
Twilight world

Nightcorex9 · Fantasy
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3 Chs



"JACK!!!" I screamed.

The tornado on Jack's palm disappeared, and he dropped on his knees shocked. I got up and ran to help him. I grabbed his shoulder and shook him.

"Dude, are you alright?"

He looked baffled, and just sat there in silence for a few minutes. Wtf! His timer? His lifespan has increased by two years. This has never happened before you.



"Whatever happened here--- was real, right?"

"It did. But the fuck the happened?"

"The ritual worked."

I fell on the grass. This feeling is overwhelming me. Am I like Jack too? We just sat there trying to calm ourselves and then Jack spoke. "It's true. Whatever was in the book, was true."

"Let's get out of here," I said while trying to calm myself.


"Let's just get off here. Whatever happened? We will talk about back home. Now, let's just get out."

"Right" he gasped. We got up went back to James's house. For some reason, Jack was shivering through the entire way.

We went back to Jack's room and just sat there, in silent.

"It's true," Jack spoke. He believed that the book was true but looks like this experience also shook him.

"The gods are real."

"It means Varks..."

"Varks are also real, and I am one now."

"Holy fuck"

This has been an overwhelming experience for both of us. We were just trying to do some crazy ritual, and now this. Should I tell him about my secret? Nah.Wait...

"Jack! "


"According to the book, gods destroyed all the Varks during that time. Then, who wrote the book?"

Jack thought and answered, "The Varks who could rival gods were killed by Zeus, normal one's power got sealed due to Aphrodite. Some may have survived or the knowledge of the ritual may have been passed down through books."


"Does that mean?"

"If gods are still here, I might become their target."

"Fuck!" I started punching the wall in frustration.

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

"Damien, stop punching the wall," Jack said while massaging his head.

"We are in deep sh*t," I said while leaning on the wall. Maybe not? If I am like him then why am I alive?

"Does the book mention anything about gods?"

"Yes, it does. Let's take a look." Jack sat on his hair, the book was still there, as we left it.

"Gods are divine spirits, their origin is unknown. No one knows where they came from. Who or whatever they were? Gods are immortal, they cannot be harmed through mortal means. Like varks, gods have their own domains. Zeus, the King of Olympus is the mightiest of all, no god or vark could harm him. His domain is lighting, if it wasn't for Gaia's restrictions; he could destroy Heaven and Earth."

"Heaven and Earth?"

"They referred the entire world as Heaven and earth, that means..."

"Zeus could destroy the entire planet."

If all of this is true, we are deeper shit than expected. Jack sighed and continued.

"As a vark or god grow stronger, they gain resistance toward other domains. Aphrodite the Goddess of Love, her power to make someone fall in love with another will only work on someone weaker than her."

"So, that's why none of the varks could defeat Zeus. Anything else?"

"Rest of pages about gods are damaged, I couldn't translate them."

We need more information, what about? "What about your tornado thing? Does the book mention anything about that? And about the domains?"

Jack looked at some translated pages and started reading them, "There are five domains mentioned here called five great elements. A vark of the great elements could use prana produced from the soul as a nervous system. I don't know what prana is

A vark of four elements could feel and control elements as if it were a part of his own body. Each element has different functions.

Wind governs movement.

Earth governs inertia and cultivation of energy.

Fire governs entropy and heat.

Water governs control over fluids."

I looked at him with awe, "Dude, you can basically use telekinesis."

"But, I don't know how?"


"That little tornado that was able to push me back. How did you do that?"

"I don't know? I just felt some strange sensation coming from my core. It spread across my body then into the air, I felt the air as a part of myself."

"Just like the book said. Do you feel anything different?"

"Yes, it's like a pool of water is in my core. I feel like I could draw power from it."


I was pushed back on the wall, not only me but everything in the room got pushed back. A wave of wind just blew me.

"What was that?" I asked while stroking my back.

Damn, it's painful.

"I tried to draw power," Jack answered with an awestruck look. "What should we do now?"

Damn, this is all confusing. My friend is now some kind of mortal god, there is a chance gods will try to kill us.

"We will discuss this in the morning, I am getting a headache."

Looks like he can read my mind.

"You are right. I'll be down in the guest room."

I got up and left the room. I am getting a headache, some part of my brain couldn't comprehend what happened.


4 am

I was not able to sleep. I looked at the bathroom mirror to observe my tired face.


I splashed some water on my face. It's 4 am, I am trying to sleep while my Supernatural friend is sleeping in his room. Fuck my life.


That scream just came from Jack's room. Fuck this! I ran upstairs, in front of the room's door.




"Jack! Open the door!"


I keep banging the door until I heard Jack's voice.

"Break the damn door."

Yes, fuck it. I kicked the door with all my strength.


The door opened to reveal a ghoulish creature in front of me. Grey; dried up corpse-like skin, scrawny body, long limbs, hairless and those full black eyes.

He opened his mouth, revealing shark-like teeth and started screeching. I was mortified and couldn't move. The creature jumped on me with his mouth aimed onto my face.



A force hit the creature into the wall. I knew this was Jack's power.


Jack screamed and jumped off the bed. My survival instinct kicked in, and I ran out of the house for my life. I didn't look behind and just ran out of the house.

I reached the locked front door and started kicking it. It was tougher than the first one.

"Back off."

I heard Jack's voice from behind me. I stood aside and Jack waved his hand at the door.

A wave of strong wind ripped the door apart.

"Let's go." Saying this Jack ran out of the door. I followed him from behind. We finally jumped off the fence to escape.

I gasped for air and looked at Jack.

"What the fuck was that?!"

He said with a confused look, "I don't know."

"How the fuck did it entered?!"

"I was trying to use my powers to push the air molecules like an air cannon, Outside the window. Then I sat on my bed to comprehend this shit and that thing just jumped in."
