in how one utilizes it.

Also, another baffling fact was that this man had already had a full awakening at the age of 17, so he was set to never have one again.

It was a World level news-worthy miracle for him to finally have an awakening after the 18-year threshold but what if it was actually his second?

That would overturn what everyone knew as "common sense" so far!!

As she walked towards him with blank and lifeless eyes, like a robot, Hudson's pain slowly began to recee amd he was finally able to lift his head.

Looking in her direction, his eyes that had changed from brown to constantly-changing colors that matched his wings', had a crazed look in them.

He was definitely not in his right mind. He seemed to be like a feral animal controlled solely by his emotions and desires!

Felicity shuddered slightly once he gazed upon her, but it seemed to just be her body's conditioned reflex to the sense of danger. She was still lost in her trance, bewitched by the ability of his wings.

He didn't even wait for her to reach him, bed he shot to his feet and beelined for her, pinning her down on the floor.

The effects of the wings were not limited to the hypnotic pulsing lights but also the release of pheromones into the air.

Pheromones that he was also unable to resist.