

After she met up with her grandmother she decided to go back to Ashton's house her grandmother said she will take her to her new apartment after they meet up at Wayne enterprises, so she was excited

During dinner time Ashley asked the butler about Ashton but the butler said that Ashton could sleep over at the office this night, so she let it be

The next morning Ashley order some office attire to be delivered soon because she had to meet her grandmother at Wayne enterprises so she had to dress formal and didn't have any clothes here, soon the clothes arrived

Ashley wore black bell bottom trousers with a white inner shirt and a black suit she let her hair flow down to her back making her look professional and she left the house

She stopped in front of Wayne enterprises building, when she entered she asked the receptionist of the chairwoman office, the receptionist was confused at first but later told her thinking she was testing her

Ashley got into the public elevator making everyone on high alert thinking that she was screening everyone so everyone was serious

When she got to the top floor she saw a door and knocked after getting an answer she opened

"Good afternoon grandma" she greeted Elsa

"Oh you're here finally" Elsa said getting up from her seat

"Am I late"

"No dear come with me" Ashley followed Elsa she couldn't help but notice how elegant she was walking, she didn't even look like her age

Everyone in the meeting room was waiting for someone when the door open but everyone wasn't shocked by the person but the person behind her

"Ashley..." Alexa said and everyone broke into murmurs " What are you doing here?"

"Everyone take your seat" Elsa ordered and everyone sat "Ashley come sit here " Elsa pointed at the chair beside her " Where is John?" asked Elsa to Anna

" He isn't here ma'am " replied Anna

"Okay... so I called this meeting here today to announce that my grand daughter here will be the new COO " this shocked everyone including, she just asked for a job and she got this, and everyone broke into murmurs again

" So meeting adjourned " she said as she left and everyone behind her as Ashley was about to leave she heard Alexa say

"Ashley I can't believe you do this you really want to become my competition what a joke"

"What did you say"

"I mean, do you really want to become my competition Ashley because of it's that umm ohh sorry I forgot you can't even dream of becoming my competition"

"Alexa I really didn't know she was going to give me the-"

"We might be sisters but you will still be below me" she said as she walked out of the room, something in Ashley sparked when she said that

"She wants to start a war why two can play in this game" she said to herself as she left

Sorry for not posting as usual been busy

Happy new month Christmas is almost here and I'm planning a mass release so please Comment on the book if I make mistakes or any idea you have just comment about it will help me improve

Gerdine_Richardcreators' thoughts