
Twilight Terrors: The Blade Possessed

Against the backdrop of a world besieged by darkness and teetering on the brink of chaos, an ancient evil stirs, eager to breach the confines of shadow. Noah, a young and untested hunter, steps into the fray, embarking on the journey from novice to master of the hunt. His path takes a fateful twist during a vicious battle where he becomes bound to a demon, an incident that grants him unholy powers. Now, wielding these dark gifts, he confronts fiends, seeks counsel from sorcerers, forms bonds of kinship, gathers treasures, and roams the rural expanse... As he navigates encounters with the supernatural and unearths long-lost secrets, Noah is constantly fighting for survival in an ever-shifting world. With demonic power comes the lure of corruption. Former foes become reluctant allies, sharing a bond tighter than blood. What destiny lies ahead for this hunter who has become both the predator and the companion of demons? This tale of power, temptation, and alliance will grasp American readers, leading them through a labyrinth of intrigue to an ending as unpredictable as the world Noah battles to save.

yong_wang_2855 · Fantasy
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103 Chs

The Fox

"I won't do anything against morality," Noah could only say, "and after the deed is done, I intend to take her with me."

"That's fair," Kalvuson spread his hands. "See, we have a good working relationship. You provide a service, and in exchange, I offer a woman. They are equivalent in value, at least in our eyes."

"What exactly do you want me to do?"

"There's no need to rush," Kalvuson said as he opened a drawer in the bookcase and took out a parchment. "You'll know by tomorrow when I come to find you." He waved the sheepskin scroll in the air. "This is the girl's indenture."

"Give it to me."

"It's not the time." Kalvuson returned the document to its place. "Once you've completed the task for me, I will naturally hand over the contract to you."

What does he want me to do? Kill someone? Break the law? Engage in some unspeakable conspiracy? Noah's heart was heavy with foreboding.

"I guess you're not just any brothel owner," Noah ventured.

A smirk of disdain crossed Kalvuson's face.

"In fact, I'm not a brothel owner at all. Do you think because I stay in the top room of the brothel, managing these women, that makes me their boss?"

"I am the owner of The Garden of Late Summer," the chestnut-haired woman who led Noah in said.

"Then who are you?"

"I am everything and nothing," Kalvuson rubbed the gemstone ring on his finger—was that a magical artifact? Noah wasn't sure.

"I don't understand."

"I don't like to stand out. I prefer to weave and build silently from the shadows, sponsoring ventures of value. The brothel's folk heed my words, many mercenaries work for me, I own multiple businesses, and I have intricate connections with the western coast's council of nobility. I am in Greywood Hall, throughout Romen, a shadow puppeteer pulling strings. Like the people here, ready to follow my commands and work for me."

"Are you a noble then?"

"That's the beauty of it—I'm not a noble. I am a puppeteer, an animal, hidden in the blind spots of the nobility's gaze. You only need to know one thing... serving me, you won't regret it. I'm not one to exhaust resources completely."

Was he seeing me as a resource to be used repeatedly?

"I want to take her with me now," Noah said.

"You know that's impossible."

"Do you think you can stop me?" Noah did not want to resort to violence, but if necessary, he wouldn't hesitate.

"What a sweet gesture it would be, to resort to violence in her presence. Sure, you could kill everyone in this room, and walk out over a carpet of corpses with her, but would you? To be with a girl haunted by nightmares every night," Kalvuson dismissed the idea.

Noah felt like he was sinking into a marsh.

"...I need to have a word with her alone."

"That's your prerogative. You can take her to a quieter place in the house," Kalvuson nodded slightly.

The man seemed like a figure of significant power... a shadow dweller? What was his relationship with the Thieves Guild? And what did he want me to do... and Elysia... could I truly take her to safety? What if, after all was done, he reneged? With the power at Noah's disposal, going up against such a mysterious figure seemed a daunting task.

Noah took Elysia's hand and walked her out, her following behind. They passed the unpleasant bouncers at the door, pushed open a French door leading outside, and stepped onto the balcony.

"I've caused you trouble, haven't I?" Elysia looked up at Noah.

"There's nothing certain about that," Noah said helplessly. "I'm willing, and that's enough."

"Why?" She blinked.

"Because you're a good girl," Noah answered.

Gladius nearly died laughing in Noah's soul.

"Because she has a full chest, fair skin, a beautiful face, and youthful sweetness. Because she kisses you and promises her first night to you. You'd walk through fire for her, all to have her beneath you," Gladius said wickedly.

"I'm a good girl." Elysia repeated, then grabbed Noah's arm and shook it. "I'm a good girl, yes! I'm not just another expense. Once you take me away, I'll help you with so many things."


"I can wash your clothes, sleep with you, bear your children, cook for you, clean, do household chores. I won't let your efforts go unrewarded," she said earnestly.

"You're only sixteen, why think about these trivial matters?"

"What else should I be doing?"

Noah gently squeezed her little hand, soft and cool, with delicate skin, tender and slender.

She turned her hand this way and that, puzzled.

"Because I like you," Noah admitted, "you can do what you want, be who you want to be, not sold to this place, forced to do things against your will."

"You're making me blush..." Elysia covered her face, giggling. "...hey, why are you saying such strange things?"

"But I need information to get you out of here." Noah's demeanor chilled as he surveyed the courtyard with clients coming and going. "Elysia, we need to cooperate."


"What do you know about this Kalvuson, the so-called 'Fox' from the western coast?"

"He's a frightening man," Elysia said uneasily. "Everyone calls him 'Fox' Kalvuson. He seems to know everything, keeps many people working for him, collecting intelligence everywhere. Who did what today, who dined at which tavern, who's recruiting mercenaries, who owes Lord Reine money... He gathers it all, then trades the information. I've seen some influential people frequenting here, paying a lot of money for his intelligence."

A lifeline on trading information, an intelligence broker? Noah was contemplative. What could such a person want from me? If he truly wielded a network of spies, collecting tidbits night and day, this brothel was certainly too small for his ambitions.

Perhaps this brothel was part of his information network; those women did not seem like easy targets.

Considering this, it seemed better to find a way to benefit each other rather than make an enemy of him. Even though he was leveraging Elysia's safety against Noah, he had to bow his head for now.

"Alright, no problem," Noah affirmed, caressing Elysia's body, exploring the softness of her person.

"Mmm..." Elysia kissed Noah's neck, mesmerized though clumsy.

They explored each other's sensitive spots, constantly probing. Elysia lifted one leg, wrapping it around Noah's waist.

"Do you like this?" she whispered. "I've seen other women do this, and men just can't resist."

"Indeed, it's overwhelming. But you're too thin," Noah gasped for breath, kissing her lips, their tongues touching.

"People are watching," Elysia glanced away as those in the courtyard pointed at the couple lost in passion above.

"Let them be envious."

They parted only after a long embrace, Noah's forehead pressing against hers, burning hot, a pleasurable warmth. The more enchanted he became with her, the more he wanted to whisk her away from the sordid place and back to the chapel.

"Your chapel isn't exactly clean," Gladius jeered.

Ah, the demon, always spoiling the mood. Noah's eyes darkened—indeed, as a hunter always battling demons, the chapel was neither safe nor sacred. Elysia would be scared there, and if demonic powers ever threatened the chapel, she might even die.

"What's wrong?" Elysia asked, puzzled. "You look worried."

"Uncertain about the future." Noah had a view of the temple spires from here. There were traces of demons lurking in the temple, not to mention the suspicious dogs, and the woman who watched him from high above, seemingly aware of Gladius. It seemed demons had infiltrated every corner of this world. How could a mere hunter like himself eradicate them?

"I know you're doing something dangerous," Elysia said as she straightened Noah's collar disheveled during their affection. "You can do it! Work hard."

"I will, and I will take you away," Noah assured with conviction. "No matter what that man wants me to do, I'll handle it, then take you away."

"Do I mean so much to you?" Elysia was confused.

"Yes," Noah affirmed.

"Thank you."

Returning inside to Kalvuson's room, the man was still seated behind his desk, writing a letter. Placing his quill back into the inkwell after noticing Noah, he folded his hands and watched him intently.

"You really care for her," Kalvuson remarked.

"That's none of your business," Noah responded coolly.

"I just admire you young ones, so full of life and vigor. When you reach my age, you find more and more things dragging you forward."

"Are you an information dealer?"

"In a sense."

"What's your relationship with the Thieves Guild?"

Kalvuson fell silent for a moment.

"I prefer not to associate with them. They cause havoc in the city."

"I aim to destroy those people," Noah murmured, "and the temple too. I need information on the local temple."

"You've just mentioned two groups I despise the most – the priests and the thieves. Priests with their obscurantism and thieves causing discord. I favor rational individuals, I believe in logical connections between all things. So I dislike both the mystical and the chaotic. Ah, demon hunter, maybe after our endeavor tomorrow, we could become fine partners," Kalvuson said appreciatively.

Nobody wants to be your partner, using Elysia's safety to threaten me. Noah grumbled internally.

But outwardly, Noah just nodded:

"Let's hope so."