
Twin Sugar Mommies X Cultivator

[WARNING! MATURE CONTENT!] Brief Synopsis/Alt Title: In This Superpowers World, I, Alone, Am A Cultivator - NSFW - Extreme Violence - Explicit - Not for squeamish - Mature language Action - Check Urban - Check Drama - Check Romance - Check Melons? - Check Battles - Check NTR - X Netori - Check Harem - Check Magic - X Cultivation - Check Superpowers - Check MC with System - X Rare bloodline - Check R*pe - X Using Hypnosis for S*x - X Incest - X - DISCLAIMER: This novel is not only about s*x and does not follow a degenerate MC that thinks about just that. There is an actual plot and storyline here but the smut aspect is the icing on the cake. Don't complain when there are no smut scenes every 3 chapters. Lol, there are h*ntai sites out there for a reason. could even recommend if you want (if you're over 18)... You shouldn't even be reading this if you aren't. --- BONUS CHAPTERS +1 Chapter Per Dragon Max Bonus per Week = 1 Chapters. Anything more will have to be transferred to the next week. E g. If I get 2 Dragons, I'll give 1 on the upcoming week and the last one will be given on the week after that.

VertiKalEl · Urban
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23 Chs

“Aren’t you going to take responsibility?” X “Carry on.”

TSM – Volume 1 – Chapter 19: "Aren't you going to take responsibility?" X "Carry on."

"But in exchange, I want you… I want you to be my bodyguard."

"…be my bodyguard."


Her words repeated themselves in his mind, on a loop, while also echoing. He was caught in a trance for a few breathes of time, only broken out by the feeling of someone's lips defiling his.

But they were so soft and they tasted like oranges…

'Hey, wait! That is not the point!' Once he snapped out of his stupor, Hudson immediately forced himself out of her embrace and skidded backwards.

There was an exaggerated bout of coughing from him before he spoke;

"You… What is wrong with you?!" a part of him felt guilty for enjoying the advances of a woman other than his beloved Chloe, while the more shameless side of himself was more embarrassed about the fact that he was supposed to be the one drafting a plan or two to seduce her, and yet… he seemed to be the one being seduced.

Those two inner voices aside, he also wondered; "How could you just kiss a stranger like that?! Is this behavior a norm in your world?"

Felicity, in response, slowly licked her bottom lip before answering with a question; "You really do believe that this is a world different from one you have known all your life…" she said. "Eh. How could I not be curious about that?"

Hudson furrowed his brows; "And what does that curiosity have to do with kissing me and asking me to be your bodyguard out of nowhere?!"

Felicity blinked several times in quick succession while donning an innocent demeanor and voice;

"What do you mean? Isn't it normal for a girl to seek solace and protection in the arms of a man whom she finds to be palatable? What does it matter if my quests for a bodyguard and a lover should normally have nothing to do with one another? Who says I can't find both in the same man?"

"Besides, aren't you going to take responsibility for me? Your hands were not exactly in family friendly places when you were carrying me, you know. Or… are you one to 'dine and dash'?"

Hudson had a look of exasperation appear on his face.

'How could she put it that way? D-dine and dash?!'

'More importantly, finding both a desirable lover and a bodyguard in me? What is wrong with this woman's head… I swear she did not come off as someone with a screw or two loose in her head when I first observed her. I mean, I am her abductor and one that said 'crazy things' about being from another world!'

[You were too busy scoping out her assets to have bothered analyzing her character… but, I do agree with your analysis. She had seemed ok in the head.] Bloodline-Kun chimed in.

'No one asked you.' Hudson inwardly growled before opting to reply to the brunette.

Ignoring the subtle smugness on her face, he said; "Listen, I apologize for taking you against your will. I must not have been thinking straight. However, that doesn't mean that you can just mess with me as you please."

"Even in those cheesy romantic dramas, the beautiful heroine doesn't usually fall in love with the would-be bodyguard upon their first meeting!"

Felicity approached him after mulling over his words for no more than four seconds.

Although he wasn't scared of her, he still took steps back that matched her pace.

With a deep exhale, she said; "Movies are scripted. This is real life and here, there are no rules and anything goes."

"If I say I want you as my knight then that is what I want. There is no screenwriter to control my heart to say otherwise. What? Do you think I am incapable of making my own decisions or do you suddenly not need a guide anymore? Give me your body and I can give you a lot of what this world has to offer."

She was trying to seduce him again, standing awfully close to him – so much so that he could clearly smell her breath (which was like oranges).

'Yeah, it isn't her lipstick. She definitely had something citrus-based.' He noted just before he sidestepped her.

With one swift motion, he took her by her waist and turned her around, pinning her to the wall.

With their faces merely a few fingertips away, he retaliated;

"Tut. Tut. I think you have got it backwards, my dear." He said, planting a kiss on her nape before continuing. "YOU will be the one giving yourself to me."

He hadn't noticed it, but the fairytale lover had her legs clenched together, her pants easily hiding how soiled her crotch had become because it was black in color.

She swallowed some saliva as she hallucinated the man before her being dressed in medieval knight armor and covered in sweat and grime after returning from a recent battle.

Yeah, everyone had their own 'preferences' and for her, this was one of the major ones.

Hudson planted a few more kisses on her, trailing down from her forehead down along her jawline until he met the barrier – the black clothes that covered her chest.

Sparing a hand while leaving the other in hers, fingers interlocked, he brought it towards her waist and abruptly shoved it under her shirt.

Caressing her smooth pale and flat abdomen along the way, his nimble and sturdy hand soon found its rightful place – on her left boob.

Locking intense gazes with her for a fleeting moment, he lunged his head forward like a starving wolf that had found fresh meat.

It was only a matter of seconds until this tongue was having a tango with hers.

Both of them rubbed their bodies on the other's, making it seem like they wanted to merge and become one.

And 'one' they would soon become indeed…

Alas, the universe had its own plans for them. Things did not go the way Felicity had hoped and expected.

Click. Creak.

The transmigrator-nurse duo's heads immediately snapped in the direction of a door that had just opened up.

"Goodness me." The mid-30s-looking man that had unintentionally interrupted their moment muttered in slight shock before a sheepish smile appeared on his face that was marred by unkept blonde beards.

He casually turned around and shut the door as naturally as he could, taking his floating bag of trash with him with a casual "Carry on."