


JOHN LANDED SMOOTHLY and once he had stabilized on the ground, he unlocked his parachute and ran into a cave south of the frozen island.

So far so good...

He pulled out his smartphone and turned on the GPS.

According to the site plan, their base is inside this island...

He noticed that there was a garrison that was approaching and he hid. One of the guards was smoking a cigarette and looked completely unconcerned.

That's my cue, they would never imagine that a single person would invade their base...

John took a kind of modern blowgun and blew, one of the darts hit one of them in the neck, then hit the other.

Two were already...

He took off the robes of one of them and put it on, it fit perfectly.

John also took the Walktolkie and quickly took it apart and scanned it.

— November, is it possible to log this here to my device?

— Positive, Juliete Bravo.

Two minutes later and they were already listening to the low frequency that the base used.

Good thing everyone here is old... may good luck continue to help us...