
Still angry?

Alina was humming to herself as she buzzed around the kitchen.

She was happy today, really happy. Steve was coming for lunch today, he had been to the city for a few days, selling the produce his family had produced on their farm.

He had also taken the potatoes she has grown on her land to sell with him, sparing Alina the need to go to the city herself.

Alina turned around surprised when she heard the doorbell. Did Steve come back early? Alina wondered as she gave herself a passing look in the mirror, tucked a loose strand of her hair and opened the door.

Alina was positively shocked to see an unknown man supporting her brother who looked like it was an effort to stand up straight. She stared from Max to Alex, who opened his mouth to say something. But before he had the chance, Alina snapped, "No." And she shut the door in their face.

Outside, Alex and Max stared at each other.

Max: "...."

Alex: "....."

Max chuckled softly, "She seems.....nice."

Alex sighed, "Ring the bell again."

Max rung the bell again but there was no response from inside. He continued and after the fourth ring, the door opened and they were greeted by a flying ladle.

It was good that Max's reflexes were good. He caught the ladle but Alex's hand slipped from around his shoulders in the commotion.

Just as Max was repenting his mistake and anticipating a thud as Alex landed on the floor, Alina was seen in the doorway supporting Alex.

"Why are you here?" she asked him with narrowed eyes.

"Nice to meet you too." Alex said with a smile.

Alina sighed and led him in. She turned around and said, "Come in now that you're here. And do bring the ladle in." She tossed the words to Max and went in.

Max went in to see Alina standing with her arms crossed in front of Alex.

She raised an eyebrow as she looked between the two of them, "So what's the deal? You guys here for your honeymoon or something?"

Max: "....."

Alex laughed, "You haven't changed a bit, have you Alina?"

Alina narrowed her eyes, "Well someone had to stay the way they were. Not everyone could go away somewhere in search of some great pursuit."

Max was offended and was about to say something when Alex stared laughing.

"You're still angry. Aren't you?" he said, wiping away his tears of laughter.

Alina waved her hand and turned her head away. Alex took this time to look carefully at Alina. He commented after a minute, "You might not have changed, but you do look a lot different."

Alina looked at him and tilted her head, "Really?"

Alex smiled his big brother smile, "Yeah. You.....look like a woman."

Max thought Alina's temper would fare again at this. So he was very surprised to see her supress a chuckle, "Is that supposed to be a compliment?" she asked.

"I meant it that way." Alex said.

Alina waved her hand and had reached Max in a flash, taking the ladle from his hand.

"Now that you are here, stay for lunch. I will toss you out after that." Alina tossed these words and walked out of the room towards the kitchen.