
You miss him

Steve laughed as he rubbed his arm and turned to look at the river. "Come on. Let's go back. Alex and Max will be worried about you." he said, standing up and offering a hand to Alina. Alina blinked and looked around. It was true. It had almost been two hours since they left her home, the boys would definitely be wondering where she was. And she had skipped on the gun training, so she must get back in time for the morning sparring session.

"You're right." she said, standing up and dusting the back of her dress.

As they walked back to their homes, Alina turned to look at Steve's face. His golden hair had been tousled by the wind and he was walking with his hands in his pockets, and whistling with a smile on his lips. That was one of the things she adored about Steve, you could tell by looking at any feature of his face how happy he was, not just his mouth.

Though his mouth was curved into an 'o' to whistle, he was smiling with his whole face. Especially his eyes. You could instantly tell what Steve was feeling just by looking at his eyes. And once you looked into them, you were gone. They were so pure, so kind and so full of love. No one could help falling in love with them once you looked into them.

Alina blinked when Steve turned those eyes on her. "What are you thinking?" he asked. Alina was sure a blush had creeped on her cheeks and she averted her gaze. She shook her head and walked a little faster, hoping that Steve had missed how red her face had gotten.

The two reached Alina's doorstep and Steve waved his hand. "I'll see you later, don't forget about dinner." he said, stopping on the lowest porch step. Alina blinked and a strange emotion gripped her heart. She didn't want him to leave, she realized with a start. "Don't you want to come in?" she asked. Steve waved his hand. "I can't. Promised mother to help around the house." he said, sounding genuinely sorry.

Alina nodded and gave him an uncertain smile before turning and walking through the door. She closed the door and leaned against it, wondering what was happening. She clutched her shirt just above her heart, "What is this weird feeling?" she whispered.

"If I have to guess, I will say you miss him." Alina jumped up at the sound of her brother-in-law's voice. "And if I have to guess, I will say that you won't survive the night." Alina replied, letting go of her shirt and walking in the house. Max chuckled before following Alina inside. He knew he was right by the way Alina had responded. She took to threats and sarcasm only when someone told her something she didn't want to accept. And Max was not really scared of her now.

He still thought she could kill him whenever she wanted. Oh, he had no doubt regarding how dangerous the woman was, but knew that she was also a kind person at heart. And she fiercely protected and cared for the ones she loved deeply. Max had come to love Alina like his own sister, and she had actually accepted him as family just the other night.