
Twin Sugar Mommies X Cultivator

[WARNING! MATURE CONTENT!] Brief Synopsis/Alt Title: In This Superpowers World, I, Alone, Am A Cultivator - NSFW - Extreme Violence - Explicit - Not for squeamish - Mature language Action - Check Urban - Check Drama - Check Romance - Check Melons? - Check Battles - Check NTR - X Netori - Check Harem - Check Magic - X Cultivation - Check Superpowers - Check MC with System - X Rare bloodline - Check R*pe - X Using Hypnosis for S*x - X Incest - X - DISCLAIMER: This novel is not only about s*x and does not follow a degenerate MC that thinks about just that. There is an actual plot and storyline here but the smut aspect is the icing on the cake. Don't complain when there are no smut scenes every 3 chapters. Lol, there are h*ntai sites out there for a reason. could even recommend if you want (if you're over 18)... You shouldn't even be reading this if you aren't. --- BONUS CHAPTERS +1 Chapter Per Dragon Max Bonus per Week = 1 Chapters. Anything more will have to be transferred to the next week. E g. If I get 2 Dragons, I'll give 1 on the upcoming week and the last one will be given on the week after that.

VertiKalEl · Urban
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23 Chs

Balls of Steel X Dè Javù

Chapter Four: Balls of Steel X Dè Javù

Hudson already missed his love ones and would go back to them if he could, carrying the flag and torches of vengeance along with him.

But however much he wished for that to happen, lying on that cold floor he had had no other choice but to face the harsh reality that his time had come. It was the end of the road for him.

Well, at least that was supposed to be the case... Yet here he was, standing and breathing once again.

'What's going on? How am I... Alive?' he thought as he pinched his left palm with the fingers on his right hand to verify that he was indeed not hallucinating.

Before he could fully wrap his head around the situation, he felt the hairs on his body stand on ends as he ducked.

He felt a cool breeze pass overhead him. Probably, whatever was thrown at him was intended to hit him anywhere between his upper back and his head.

He was already shocked by the sudden attack but the words that came in tandem from the assailant were even more troublesome.

"Inmate R18! Why are you causing a ruckus again?!" An annoyed male voice came from behind him, accompanied by the heavy sound of thudding boots that drew closer by the second.

Hudson tried to turn around and quickly apologize about the situation, hoping to diffuse the incoming person's anger.

Judging by the situation, it was clear to him that he had gotten a second chance but as an incarcerated person - meaning that whoever was approaching him in that moment was likely one of those responsible for maintaining order in the prison.

Also, it seemed that whatever identity he had assumed now, had a less than stellar history seeing as the speaker had used the word "again".

Alas, by the time he turned around the prison guard was already standing before him, his fist flying directly towards his abdomen.


"Kuh!" With the instant pain that came with receiving that attack, he immediately bent over and clutched his stomach while coughing up some blood.

In fact, some tears had already started to well up in his eyes, threatening to spill down his cheeks at any notable stimulation.

'Damn it! Why does everyone fancy hitting me to be desirable today?!' he cussed inwardly at his fate. 'I think he cracked a rib or two. Agh!'

He did not even get the chance to recover at all before the prison guard grabbed him by the collar with one hand picked up the white baton that had landed in and scattered his meal.

Literally lifting Hudson off the ground by his collar, the man ensured that both of thier eyes were almost at the same level.

Looking up into his dark brown eyes, Hudson could only wonder what the previous owner of his identity had done to foster such great anger in the eyes of the guard.

The emotions on display were so intense it would be hard to imagine them being just for a simple case of causing some trouble.

Inmates in prisons would always cause trouble for their wardens and guards one way or another, so to elicit such an intense reaction from something as simple as a shout... doesn't that mean that those past "troubles" must have been equally intense?

'Ah! If I was going to be give a second chance, why put me in a situation where i might "randomly" die in my cell again?' he shuddered as he could vaguely picture the bald, very tall, and skinny guard strangling him to death.

'Hmm? Wait a minute.' he took a split second to double back and look down at the man's physique. 'How is he so able despite looking like all it would take is a random gust of wind to blow him away? He lacks so much fat that he might very well be capable of casually slipping through the openings in cell doors!'

His internal musings were interrupted by the feeling of blunt metal his skin, as the guard has pushed the baton against his chin, tilting his head upward so they were making eye contact again.

With great emotions in his voice, the guard shouted; "Damn lowlife! It seems that you're not satisfied after all the sins you have committed. Maybe your time in the well was not enough for you!"

"Since that's the case, let me take you back!"

As soon as the man spat those words, Hudson felt a bad premonition come over him, which was further validated by the whispered reactions from those behind him.

"Sigh! Here we go again..." Said one

"And he just got out of the well yesterday." Added another.

"It's his fault for crossing a Hero. Our black uniform says it all - we're the worst of the worst, but that's only amongst regular folks. He on the other hand dared to provoke a Hero." This one sneered, clearly amused by the incredulity of the deed they spoke of.

"But hey, got to give the guy some credit, haha! To be so bold as to go after a Hero's woman! He's got some balls of steel between his thighs!" This speaker had a notably high-pitched voice, akin to that of a child.

"Hmph! Frog chasing swan meat! With such an ugly face and disgusting physique I would do myself a favor and make myself a eunuch before feeding myself to the monster fishes in the Red Sea!" This last fellow had a particularly deep voice, sounding like a bouncer.

"Too true!" Commented the one with the high-pitched voice.

Every word he heard was like a hammer hitting his head, the insults like arrows to his heart.

However, he was more blindsided by the revelation of what his new identity was - a situation all to familiar to him - he was in jail for supposedly going after an influencial figure's woman!

De Javù!

Alas, before he could sort out his thoughts and figure out his next line of action based on the new found information, the guard withdrew the baton from his chin and mercilessly brought it down on his head, knocking him out.