
Twin Cities: Hero Witness System

“You ask who I am?” “Good question, friend!” He stood in front of her, spat out the yellow sand in his mouth, raised his hands high over his shoulders, and said proudly: “I am the boss of the gutter in Zaun, the ninth member of the Piltover Council. I am the honorary hero of Bilgewater.” “What have I done?” “I once set a fire in the stone forest of Demacia, and also compared heights with the dwarfs in Bandle City.” Standing in front of her, he spoke eloquently. “And now, I have met you in the sand-filled Shurima.” “Alright, lady, I have finished speaking, so can you put away your weapon first?” //translator note Hello, I’m currently translating a fanfiction from mtl and I’m planning to use ChatGPT to correct it. I’m posting it here because it makes it easier for me to read. This fanfiction is about someone who got transported to the world of Arcane (you know, from League of Legends?). Someone has already translated it and you can find it by searching for the title “Arcane: Champion Witness System”. You might want to read it there because they were the first to do it. However, I couldn’t wait any longer, so I decided to translate it myself. // The original author is [子梓木] ZiXingMu and the link to this book is https://www.69shuba.com/book/39724.htm //for the mtl: www.mtlnovel.com/twin-cities-hero-witness-system/ P.S i'm gonna copied chapter 1-85 from TypicalFicEnjoyer6 cause im lazy sorry about that brother.

JikoxChatGpt · Video Games
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104 Chs

Chapter 76: She's a good person!

Walking on the outskirts of Shurima, Lin Wen has lost count of how many small villages he has visited.


"Should I just give up and go back?"

Exiting a small desert village of a few dozen people, Lin Wen's eyes twitch as he spots another group of fleeing nomads in the distance.

Observing this, Lin Wen falls silent, but quickens his pace towards the nomads.

Encountering Shuriman nomads fleeing is good; it indicates danger in the vicinity. Near the border of Shurima, close to the Icathia region, the likely danger is Void creatures. And where there are Void creatures in Shurima, there's a good chance Kai'Sa has left her mark.

Kai'Sa is someone Lin Wen needs to befriend not only because she hails from the Void and understands it but also because Kassadin stands behind her.

The future's biggest enemy on Runeterra is undoubtedly the Void. Although Lin Wen isn't sure how long he'll live, considering the cosmic background, he lives in tumultuous times. 

Lin Wen roughly knows the major events of the next twenty years, but what happens beyond that? The designers seem to have compressed all major events into these few decades.

The Watchers breaking free in the Freljord, Void power lurking in the seas, the return of the Shuriman emperor, the Ruined King... Lin Wen feels he can't compare to these events.

Anyway, Lin Wen realizes he might not be able to help much in case of trouble, but it's always wise to establish connections with powerful individuals. 

Among these champions, only a few can truly be considered kind-hearted. Vi and Powder are not exactly benevolent – one is lawful neutral, and the other leans towards chaotic evil. Indeed, without Lin Wen's influence, Powder would be a notorious criminal.

That's why someone like Kai'Sa, an inherently good champion, is an excellent choice for making connections. Lin Wen plans to meet her when leaving Shurima, aiming to establish a casual acquaintance. Kai'Sa's strength and resilience impress Lin Wen, and her background as a fierce warrior against Void creatures adds to her appeal.

However, finding Kai'Sa is no easy task, considering Shurima's vastness. Lin Wen reflects on her combat strategy against the hordes of Void creatures, emphasizing her continuous battles and evasive maneuvers. Despite knowing her general whereabouts, locating someone in the vast Shuriman desert, especially someone constantly engaged in guerrilla warfare, proves to be an immense challenge. Lin Wen can only imagine the hardships Kai'Sa faces in her relentless fight against the Void.

Regardless, facing the Void is an inevitability.

Lin Wen made a promise with Vi and Powder to return this Progress Day. Looking at the time, there's less than two months.

If he doesn't find Kai'Sa's trail in half a month, Lin Wen will have to prepare to leave Shurima. Making friends with Kai'Sa will be much more challenging then.

Lin Wen thinks of one thing—he did consider the timing of Kai'Sa's appearances. Yes, she often appears in the large desert area around Shurima these years. Lin Wen traced her tracks from various nomadic villages.

Her method is to retreat while fighting, circling around the Void creatures, trying to keep them confined and away from the outside world.

After all, if he has to come back to find her later...

Haha, who said that Kai'Sa frequently appear in the vast desert around Shurima in these years!

With a heart full of frustration, Lin Wen heads towards the group of fleeing nomads.

However, to his surprise, these nomads don't look like typical refugees, unlike the groups Lin Wen encountered before.

The men are robust, the women wear well-made leather clothing, and they carry various weapons.

On the back of a trailing wagon, Lin Wen sees a little girl in low spirits and a man comforting her—presumably her father?

"Hey, hello, I'm Lin Wen, a traveling merchant from Bel'zhun."

Lin Wen approaches, smiling, and starts a conversation with the man.

The wagon moves slowly. Doton looks up, glances at Lin Wen, and immediately says, "We're not planning to buy anything, sir. As you can see, we're on the run."

"I just wanted to ask what happened to you."

Lin Wen has said this phrase countless times.

Lin Wen tries to remain friendly, speaking with sympathy. "I've seen many fleeing nomads on my way here. They all said they left their homes because they encountered monsters."

"They're not wrong," Doton nods. "You should leave this place soon. It's no longer safe here."

"Because that monster—"

Before Doton can finish, the little girl beside him exclaims, "Dad, I told you, she's not a monster!"

"She saved me!"

"Doma, that's because she hasn't turned hungry yet! They've seen her eating people! You saw it too—she can summon those monsters!"

"That's all a lie! She's not with them; she's with us. Why won't you believe me, Dad? She saved me and even gave me food and water. Without her, you wouldn't see me again!"

"Enough, Doma." The man's face turned grim.

But Lin Wen, on the side, listens attentively.

Finally, I found her! The little girl and her father speaking are unmistakably Kai'Sa!

Quickly grabbing a bunch of supplies from his bag, Lin Wen casually places them on the wagon. Without waiting for the man to react, he immediately asks the little girl, "Doma, where is she now?"

"What do you want to do?" Doma looks at Lin Wen warily. Everyone believes Kai'Sa is a threat, but not Doma.

Kai'Sa is a good person; she's incredibly gentle!

Doton swallows nervously. "Sir, your supplies? I may not afford them."

"No need to buy. Just answer my question, and they're yours."

"Okay." Doton nods immediately, but Doma, next to him, grows furious. "Dad! You can't do this!"

Doton covers Doma's mouth, looking at Lin Wen. "We saw her to the east of Domo Village. Head in that direction." Doton points to a place. "After dozens of miles, you'll reach a village. Keep going east for about seven miles, and you'll find her there."

"When was this?"


Lin Wen nods, smiling. "Alright, they're yours."

Turning to walk towards the direction Doton mentioned, Lin Wen can't wait any longer.

But a voice from behind stops him in his tracks.

He looks at the little girl, who's having a disagreement with her father, and says, "Doma, don't worry."

Doma looks at Lin Wen, puzzled.

Lin Wen smiles and says, "I know Kai'Sa; I'm her friend."

Upon hearing this, Doma's face transforms from distress to relief.

She asks Lin Wen loudly, "You know her?"

"Yes, I know her," Lin Wen replies.

"She's a good person!"

Lin Wen nods affirmatively, laughing, "You're right; she's a good person."