
Twilight Terrors: The Blade Possessed

Against the backdrop of a world besieged by darkness and teetering on the brink of chaos, an ancient evil stirs, eager to breach the confines of shadow. Noah, a young and untested hunter, steps into the fray, embarking on the journey from novice to master of the hunt. His path takes a fateful twist during a vicious battle where he becomes bound to a demon, an incident that grants him unholy powers. Now, wielding these dark gifts, he confronts fiends, seeks counsel from sorcerers, forms bonds of kinship, gathers treasures, and roams the rural expanse... As he navigates encounters with the supernatural and unearths long-lost secrets, Noah is constantly fighting for survival in an ever-shifting world. With demonic power comes the lure of corruption. Former foes become reluctant allies, sharing a bond tighter than blood. What destiny lies ahead for this hunter who has become both the predator and the companion of demons? This tale of power, temptation, and alliance will grasp American readers, leading them through a labyrinth of intrigue to an ending as unpredictable as the world Noah battles to save.

yong_wang_2855 · Fantasy
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103 Chs

The Black Sword

The earth trembled violently, and people were locked in battle with the rampaging drake horde, likely enraged by the electric shock, the queen seemed more furious than ever. Meanwhile, the witches were fleeing down the vine ladder at the cliff's back, and dark clouds loomed overhead, a storm imminent.

But none of that mattered here. This place was left with only a mysterious knight, a demon hunter, and their swords.

"Fine weapon," the knight praised, retracting his blade with a casual swing. "I've seen you before, demon hunter."


"Forget it," the knight said with a smile.

"You conspire with demons," Noah gripped his gray knife tighter.

"And you don't?" the knight replied with an easygoing attitude.

Noah attacked, slashing his gray knife from above, but the knight parried with his sword. His strength was diverted! Noah sensed the knight's skill; the force of the gray knife was completely deflected, doing no harm to him.

It was swordplay of an exceptionally high caliber.

"Why aid the witch? Crossing swords with me is dangerous," the knight said, relaxed, sword in hand.

"And why keep a demon beast in the temple, raiding the sanctum?" Noah retorted.

"It seems we have a deep misunderstanding," the knight suggested with a half-step back. "Why not call a truce for now?"

"A truce?" Noah didn't understand.

"I favor peace," the knight declared cheerily. "I believe, no matter our differences, there is always a chance to sit down and discuss over a table, perhaps with beautiful women, an orchestra, and wine. Only in such a tranquil setting can I openly share our plans with you, like how we intend to hunt every witch across the realm, how we plan to purge the order within Lorman... Our ambitions are grand!"

"Tell me now."

"We aim to save everyone," the knight said with enthusiasm, "to rescue this world from suffering and ignorance. Whether clerics, nobles, or bureaucrats, people are tormented. We've prepared a better place for them where there will be no disagreements."

"What place? Where?" Noah's interest piqued; the knight seemed genuine.

"Within the belly of demons," the knight revealed with a sinister tone.

"I agree," Gladius was pleased.

Noah turned at the drake queen's piercing scream. Damn—

It was the eight-eyed hound! The fearsome demon beast, slightly smaller than the Damp Mother but evidently more powerful and bloodthirsty, pounced on the giant drake. With volcanic ferocity, it bit and tore, quickly inflicting gaping wounds on the queen. Wildfire erupted from the hound's maw, spreading across the queen's body, burning her scales and flesh. She wailed in agony, smashing her blood-rusted rock spear against the demon beast. The hound's eight eyes emitted a sinister glow, its silent screech sending waves of madness and restlessness through the drakes.

The temple guards were unfazed by the demon's arrival, clearly aware of its existence, and turned their backs to avoid the hound's gaze.

The two behemoths tangled on the ground, the demon's power blazing, steadily gaining the upper hand.

"Ha!" Gladius laughed maniacally. "Let's join them!"

"I don't like it," Noah kept his eyes on the knight.

"What do you say, demon hunter?" the knight asked lightly. "The entire Lorman kingdom is ours, the temple, nobility, parliament, His Majesty the King. Everyone is united, preparing for the grand descent of hell. Lorman will become the next demon breeding ground. What are you doing?"

What? The whole of Lorman turned to demon worship? Impossible! What then was my purpose... futile? How could I, alone, stand against the tide of corruption? Noah was shaken.

"This world is better than I thought! Hurry up! Prod them! My kind are too powerful..." Gladius taunted, "...much faster than me."

Noah took a deep breath.

"When the whole world moves in one direction, those who resist will be mercilessly crushed, regardless of their intentions. Any effort against the tide is doomed to be meaningless. If you understand this, you've progressed. You'll go from a blind demon-hating hunter to a warrior welcoming the new world," the knight earnestly told Noah.

He was right... If all Lormans embraced demon worship, what need was there for demon hunters like me...


"I don't know what you're talking about," Noah clutched his gray knife. "Your madness in following the will of demons has nothing to do with me."

"I'm educating you," the knight extended his hand. "I see hope for your salvation."


"I too once fought for goodness and justice, suffering setbacks along the way. Fortunately, later on, I..." the knight spoke passionately.

"Cut the chatter, no one cares about your past," Noah backed away swiftly. "If you don't attack, I'll retreat. There's no benefit in talking while the demon beast approaches."

The knight lunged suddenly, aiming a swift stab at Noah, who could barely defend against the strike. A thrust was harder to counter than slashes or chops, and Noah retreated clumsily, barely managing to avoid being pierced. The knight's relentless assault left Noah struggling to keep up.

This couldn't continue; Noah was on edge.

"Hold on, I'll tell you when to stab," Gladius whispered.

Noah stepped back steadily, resisting the knight's onslaught. His defense was clumsy, each parry costing considerable effort. Without the witch's potion, he would have already fallen.

"Stab," Gladius instructed.

Noah thrust his gray knife towards the knight's helmet at the precise moment when the knight's guard was down, his strength waning. Unable to defend, the helmet was pierced by the gray knife, cracking slightly. The knight recoiled in time to avoid a fatal blow.

"Ha, look how stupid this guy is," Gladius mocked. "Now run."

Noah turned and fled, still energized by the witch's potion. The witches were indeed a powerful asset for the sanctuary, and Noah was determined to save them.

An explosion sounded behind him. The knight's sword shimmered with a black light, a ripple of dark power shooting towards Noah, striking him in the back. The immense force pierced the demon armor, wounding Noah's back.

Noah shuddered as his strength drained from the wound.

What kind of attack was that? It could even penetrate black demon armor! He gritted his teeth and rushed to the vine ladder, descending hastily.


"Come down!" Shouts rang out below. The boat had been turned over and pushed into the bay, waiting for Noah.

Maden leaped out of the boat and sprinted towards the vine ladder.

"End this little game," the mysterious knight appeared at the cliff's edge, watching Noah halfway down, and cut the vine ladder with a slash of his sword.

Damn... Noah, freshly wounded, couldn't react in time. The ladder snapped, and he plummeted down.

Thud! Maden reached out to catch Noah.

"Don't! Your arms will break!" Sara screamed.

Yes, I'm heavy, especially in this armor. If Maden tries to catch me, his arms—Noah's mind raced with dreadful thoughts.

Suddenly, Dame Delish chanted loudly, and Noah felt lighter. The world around him slowed, his descent evened out, and Maden caught him. Once stable, gravity returned to normal.

"Get out of here!" Dame Delish shouted up to the knight. "I'll kill as many as come!"

"Tsk." The knight, unwilling to confront the witch, retreated.

Noah was placed in the boat, and they rowed out to sea, leaving the chaos behind.

Lying in the boat, he gazed at the blue sky with scattered clouds. Was this beautiful world really going to be handed over to demons?

"It's inevitable," Gladius ranted. "Your world will eventually be devoured by demons. It's an unstoppable fate. No world targeted by demons has ever survived."

"Really?" Noah pondered. "Then why help me? You should have let him finish me."

"Fool," Gladius said arrogantly. "You can always trust me, I'm your partner."

"Is there another reason?"

"I despise other demon lords. They always corrupt hearts, seduce ordinary lives, and play these roundabout games, thinking themselves cunning and strategic. Only the mightiest Blade Demon is the true power of hell. The strong don't do complicated and roundabout things... it's a sign of weakness... hmph... the Blade Demon has its own ideas... the Blade Demon can sever all else, other demons are just inferior products, cowards, and trash... these demons... they are worthy?..." Gladius mumbled, seemingly lost in a fanatical soliloquy.

"There's the crux—you and the other demon lords have different interests," Noah realized.

"Yes," Gladius's voice faded. "Everything is a tool to be used, a stepping stone to achieve goals. Let no other demon lord think they can gain the upper hand over me. I despise them, and those hell kings should rot in the void..."

For a moment, Noah felt he had something in common with Gladius. It must be an illusion; he dared not dwell on it.

"Are you alright?" Sara's voice interrupted Noah's inner musings.

"I'm hurt," Noah gasped, his wound throbbing painfully. Why could the knight's weapon unleash such boundless dark power?

"We should find a place to rest," Sara looked at Noah with concern. "Grandmother, he's hurt!"

"The beastly potion will keep him strong; he won't die," Noah heard Dame Delish's voice.

"Drakes!" Maden shouted. "The drakes are coming!"

Drakes? Noah realized the crisis was closing in. The drake queen was still battling the demon beast, her brood unable to confront the hound, scattering to continue tracking Noah and the others.

Noah tried to rise but the pain in his wound sapped his strength to fight back.

"Don't worry, lad. Everyone, stay away from the water." Dame Delish pressed him down, then stood up in the boat, chanting loudly. Her staff sparked with electricity, and within seconds, a massive current lashed out, the sound ringing painfully in Noah's ears.

The drakes screamed incessantly.

"My God," Maden was taken aback. "How did they all die?"

"Row your boat," Dame Delish sat back leisurely.

Such a powerful witch, Noah thought hazily, must be recruited.

The boat glided across the sea, and after what felt like half an hour, they finally stopped at a sandbar in the ocean.