
Chapter 4 What was that?

Damon's P.O.V

As soon as I awoke from that dream I made a vow to protect her I wouldn't let her meet that Victoria person or kidnapp her so she then escapes and runs.

I can do it yea it'll be difficult and I'll have to convince her to come back with us.

But not impossible ether I just have to do it like a human would, go on dates with the girl.

I wonder if she'll date both of us and hang out with us both. It'll be hard if she didn't want us both or would think its weird to date us both.

But were hers and we love her and we'll never let her go. I can't let her go and I'm sure my brother feels the same way.

It's already after school so there's really no point in seeing if she's at the school or her house its almost midnight so I just went back to bed in my boxers and decided that she'd be ok until I can get to her tomorrow Morning.


Carmen's P.O.V

After getting home last night after Roxxie's excessive question's about my "Dream" I got changed, brushed my teeth and threw myself on my bed.

I was thinking if it was all true then why was I so nice to victoria? Maybe I'm just going crazy.

It could be a perfect coincidence that the same girl who was in my dream I met today.

She was hot,I'll give her that but if I believed one part of the dream the part about Victoria then that would mean all of its true the parts about the twins kidnapping me and other parts of the dream that I don't seem to remember.

This is all making my head hurt I got under the covers,plugged my phone in and went to sleep.

When I got up in the morning my headache was gone so before it came back I did my morning routine getting in the shower, washing my hair and body.

Once I got out and started drying my body my phone went off. I looked at the caller ID:Unkown. I had a quick debate weather I should pick it or not. I looked at the time and realized I was gonna be late and left my phone to finish getting ready.

I decided on a pair of skinny jeans and a plain black shirt. Didn't feel like dressing up today. Who cared anyways wheather I dressed up or not.

I finished brushing my hair gathering my things running downstairs, grabbed and apple and ran out the door to my car trying to not be late....again.

When I got to school I tried acting like everything was fine. And not like i was completely weirded out by my dream.

I headed straight for my locker grabbing my books for class.

"Hey whats up Carmen" Roxxie asked me tiredly from besides my

I grabbed my chest and replied "Good thanks for the near heart attack."

She giggled and walked away with "Thanks no problem."

I closed my locker and headed to 1st hour.


"Psst Hey Carmen." Someone behind me whispered tapping on my shoulder.

"Psst Carmen. Are you ignoring us?" Another voice whispered sounding alot like the first. I groaned to my self. The Twins.

"What do you want you two?" I snapped looking at both of them.

"We were wondering if we could take you on a date? Tonight?" Damion

"No" I replied sharply.

"Please let us try." Ryder begged

"Yea come on Kitten." Damion half begged like his brother.

I opened my mouth to answer when the bell rang. Thank God. They both tried to catch up as I got up and raced out of the room.

I raised my hand waiting for the teacher.

"Yes Carmen?"

"Can I go to the bathroom?"

"Sure make it quick please."

"Thank You."

I got up and rushed to the bathroom not realising how bad I had to go. When I was done and came out to wash my hands. I felt hands wrap around my waist.

"Hello Kitten." Someone whispered.


I looked in the mirror.

"Damion. W-wh-what are you doing." I stuttered out.

He started kissing my neck and roaming his hands over my covered breast. My breathe got stuck in my throat.

"Da-Damion. What are you doing?"

He kept kissing my neck.

"Shh kitten just sit back and relax." He replied huskly.

His left hand went and ventured under my shirt and cupped my left breast massaging it.

Took is right and slowly stuck in my pants my now wet pussy giving it to a massage threw my panties.

"Now listen kitten there's something you need to hear."

I opened my mouth to tell him I was listening but before I could he took is right and away and slipped it in my panties, and shoving two fingers in my wet hot core.

I stuttered out his name again looking at him threw the bathroom mirror.

"Now listen kitten my brother Ryder likes you he loves you and yes were twins but I'm the older twin. When you see him next your going to give him the good news."

Without notice I was spun around now facing Damion. I heard my pants being unbuttoned.

"Damion. No" I said grabbing his hands "the door." I finished.

He gave a husky chuckle.

"I locked it on my way in."

I blushed

In one swift movement my pants were down and my shirt was gone.

" Now I'm gonna give you what your craving little one after you tell me that you'll tell Ryder that you'll go on the date. Because of right now hes sad that you said no. And I dont like seeing Ryder sad." He said his fingers back to were they were before. Him sucking and kissing my neck giving me a hickey.

"Fine what ever." I replied rolling my eyes.

Damion turned me around and gave my ass a swift spanking.

"Do not give me attitude kitten. Try that again."

"Fine I'll go on that stupid Date with you." I said

"Since you wanna give me attitude" he replied huskly dropping to his knees taking my panties with him.

He started eating me out and me gripping the counter biting my lip trying not to moan.

He gave my a smirk and winked. I looked back to him confused.

He started going faster inserting to fingers pumping in and out. While he reached his other hand up and ripped my bra off. While he inserted a third going deeper inside my wet core.

"Damion faster I'm gonna cum." I was already hot and bothered before and needed a realise I sat whole 1st period and the ride here trying to get friction on the seat of my car. And my desk.

I whined when all of a sudden Damion stopped and yanked his fingers out.

"Maybe that will teach you to not give me attitude little one. Now get dressed so we can go tell Ryder the good news and by the way you don't want to find out what'll happen if you tell Ryder I made you." He gave a smirk and a wink.

He unlocked the door to the bathroom and walked out leaving me there stunned beyond belief.

That Fucker.

























Sorry for such the long wait. I had major writers block and I was moving.

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