
Chapter 5: The Journey

Bhelen announced his decision to the people of Orzammar. He explained his reasons, his vision, his choice. He introduced me as his brother, his heir, his champion. He declared me as the first dwarf to join the Grey Wardens in centuries, a symbol of hope and courage for all Thedas.

The people cheered, clapped, cried. They praised Bhelen for his wisdom and generosity. They praised me for my valor and sacrifice. They praised Orzammar for its strength and glory.

Bhelen gave me his blessing, his crown, his sword. He hugged me, kissed me, whispered in my ear: "You are a true dwarf. You are a true prince. You are a true hero."

I thanked him, bowed to him, saluted him. I told him: "You are a great king. You are a great brother. You are a great friend."

We parted ways, with tears in our eyes and smiles on our faces. He returned to his throne, to rule Orzammar and lead its people. I left with the Grey Wardens, to fight the darkspawn and stop the Blight.

We began our journey, with hope in our hearts and faith in our souls. He stayed in Orzammar, to protect its walls and honor its traditions. I went to the surface, to explore its lands and face its dangers.

We were brothers. We were friends. We were heroes.