
I can read minds

She threw away the stick of the finished lolipop and asked, "So, where is the target? And what about guns?"

Alex: "....."

Max: "....."

Alex shook his head, "Why are you so intelligent."

Max frowned and asked, "How did you know we would be practicing shooting?"

Alina crossed her arms and said, "It was obvious. I can read minds."

Max: "...." Alex laughed aloud clutching his stomach. "I've always wondered that." Alex spoke.

Alina chuckled and said, "Well I kind of heard Max talking on the phone. Plus, do you think I would ever forget this spot?"

Alex looked around and laughed. Alina had always hated coming here. This was the spot they practiced shooting.

"And lastly, Max told me not to work my upper body too much these past few days. It all adds up." Alina finished as she sat on the grass.

Alex shook his head and Max muttered, "I think she actually might be a mind reader." and went away.

Left alone, Alina placed her head on Alex's knee and spoke, "Say, big brother. Are you a great shooter?"

Alex stroked Alina's long hair and spoke, "The best there is. Do you know what is my aka?"

"Hawkeye?" Alina asked, closing her eyes.

Alex: "....." "Can you actually read minds!?!?" he exclaimed.

Alina chuckled, "Of course not silly. It's just. . . the name Hawkeye suddenly got famous a few months after you went away. The description and timing all matched."

Alex shook his head and absent-mindedly stroked Alina's head.

"Say, big bro?" Alina spoke suddenly.

"Hmm?" Alex asked. He loved it when Alina called him big bro. It was because she rarely did, whereas he had the habit of calling her baby sister always.

Alina removed her head from Alex's lap and took his hand in her's. She stroked the new wedding ring and said, "Do you like your life now?"

"What do you mean?" Alex asked.

"Your current life. Ever since you came back. Do you like it?" Alina asked.

"I love it." Alex replied with a huge grin.

Alina looked up into Alex's brown eyes and spoke, "Why are you so bent on taking it from me then?"

Alex was a little taken aback and didn't know how to reply. Taking Alina's life? Maybe that was actually what he was doing.

He would die very soon, but if you actually saw the complete picture, it would really be Alina who would be dying.

Alina would take over Alex's life and live it. And her name would probably be removed from everywhere. She would become Alex Flame. There was no other way to fool the Viper Cartel.

"There is no other way." Alex replied in a small voice.

"That is not true and you know it!!!" Alina exclaimed and stood up.

Alex looked up at Alina's face and she continued, "The contract would let you go if you died! No one would get implicated if you died during duty!! Hell!!! They would probably give you a grand burial and Hawkeye would be remembered as a legend!!!! Then why!?!? Why do I need to go live your life!!!"

Alina was panting by the time she finished.

She turned around and spoke in a small voice, "I love you Alex. I've never done anything other than that. I've never hated you. Then why. . . .?" Her voice cracked and she walked away among a group of trees.