

Inside the General managers' office, Alexa and the twins just entered

" How dare you walk into my office without knocking " Joshua shouted without even looking at who it was

"Sorry to bother you but I thought this was my office" Alexa said sarcastically as Joshua looked up and saw who she was

Joshua was the only one in the whole building that knew who Alexa was

" Sorry Miss CEO, I didn't know it was you " he said as he stood up and pulled out a chair for her " what brings you here "

" Joshua... right"she said as she looked at the name tag on his desk

" Tell me why, there was a fraud a few months ago in this branch"

"Ma'am I don't know what you are talking about" he said with a nervous tone in his voice, you can easily tell he's hiding something

" Cut the crap, I did some investigation and I know exactly who is responsible, take a look at this" she said as she handed him the documents she was holding and sat down with her legs crossed, as he went through it he was shocked at what he was seeing and didn't know what to say

" Boy's, get him out of my sight " she said as she signalled her bodyguards . Everyone saw Joshua being dragged out of the building and wondered what happened

" Anna, call the supervisor of this branch" she said as she faced Anna

" Okay boss" Anna said as she left the office


Meanwhile at the front desk, Carey and Ashley were having a friendly chat when Anna walked in

" Are you Carey James " Anna asked

" Yes, what can I do for you" Carey retorted politely

" Please can you follow me the boss is waiting for you" Anna said

" The boss, is it the person that is in Joshua office" Carey murmured but Ashley heard it

"Okay Carey said as she followed Anna