
Twilight Terrors: The Blade Possessed

Against the backdrop of a world besieged by darkness and teetering on the brink of chaos, an ancient evil stirs, eager to breach the confines of shadow. Noah, a young and untested hunter, steps into the fray, embarking on the journey from novice to master of the hunt. His path takes a fateful twist during a vicious battle where he becomes bound to a demon, an incident that grants him unholy powers. Now, wielding these dark gifts, he confronts fiends, seeks counsel from sorcerers, forms bonds of kinship, gathers treasures, and roams the rural expanse... As he navigates encounters with the supernatural and unearths long-lost secrets, Noah is constantly fighting for survival in an ever-shifting world. With demonic power comes the lure of corruption. Former foes become reluctant allies, sharing a bond tighter than blood. What destiny lies ahead for this hunter who has become both the predator and the companion of demons? This tale of power, temptation, and alliance will grasp American readers, leading them through a labyrinth of intrigue to an ending as unpredictable as the world Noah battles to save.

yong_wang_2855 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
103 Chs


Noah looked at the brothel. He needed to get Elysia out of there.

Cyrene was helped out of the carriage by Calvus.

"Cyrene? My daughter..." Calvus took her hand, "Don't worry, daddy's here."

Still silent as a statue, Cyrene let herself be led away by the women from the brothel who had come out, seemingly secretive as they supported her and led her inside.

Noticing Noah's gaze lingering on Cyrene, Calvus explained, "She needs to change her clothes."

"And soul-loss needs treatment," Noah countered, wary that Calvus might use this as an opportunity to hide Cyrene away.

"I've heard of similar symptoms before," Calvus shared as they walked inside together. "Demon hunters overusing spells to the point where their souls become hollowed out, emotions and memories fade away one by one. Many great demon hunters, like Hubert de Vile, ended up as emotionless puppets and had to be lawfully put down by their companions. Will the same end befall Cyrene?"

"The demon consumed her... Although we've dealt with the demon, her soul has been permanently damaged. I'm trying to address two things: the soul-loss caused by the dissipation and the hysteria and demonization process resulting from the soul's contamination. If Lord Calvus has any knowledge on these matters, please share it with me."

"This concerns my daughter's safety. Rest assured, I will send the information I've gathered to the chapel for your perusal," Calvus assured him solemnly.

He didn't seem like someone who would exploit his daughter or use her as a breeding ground for demons. But as always, human hearts are unpredictable, and Noah had to stay cautious.

"Additionally, there's something else." Before entering the house, Noah looked around, waiting for Calvus to send others away before continuing. "I hope you can assist me in keeping an eye on the local temple."

"The temple, which worships the gods of the Meimen Hall, is also involved with demons?" Calvus astutely guessed Noah's intent.

"It troubles me to consider, but it's highly likely. Greywood Hall has been under repeated demonic attacks, and I must find the mastermind behind it all. Otherwise, the entire city's residents won't know peace," Noah explained.

"Hm." Calvus seemed reluctant to discuss the temple further, merely warning Noah, "I have many hands that can discreetly monitor the temple, ensuring safety. And Lord Noah, not to underestimate your capabilities, but please be exceedingly cautious and avoid rashly endangering yourself."

Noah thought of the bald high priest at the temple, who seemed very tense and anxious, as if on the cusp of some significant event. Indeed, he couldn't approach recklessly.

"I will, but I'll have to infiltrate the temple eventually," Noah declared.

"Do you mean to say that the demons are hiding within the temple?"

"Not just demons." Noah pondered the witch and what they might be up to inside the temple.

"If you need to enter the temple, you'll require detailed maps, inside contacts, secure exit routes, and skills several times that of an average person," Calvus warned.

"I must take the initiative... Regardless of preparation, I must find out what's happening inside."

Calvus smiled faintly.

"There's something I must remind you of," he said. "In the West Coast, the Council of Nobles is drafting a decree, known as the 'Edict of 476,' concerning the prohibition of witches in Lomen. It's a royal command forbidding the practice of witchcraft and the circulation of related artifacts throughout Lomen."

"…That's digging their own grave," Noah remarked. "Witches are key in combating evil forces." Hunters needed to collaborate with witches to hunt demons effectively. Moreover, if witches were banned, it was only a matter of time before demon hunters were utterly prohibited.

"I'm merely relaying information. We lack the power to influence King Edwardo's will. Lord Reine's trip to the West Coast is likely to sign the edict. The local temple will probably respond to the call, even act preemptively. High Priest Chaval has never been fond of witches."

Noah nodded. Why would the king prohibit witchcraft? Some believed that King Edwardo was a witch himself, given his long reign of 65 years, surpassing any other king in history.

They entered the interior. It was daytime, and the brothel's main hall was devoid of customers. The women were likely asleep, but the candles burned bright, competing with the daylight. The decor was lurid, with a pink ceiling and deep purple floor, its patterns in off-white. Sheepskin parchments lined the walls, and the entire floor was covered with plush carpets, an expensive touch. A lewd silver decoration on the wall depicted lascivious scenes, the naked women posed provocatively, creating an atmosphere of isolated indulgence. The place invited one to indulge thoroughly, to forget the silent and harsh world outside.

Noah ascended to the second floor, where Calvus inquired with the brothel guard and then handed Noah the key to Elysia's private room.

"Make yourself at home; the girl is yours now," Calvus acknowledged with a nod.

Feeling a bit exhilarated, Noah caressed his chest.

He traversed the dim corridor, the red carpet soft underfoot, to a plain grey door. At the turn of the key, the door creaked open, and he stepped inside, treading softly.

Elysia lay sprawled on a large bed, sound asleep, limbs stretched out carelessly. She wore a fitted white bustier and woolen tights.

Noah removed his shoes, crawled onto the bed, and caressed her face, then her collarbone.

She opened her eyes in a daze.

"Idiot," she pinched Noah, "you're back."

"I've come to take you away," Noah lay beside her, and she casually draped her legs over his waist.

"Did you finish up everything? What did you do?"

"I dealt with a demon troubling Calvus and saved his daughter."

"Everyone fears demons; only you seem able to handle them just by talking."

"I've paid a price. I'm always reflecting, always battling the demon within. But Calvus's daughter... she suffers from soul-loss."


"If a soul is damaged, this condition can occur. Normally, seeing you would make me laugh, happy, excited! But with soul-loss, I'd lose these feelings," Noah explained.

"The Black Death was cured; soul-loss shouldn't be hard either," Elysia said nonchalantly.

"You're right," Noah nodded, "...Yes, everyone says demonization is irreversible, that demonic mental interference is a perpetual curse, that soul-loss is incurable... I don't believe it. We must have ways to solve these issues, to resolve the troubles demons bring to this world."

"I don't get it; I want to sleep." Elysia flipped over on the bed, "Never mind, your noise woke me up; now I can't sleep."

She hopped off the bed, sat down at the dressing table, and took out a small box.

"What's that?" Noah inquired about the box containing pale powder soaked in water or semi-transparent lotion.

"Something that makes the skin whiter, no idea what it is," she dabbed some on with a brush, then applied it to her face.

"You use it without knowing what it is?"

"Aw, the fool's worried about me," she observed herself in the mirror, "Would you still find me pretty without makeup?"

"Of course."

"Then I won't bother." Elysia tidied up the items and packed them into a bag. She then picked out a pale yellow dress from the wardrobe, packed more clothes, and soon discarded them. Sitting on the bed, she swayed slightly, looking anxious, "Never mind, I don't want them; I'll use your money to buy new ones later."

"That's fine."

"New clothing—new life! Am I free?" Elysia emphasized incredulously, "I'm free?"

"I think so," Noah said. "Calvus will hand over your indenture contract, and once I tear it up, you're a free person. You won't be property here anymore and won't be forced into anything."

"It's like a dream." She bit her lip, "Why are you so good to me? I'm nothing, vulgar and dumb, a total failure."

"I don't care," Noah shrugged. "Good or bad, we're together."

"Ah." She sighed.

"The thing is, we're still young," Noah held her hand. "We have time; three years, five years, ten years. In ten years, I'll be 27, and you'll be 26—we'll still be young."

"What if I'm still a failure in ten years?" Elysia spoke sadly.

Noah's forehead touched hers, his eyes locked with hers. She tried to avoid his gaze but was compelled to return her attention to him.

"Let's find out," he said.

"Why try? I'm sure I'm a failure; everyone says so."

"Why not?" Noah whispered. "What if you're not? Even if things don't improve, we can rely on each other. I'm no smarter than you; I often get fooled by demons, trapped by people and situations. But I've also pressed on, sought out the truth, and fought. I've never been one to talk much, but I've started to find my voice."

Elysia was embarrassed; she didn't know when she started crying, using her arms to wipe away her tears.

She kissed Noah, their lips meeting.

"I'll go with you," she said. "Since you say so, let's leave. I'll stay with you."

Noah led Elysia out of the room, through the corridor, up to the top floor to Calvus's office. Calvus was drafting letters at his desk as usual, ceaselessly collecting and sending out various pieces of intelligence, maintaining his mysterious network—a sly fox indeed.

Calvus opened a drawer and retrieved Elysia's indenture document, crossing the room to hand it to Noah.

"You may live freely now," Calvus nodded to Elysia.

Elysia hastily took the document, gave it a quick glance, and handed it to Noah.

Noah skimmed the paper:

"By the eye of the gods, in the summer of the year 467, I, Ellis Vena, transact my biological daughter Elysia Vena to Calvus Nivens, relinquishing all rights to her for the sum of 15 gold coins.

Seller: Ellis Vena

Buyer: Calvus Nivens

Notary: Carl Pipon"

"You're worth more than me," Noah thought of when he was sold to the secret witch market for only 10 gold coins.

"Let's go, big fool," Elysia no longer wanted to stay, pulling Noah toward the door, "From now on, I belong to you, right? Are we moving to that especially big, especially dark chapel? I've seen it from afar before."

"I suppose so."

As they stepped out of the room, Elysia kissed him joyfully, unable to contain her excitement.

"Freedom! I'm free!" she laughed brightly, tearing the indenture contract to shreds, then kissed him strongly again.

Noah felt a mysterious resonance; he could sense her joy, a stimulus that made smiling natural, happiness a given—albeit fleeting. In this dark and gloomy age, laughter was priceless.

"Kiss me again." Noah wanted to grasp that fleeting sensation, too marvellous for words.

"Don't be so impatient, I can stay with you tonight," Elysia swayed his arm teasingly.


That could indeed wait until night.