
Twilight Terrors: The Blade Possessed

Against the backdrop of a world besieged by darkness and teetering on the brink of chaos, an ancient evil stirs, eager to breach the confines of shadow. Noah, a young and untested hunter, steps into the fray, embarking on the journey from novice to master of the hunt. His path takes a fateful twist during a vicious battle where he becomes bound to a demon, an incident that grants him unholy powers. Now, wielding these dark gifts, he confronts fiends, seeks counsel from sorcerers, forms bonds of kinship, gathers treasures, and roams the rural expanse... As he navigates encounters with the supernatural and unearths long-lost secrets, Noah is constantly fighting for survival in an ever-shifting world. With demonic power comes the lure of corruption. Former foes become reluctant allies, sharing a bond tighter than blood. What destiny lies ahead for this hunter who has become both the predator and the companion of demons? This tale of power, temptation, and alliance will grasp American readers, leading them through a labyrinth of intrigue to an ending as unpredictable as the world Noah battles to save.

yong_wang_2855 · Fantasy
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103 Chs

The Tent

After his sword practice, Noah sat resting by the side. The late autumn evening brought a chilling wind that cut to the bone. Noah watched the flames in the bronze brazier outside the tent, nearly extinguished by the gusts, only to roar back to life when the wind relented, the fire reaching skyward with renewed vigor.

The soldiers were noisy, engrossed in dice, cups, and cards, their banter punctuated by occasional outbursts over trivial matters. Yet nobody dared to come to blows. Rocher's elite captains patrolled the camp with such authority that everything quieted down at their approach. The soldiers would bow their heads in silence, avoiding eye contact with the captains who bore Rocher's crest of a rampant lion cross, distinct from the green hyacinth insignia of Greywood Hall. These were Rocher's personal guard, separate from the common soldiers of the land.

But what use would they be against a demon, Noah wondered. Demons pierced straight to the heart, bypassing all armor and shields to test the very soul. In their presence, the demon's horrific visage would bury into the soldiers' minds, shrieking until they were driven to madness, their psyche shattered, willing to surrender their selves to become the demon's servants.

Humans can't stand against demons, only I can, Noah pondered. But how can I convince them?

"Hey, Noah," Prox beckoned to him.


"You fancy women? At your age, lads are usually full of such thoughts. When I was your size, all I could think of was women's busts and behinds," Prox shifted the conversation so abruptly that Noah was caught off guard.

"Women? No, I haven't..." Noah stammered a response.

"Nonsense!" Gladius roared inside Noah's head, enraged, "You lie! Your subconscious is filled with base reproductive urges."

Really? Am I a lech pretending to be a devoted demon hunter? Noah's thoughts tangled. Yet, the two were not mutually exclusive.

"We organized some camp followers to have a good time, but then Lady Rocher took over everything from the count. Of course, when Lady Rocher is in charge, there's no work for them because she doesn't want us to waste our energy on that. She even encourages us to report each other..."

"Hmm... that sounds good."

"What? It's not good at all! No work means no income. They told me, if a young and energetic lad comes around, to send him their way, and I think you might fit the bill. Wanna have a look?"

Prostitutes, that's all, Noah thought. Logan had taken him to brothels where he always waited outside, unaware of the women's appearances. A look wouldn't hurt, after all, I won't sleep with them.

Numbly, Noah nodded. Following behind Prox, the old soldier expertly navigated through the camp to its outskirts where four colorful tents stood adorned with florals, conjuring thoughts of pleasant diversions.

Women in provocative attire greeted Noah, causing his heart to race and a decision to turn away, vowing never to return to such a place. But they beckoned him closer with indulgent calls and waving scarves:

"Come here, lad."

"Is your face turning red?"

"Hey, don't be shy, come closer."

The scent of mature perfume overwhelmed Noah, it was so intense that it bordered on decay. Logan often spoke of prostitutes, claiming they were shameless and open, willing to fulfill any request for the right price, reasonable or not.

"Give it your best," Prox encouraged Noah with a pat on the shoulder before departing, leaving Noah to fend for himself against these experienced courtesans. As they eyed him playfully, standing or sitting, teasingly lifting their garments to entice him, Noah found their caked-on makeup and the rumors of beauty potions from witches all too much.

"I should go," he muttered, chiding his foolishness for being in such a place.

"Hold on," a mature woman called out, shouting toward the back, "Elysia!"

A girl emerged, her wet red hair hanging loose, dripping water as she moved sluggishly toward Noah, leaving a trail of droplets.

She wrung out her hair in front of Noah, revealing a puzzled expression. "What's up?"

"You have a client," said the others.

Elysia turned to Noah, pushing back her sodden locks with a casual toss of her head, revealing her youthful face.

Noah's breath caught abruptly. His heart pounded, nerves on edge, everything else fading to a blur. The girl was strikingly beautiful, possibly younger than himself, with large hazel-green eyes and red-painted lips. Her innocent expression clashed with the maturity of her attire, an ill-fitting silk vest and a multi-colored skirt that fell just to her knees.

"Do you want me?" she asked, twisting her hair as if wringing out a piece of clothing, the water splashing to the ground.

"I..." Noah started.

"Yes! You do! Very much!" Gladius egged him on inside, "You want her not to be able to leave bed tonight, nor walk in the morning."

"Come on, Elysia, go on," the mature woman urged.

Elysia pulled at Noah's arm with her damp hand, the scent of perfume fresh in her hair.

"Come here," her tone a mix of invitation and reprimand.

Feeling foolish standing there, Noah allowed himself to be led by the girl into one of the tents. As they passed through, he could hear the other courtesans whispering and snickering. Are they mocking me? he thought, but his mind was too fogged to ponder it deeply.

The tent was warm with a large blanket spread out, scented sachets hung about, and candles cast a cozy glow. Noah sat down, bewildered at how he had wound up using such an immoral service.

"'Immoral.' I despise that word in your world. Money exchanged for services, there's nothing more moral than that," Gladius grumbled.

Elysia returned to Noah with her hair towel-dried, then opened her garment.

"Do you like it?" she inquired.

Noah was speechless at the sight of her young, pale, delicate body. He had recently emerged from the treacherous Twilight Forest, the horrors still fresh in his mind. Now, confronted with such uncommon beauty, he struggled to adjust.

"I like it," he managed to say, instinctively, "I like it very much."

"I knew it. They say I'm a sure bet, one that pays off well." Elysia twirled before him, "Do you like it? Do you?"

Noah's throat went dry, desire burning within, hard to quench once ignited.

"Oh, but not now," she teased, "Not today, nor tomorrow, nor the day after."

"Why?" he asked, too eagerly.

"Because I'm on my period," she touched her belly.

"Period? Are you pregnant?"

"I'm still a virgin, how could I be pregnant?" she scoffed.

"You're a virgin?" Noah was surprised.

"Lots of clients have been bidding on my first time," she said, "I've had offers."

"So what will you do?" Noah regretted the question as soon as it left his lips.

"What do you mean, what will I do? It's none of your business," Elysia laughed.

"If... if I wanted to..." Noah stuttered.

"Right, that's it, you are a lust demon," Gladius praised, "Fight for the loins! Forget about young women and nothing else. Hunting demons and such, those are secondary missions."

Elysia's teasing made Noah flush with embarrassment.

"Do you want this?" she pointed to her thigh, showing Noah her blood-stained finger, "You can't have me while I'm bleeding."

"Are you hurt?" Noah asked, perplexed.

"Yes, my belly hurts and my body feels sore," she lay back on the blanket, turning to side-face Noah, her foot resting on his belly, "Right here, it's uncomfortable."

"You should see a doctor."

"Doctors cost money, I have none, not a penny. I want money..." Elysia rolled on the blanket, Noah catching glimpses of her skin.

"Do you do this for money?"

"Of course, my family wants me to bring money home as soon as possible."

A shadow crossed Noah's face.

"Your family is forcing you."

"Yes, they've raised me for years, I should repay them. My brothers have many expenses, and if I stay idle at home, we'd starve," Elysia turned her back.

"My parents sold me to a slaver," Noah recalled with fright, "In exchange for ten gold coins."

"At least you were worth a sack of gold. I'm worth nothing," she lamented, "I can't even entertain you properly while I'm menstruating. I'm so stupid, so incompetent."

"No, no—" Noah tripped over his words, hating his own inarticulateness, "I think you're the best."

"How silly, we've just met," Elysia didn't turn around, "You don't know many girls... I can't serve you, go to the other sisters."

"I want you, only you," Noah declared firmly, "I'll come for you once you're well."

"Don't bother about me," Elysia turned around, looking tired, "Okay? Unless you give me money."

Noah counted out a few gold coins from his purse, her eyes widened.

"Are you a fool? I haven't even done anything yet, and you're paying."

"If you don't get paid, it would be embarrassing... How much are they bidding? I can offer more."

"What's your name?"


"Noah... I'll save my first time for you, come and claim it when you're ready," she accepted the coins with a crooked smile, then suddenly hugged Noah tightly, kissing his face.

"Oh, that's disgusting," Gladius shivered, "Demons don't do that in hell. We sever each other's heads to show affection."

Later, Noah stepped out of the tent.

"How was it?" a slim woman asked with a sly expression, "Satisfied?"

"I want to take her with me. How much is it?" Noah inquired.

"We're not in charge of that, you'd have to go to Greywood Hall and speak to our manager," she responded, then frowned, "She's worth a lot, lad, she's our cash cow for the future; you'll need a golden shovel to dig her out."

"I know how to make money," Noah said, walking away.

Returning to his own tent, Prox spotted Noah.

"Good heavens, are you in love?"