
Twilight Terrors: The Blade Possessed

Against the backdrop of a world besieged by darkness and teetering on the brink of chaos, an ancient evil stirs, eager to breach the confines of shadow. Noah, a young and untested hunter, steps into the fray, embarking on the journey from novice to master of the hunt. His path takes a fateful twist during a vicious battle where he becomes bound to a demon, an incident that grants him unholy powers. Now, wielding these dark gifts, he confronts fiends, seeks counsel from sorcerers, forms bonds of kinship, gathers treasures, and roams the rural expanse... As he navigates encounters with the supernatural and unearths long-lost secrets, Noah is constantly fighting for survival in an ever-shifting world. With demonic power comes the lure of corruption. Former foes become reluctant allies, sharing a bond tighter than blood. What destiny lies ahead for this hunter who has become both the predator and the companion of demons? This tale of power, temptation, and alliance will grasp American readers, leading them through a labyrinth of intrigue to an ending as unpredictable as the world Noah battles to save.

yong_wang_2855 · Fantasy
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103 Chs

The Debtor

"Two hundred and five... gold coins?" Noah was taken aback, "That much money? When was this borrowed?"

Count Rayne let out a thunderous belch, turned to order a servant to fetch something, then turned back around. "Though I dislike being questioned, I will still show you the promissory note. Would you like to sit? Have a seat if you like; you must've traveled a long way," Count Rayne offered.

Noah sat down at the round table, finding the chair uncomfortably hard, but there was a large piece of apple pie on the table. He cut a slice with a knife that lay beside it and tasted it. It was delicious, with flaky crust and a sweet filling. Yet, with the unexpected inheritance of such a substantial debt, Noah couldn't feel at ease.

"I have absolutely no idea about this," Noah said after swallowing a small piece of pie.

"You may or may not know, who can say?" Count Rayne spoke in riddles, "But debts are meant to be repaid. And since Frederick has no other kin and is all alone, I do hope you can settle this quickly. Paying more sooner rather than later is better, to avoid it becoming a bad debt. After all, you are a renowned demon hunter."

"I helped you slay the winged demon."

"Either I and half the city are blind or it truly flew out from your temple. For that matter, I haven't even started to hold you accountable, young Noah," Rayne eyed Noah, "Speaking of which, you really are young."

"...Young I may be, but I will shoulder the responsibilities that come my way."

A servant brought Noah the contract. Logan had taught Noah to read, and he could recognize roughly a thousand or two words by now—enough to get by daily life, though not enough for poetry or treatises.

"The Ashwood Hall's Frederick, on the 2nd day of the Bathing Moon, Year 474 of the Second Epoch, borrowed 50 gold coins whole from our blessed protector, Earl Alberta, for special affairs. This note stands as proof. Borrower: Frederick Lender: Rayne de Alberta"

Below were two vibrant red wax seals; the first with a hyacinth pattern for the Earl's seal, and the second with a sword and crossbow, presumably the grand seal of the Hunters' Temple.

From the Bathing Moon Year 474 to now, sixteen months had passed, and in just this short period, the debt skyrocketed from 50 to over 205 gold coins—a fourfold increase! Noah couldn't imagine the sum if it continued to snowball; how much he would eventually have to pay Count Rayne.

He looked up at Rayne, who was sipping his drink with an all-knowing air.

How on earth to repay such a sum.

"I told you before! You should've killed him! Since the lender is dead, the debt should be wiped clean!" Gladius ranted.

Recalling the common opinion of Count Rayne, it was clear everyone considered him greedy, miserly, and selfish. They also said he was stupid, which seemed unfair at this point. How could a fool maintain such a lucrative lending business?

Aside from the Hunters' Temple, Noah believed many guilds, nobles, and merchants were in debt to Rayne. And without a doubt, Rayne would collect his money. As the lord of Ashwood Hall and a judge over his domain, wielding military and legal power, opposing him was as difficult as climbing to heaven. One could only earnestly find a way to repay the debt.

Stripped of noble title, Rayne was but a balding fat man, but once donned with the Earl of Ashwood Hall's halo, he radiated a daunting presence.

"So, Noah, anything else?"

"My bounty. The hundred gold coins."

"That sum will go towards your debt. I can deduct a hundred gold coins right away," Rayne proposed.

"I need money, I need cash! That demon was formidable," Noah insisted, fighting for more, "Impervious to weapons, the army was no match, it disrupted minds, wreaked havoc, and had it not been stopped, the entire city would've been plunged into crisis."

"But now it's dead, and stopping it was your job, a part of your profession. Just as a milkman sells milk, a blacksmith forges iron, and an alchemist mingles with potions all day long... It's your duty, your vocation. You weren't meant to get the hundred gold coins to begin with; that beast escaped from your temple, a problem you caused. Wouldn't your conscience be troubled by taking that money?" Rayne said disdainfully.

"I must have the cash." Noah stood firm, "I need funds to revive the temple, to get the Hunters' Temple up and running again."

"The hundred gold in your hands would only be squandered. Using it to pay off your debt is more sensible. I'm thinking of your best interests," Rayne mocked without hesitation.

Noah felt torn. Without the money, he'd have to return to the Hunters' Temple empty-handed again. Elysia needed money too; he needed funds to take her out of the brothel. It seemed like the whole world suddenly revolved around money, and he found himself missing the twilight forest.

"'You know, I could easily quit and leave for somewhere else,'" Gladius murmured.

"... But you must realize, it's only out of a sense of responsibility that I stand to protect this city," Noah suddenly raised his voice, "If I decide to leave Ashwood Hall, who will protect it? Who will fight the demons?"

Rayne frowned.

"You thinking of running? Let me warn you, those who flee with my debt never meet a good end," Rayne coughed out a threat.

"'A wise man would befriend a demon hunter,'" Gladius whispered.

"Sir," Noah wore a sincere expression, "Honestly, I'm not familiar with the debt. If you insist on taking the money due to me to pay the debt, while just, it would disrupt many of my plans. I believe everyone should make more friends rather than enemies, and a demon hunter like me requires special consideration."

"Are you threatening us?" The young man beside Rayne suddenly spoke, who had been regarding the surroundings with an arrogant air until then, now speaking with full confidence and ample self-assurance.

"'Whether this is a threat will not be apparent in a week, but give it a month, half a year, a few years, and gentlemen, you will understand,'" Gladius said darkly.

His words were too venomous, and Noah decided to paraphrase them.

He also remembered what Elysia had said about men being either wolves or dogs.

So he took a deep breath, his gaze becoming serious, drawing the attention of those around him with his profound aura, listening silently to his words.

"Whether this is a threat..." Noah paused, "...may not be apparent in a week, but give it a month, half a year, a few years, and gentlemen, you will come to understand..."

Rayne finished the wine in his cup.

"My son, don't rush; he's right. The kingdom is troubled now; we need friends, not conflict," Rayne patted the young man's shoulder and then ordered the servants to fetch drinks, "Damn, how could I forget my hospitality? Go bring some refreshments. Rocher? Aren't you tired of standing?"

Rocher crossed her arms, having stood listening like a specter the whole time, Noah nearly forgetting her presence.

"As I understand, standing is a form of exercise," Rocher explained, "It activates our body, cultivates our strength, and keeps our posture upright."

"Don't bother. Let the gods witness, there's nobody within a thousand miles that holds themselves as upright as you. Sit, please sit," Rayen urged, patting the table, "You're not in a hurry to return to Grim Keep, are you?"

Grim Keep seemed to be Rocher's domain, with a name that sounded quite ominous.

Rocher then took a seat next to Noah. Her expression was always cold and stiff, no, to say stiff might be too harsh. To Noah, it seemed as if nothing around her could move her, thus she maintained the same facade.

"Will the Earl give me the money?" Noah pondered internally.

"You're as anxious as a child; he will give you the money, he's been scared. But still, you have to stay calm, appear inscrutable, making the Earl believe you're no ordinary rookie hunter," Gladius kept coaching him, "See the trouble, all because you wouldn't act. If you'd just cut him down, the debt would be erased, and we could've been done with all this farce. But if you did that, you wouldn't be you anymore."

Noah was served a bottle of sparkling appetizer wine by a servant with a small mustache, dressed in black with a white shirt, looking very professional.

"Chetra wine from Rain Bay Hall, please enjoy."

Rain Bay Hall wasn't far from Ashwood Hall, a lush major seaport. Its wet climate allowed grapes to absorb water, growing large, plump, and sweet—Loman's largest wine-producing region.

Servants filled Noah's tall silver glass and presented him with a plate of honey cake.

"To friendship, let us toast," Rayne muttered.

Noah drank half the glass; the bitter liquid flowed down his throat, but soon a pleasant aftertaste spread across his tongue.

Rayne was backing down.

Things were looking up. With that hundred gold coins, he would have the funds to rebuild the Hunters' Temple, revitalizing the hunter organizations across Upper Loman, protecting more people. Of course, he could also use the money to find Elysia...

"So, my lord, how do you intend to show your friendship?" Noah inquired, "When can I get the money?"

"Money? No." Rayne shook his head, "You won't get a single penny."

"Why not?"

"No one," Rayne stood up, raising his hand arrogantly, gesturing powerfully to his subjects around, showcasing his dominion, "No one can take even a coin from my treasury. Noah, the hundred gold coins will go towards paying off your debt. You want cash? There's no way! So you still owe me 105 gold coins, plus..."

Noah spilled the wine onto the floor.