
Twin Moons of Eden: Online

Kira was just your average university student; study, eat, sleep, but to get away from it all, she indulged herself in videogames, specifically Full Dive MMORPG's of the Fantasy Genre, and a new entry into that long list of games was releasing today! Twin Moons of Eden: Online was a sequel to one of the most successful MMORPG's of all time, and that was Kira's favorite game, so now that there was a sequel releasing, of course she wanted to play it! To sink her teeth into the min-maxing glory of an RPG while playing with her friends and beating down her rivals! So when Kira entered her Full Dive Pod and logged into this new game, she began her journey in this new world, unaware that someone had decided that this game... wouldn't be just a game anymore. Hours passed by in blissful ignorance, until Kira was forcefully yanked back to one of the hundreds of starting towns and given a single announcement; everyone currently logged into Twin Moons was unable to leave, their minds uploaded into the game and locked there permanently, never to leave... unless, of course, they die. Then they would leave everything behind. Follow Kira as she starts her journey to survive in this new, dangerous world of Twin Moons of Eden: Online alongside the hundreds of thousands, if not millions of players that were now trapped alongside her. ~~~ Additional warnings : This is going to be a novel with Futanari, and Kira is a Futa. All relationships explored are between women and futa's only, so it is still Yuri in its entirety. No current plan on a romance path, but if I were to do one, it'd be a polycule of at MOST 3 other women + Kira, so no galaxy spanning Harems. Until I find a character I decide I want Kira to be with, she WILL be enjoying herself whenever she can with partners, and she'll be on both the 'Receiving' and 'Giving' ends, with a penchant for both Dom and Sub (She'll be a Switch) Give the novel a chance, give my other works a chance, and enjoy reading~!

Ketsueki_Hasu · Fantasy
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61 Chs


The journey to the city had been an uneventful and long one, with the only highlights being the occasional monster that happened across our paths and the beauty and serenity of the landscapes as we traversed north.

We were still 'south' enough to be in warm, temperate climates, but it was certainly cooler than it had been down in Qingrad, and I was surprised at how accustomed I had been to that heat, especially since the nights felt so very cold compared to the nights in Qingrad.

But... that might have been because I was sleeping alone again, that familiar warmth of the golden Dogkin gone, leaving me to hug a pillow to sleep as I got used to this sudden emptiness I felt.

I didn't think I loved her - and I am still certain that I don't - but to say that I was not saddened by this parting would be a lie; I really did miss her, not only for the passion we shared every night, but also for the silly, overblown stories she told or the jokes she would crack.

I missed Alessia, and I missed Paci too; they had helped me a lot during these draining, confusing times, and now I was alone once more, left in a foreign land with no one to watch my back and support me.

That just made the trip even longer, but it had only been five days in total; five days that dragged on far longer than twenty four hours, at least according to my mind, especially with the sleepless nights and marching.

But this was a march to new beginnings and a promising start in this fantastical and deadly world; it was a march towards stability and hope, a march towards the first real chapter of my life within this hellish reality I was in.

No matter what, I had to be positive, had to have hope and most importantly, had to stick to my decisions and not doubt myself; this was where I would make my beginning, this was where I could get stronger and become someone capable of living unhindered within the world.

That was what these five days meant, and it gave me time to think about everything that had happened, from the small things like my first monster kill to the big things like meeting Lokla and everything in between.

The message that had been sent to me upon reaching level 10, the realization that there had been so many others who had the same mentality as me... the reminder that there were others out here with me, others who had been forced into living inside this world...

What would it mean for this world, and more importantly... what would it mean to me?

How will the sudden influx of 'gamers' impact this world, and what events are they going to bring about when the weak minded lose control and begin to go on various rampages?

The increase in crimes committed on these people who were just 'NPC's', the hunting of other 'gamers' for no reason other than feeling threatened, the hope that somehow there was a way out of this 'game'...

All of that and more was plaguing my mind as we traveled to Verdanburg, but there was little I could do besides think on it as we walked; the Animus Wardens were silent the entire time, leaving me to just march and try not to go crazy as I was left with these towering, silent guardians who were ridiculously strong compared to the current me.

But time will pass no matter what, its unending march eventually putting my own to rest as we reached the city of Verdanburg, which to no ones surprise... was rather verdant, nestled amongst the forest and sporting banners that were a brilliant emerald green.

Stone brick walls rose above us, trying to match the height of the towering, thick trunked trees that shaded the entire area, only to fail miserably since they barely reached a third of the way up, but still...

They were easily thirty feet tall, and their base was laden in thorny vines that crawled out of a dark pit that surrounded the entire city, adding a layer of protection to a location that was otherwise rather penetrable considering said towering trees.

"Verdanburg... home of the Ordo Visus and a resource capital of the Dukedom, at least in terms of herbs and lumber. It's peaceful within the city walls, but try not to be outside of them at night. If you thought Yngrave was unforgiving..."

The Animus Warden beside me just shook their head before continuing forwards, towards the large gates that were protected by multiple ballista and mage towers, and the closer we got, the more detail I realized this city had. 

Each brick was engraved with magical wards, the wooden gates had scrollwork that was inlaid with magical metal alloy, the path itself was carefully covered by weeds and grasses that hid the runes below...

Everything about this city was fortified, and it was only when you looked closer and observed it in its intricacy that you could find those things and begin to piece together the masterfully crafted and laid out plan for this city, which only made me more curious about what was inside.

"Ah, you noticed the paths, walls and gate are all magical in nature? That gives me hope that you won't waste the Ordo's time! You'd be surprised by how many simply never realize they're walking on a masterpiece. We even had a recruit ask if we could come out and burn the weeds and grasses away!"

Another Animus Warden spoke up, snorting in amusement as they tapped the butt of their staff against the flagstones, revealing some of the runes before brushing the grass back into place.

"Well, welcome to Verdanburg, Kira. We'll be taking you to the facility of the Ordo, and after that, well... it's all up to you. Good luck, and may you bring fortune and prosperity to the Dukedom, and yourself."

Didn't realize it had been a month lmao, my bad~!

Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts