It was a few weeks later and Jacob had discussed his change with his dad, along with Harry Clearwater. The elders insisted he had the tribal wolf tattoo on his shoulder to honour tradition. Jacob was more than happy to oblige, thinking it was a cool tattoo.
He had informed them of the vampire he killed in the woods causing both the elders to panic when they realised the body hadn't been burnt. Instantly grabbing Jacob the three of them tracked the body down together and thoroughly burnt it.
Jake began taking patrols across his new territory keeping an eye and nose out for vampires. He was surprised to learn that more vampires came through Washington then he first thought, but almost always avoided him with ease. There was too much land to cover and only one of him. Unless he got lucky like he did with the blonde woman, Jake wouldn't be killing vampires any time soon.
To Jacobs relief it wasn't long before Sam and Leah showed signs of phasing. He had informed Billy and Harry about the duo and they agreed to tell them before the transformation was completed.
It was dark out and Jacob currently stood in his back yard with Leah, Sam, Billy and Harry.
"So, why are we here? And why are you shirtless Jacob?" Sam asked in confusion.
Although it was only a few weeks since they'd seen each other, Sam had already grown to be taller than Jacob. This was because Sam was older than him by 4 years and was going through the phase.
"Can we hurry this up please? Sam and I have a date later." Leah voiced in irritation.
Billy Black smiled calmly as he spoke, "Im sorry to have called you out here so late, but I take Henry has told of our tribes legends?" Despite his countenance, Billy's voice was laced with nervousness.
The couple nodded their heads, not expecting fairy tales to play a part with why they were here.
Harry took a deep breath before revealing what he knew would change his daughters life for good, "They're true, all of it. The spirit warriors, the cold ones. It's all true. They have returned to La Push and Jacob was the first to change, and it's obvious you're next." He blurted out in a single breath.
For seconds muteness dominated the area until Sam and Leah broke the silence by making their displeasure of Jacob, Harry and Billy wasting their time clear.
Jacob grunted in annoyance and turned to face the two elders, receiving a nod in response. Not waiting for anything else Jacobs body began to vibrate erratically as it produced a minuscule amount of steam.
His body and shorts burst apart as a giant wolf took his place. Shaking his fur Jacob stood at his full height, surprising even Harry and his father.
Leah fell on her behind, scrambling away whilst Sam stumbled backwards, but managed to stay on his feet. Both of them had looks of shock and speechlessness.
"HOLY SHIT!!" Leah screamed.
After calming them down for over 10 minutes Jacob phased back just behind the tree line, where he left an extra pair of clothes, and began to explain the situation to Leah and Sam.
They told them that cold ones had briefly returned to La Push and caused the gene to be triggered in the three of them. Billy made sure to remind them that Jake was the rightful alpha, and that he had killed a vampire solo. Neither of them had a problem with him leading, even with the age disparity, the responsibility was not something they desired. These were the teen version of the characters after all.
Unlike what Jacob assumed would happen, Leah and Sam were less angry with their situation and more excited. Hearing that the stories they had been told held truth, in addition to Jacob having fought and killed a real life vampire, and that they'd soon be joining him. The prospect of it all had their blood boiling.
Even the stoic Sam had a smile on his face, "How long will it take us to phase?" He asked impatiently.
Everybody chuckled at their eagerness, "It took me around a month, so you guys probably have a few weeks left" Jacob replied.
He was initially confused as to why these to were so different from canon, but after giving it some thought it made sense. Right now they were 16 year old teens, not the mature 19-20 year olds they were canon, and without Emily in the picture Leah wasn't nearly as bitter.
Although they were disappointed the two still continued to ask questions until Billy forced them to go home and get some sleep.
It was towards the end of the month that Jacob was resting in bed at night when he heard loud howls come from woods.
His body tensed in realisation. In swift movement Jacob got up, jumped through his window, sprinted towards the tree line and phased. Fortunately he made a habit of sleeping naked, not seeing the point of wearing clothes to stay warm.
Sprinting through the trees he followed the noise. A minute into running and he soon smelt an unfamiliar scent, completely different from a vampire.
Jacob soon found two massive wolves, only slightly smaller than him, playing in a small river. The wolves greatly contracted each other, the first wolf having pitch black fur and the smaller one being a snow white colour. As he got within a certain distance Jacob felt a mental connection be made between the three of them.
He couldn't just hear their thoughts, but see them as well. He knew what they had done yesterday and the day before, there was truly no privacy between the three of them. As the undisputed alpha, Jacob was the only one who could hide his thoughts.
As the alpha Jacob could give absolute commands to his pack, this was how Sam forced the canon Jacob to keep the shifters a secret from Bella. Once an Alpha shape-shifter gives orders to members of his pack, his orders are obeyed blindly. The pack members cannot directly disobey commands even if they are in disagreement. This ability, however, is limited to pack members and cannot influence a genetic Alpha shape-shifter. After gaining experience Jacob was able to disobey Sam in canon as a genetic Alpha.
As his second in command Sam had the same ability over Leah and as third in command she would have over any future members.
However, what shocked him most is what he saw in their thoughts. Some how Sam and Leah imprinted on each another. The only explanation Jacob had was after blocking his link to Emily, Sams wolf went for the next best thing, Leah. This in turn caused her to react and imprint on him. He might be wrong, but it was truly the only thing he could think of.
"Jacob! Is that you?!" He heard a loud voice echo in his mind, followed by a low grow from Leah.
Turning to her in surprise he tried to think back, "Yeah it's me. How long have you guys been out here?" He asked, already knowing the answer.
"About an hour, we've been playing non-stop, but we couldn't figure out how to turn back.... Mind lending us a hand chief?" Sam asked, clearly wanting to figure out phasing soon.
Amusement filled Jacob as realised Sam had been trying to phase for a while. "What's the rush Sam? We've still got plenty of time, let me teach you the patrol routes." Not waiting for a reply he turned around and sprinted in the other direction, followed by his new pack.
Jacob had initially been surprised when he realised just how big their territory was. After the seemingly endless trees were mountains and more trees, followed by a massive lake with a river going through all of it. Fortunately their powerful senses covered a lot of land for them.
After spending over an hour in the wilderness, Jacob taught them to phase back and the trio returned to their homes. Naked.
After phasing Jacob insisted on frequent training sessions. One of them would stay in their human form and fight the other whilst they were a wolf, this way they could experience fighting humanoids and be better prepared for vampires. Slowly but surely the weeks went by and the pack had fallen into a consistent routine.
With the extra help it wasn't long until one of them stumbled across a vampires scent during patrol and this time it was Sam. They hadn't learnt to recognise the smell, but after describing it to Jacob who wasn't far the alpha realised what it was.
Jacob ordered Sam to follow the scent whilst he caught up. With a loud howl he took off in his betas direction. The howl was to get Leah's attention, hoping she'd phase and join them.
"What's up?" A voice echoed on their minds, Leah had finally phased.
"Sams got a vampires trail" He growled, the simple response being enough.
Jacob eventually caught up with Sam due to his superior speed. And the duo followed the scent whilst Leah made her way. Jacob could smell more than one vampire, and warned the others.
Eventually they reached a clearing in which the smell was most potent. Raising his head Jacob saw three different vampires leaping through the trees. They trio clearly didn't take them seriously and continued to jump around whilst watching from above.
Not waiting any longer Jacob lowered his body and flexed all his muscles, much to the amusement of the vampires, clearly having seen through his plan. Deciding to enjoy the show they stopped moving and stood still on separate branches.
With a low growl, Jacob leapt into the air with all his might, easily clearing the distance between him and the closest target. The vampires were clearly shocked at the shifters ability to jump so high whilst in its wolf form. The shock was enough to give Jacob time to clamp onto the ankle of one vampires and drag him down to where Sam, and Leah who had just arrived, were waiting.
The 'young' ginger man didn't even get a chance to fight back as he was torn apart by all three of them within a matter of moments. Leah had ripped his entire arm off, whilst Sam took his leg and Jacob the head. Looking back at the other two Jacob have a mocking bark.
The other two, engulfed in rage, jumped down and rushed towards Sam and Leah seeing them as the easier targets.
In retaliation the two charged toward the leeches whilst Jacob stood back, watching the fight. He knew they were stronger as a pack, but these two were his second and third in command. They had to be capable of soloing a vampire. He'd intervene if anything went wrong.
The 'older' looking vampire greeted Leah with a powerful kick to head, only causing her to stumble to the vampires surprise. Capitalising on her moment of weakness the vampire reached out to put his arms around her neck.
Unfortunately for him though this particular move was one Jacob had relentlessly trained them for. He remembered that vampires loved to use their large physique against them by grabbing onto their necks and made sure they were prepared for it.
Seeing him about to grab her neck, Leah bit down on his outreached hand rather than the obvious head or torso, which is what he had clearly expected. Applying a little force she completely severed his hand. An agonising scream of pain escaped his lips before the majestic white wolf went for the neck.
Not too far away Sam and the large, 'young' man were using a more upfront approach. It was a contest of strength, simple. They rolled around and tried to cause as much damage to one another as possible. Sam was easily dominating.
The vampire had already lost chunks of his body including, bits of his chest, arm and leg. Sam was just toying with him at this point. Hearing a voice in his head he knew it was time to finish up. With a burst of speed Sam slammed the enemy into the ground and tore his head off.