
Twilight: New Age

Continuing the twilight story of Jacob Black and Renesmee Cullen. They had a child and named him Ateara Cullen Black who was born a hybrid. part wolf/part vampire/part human.

JayJ127 · Book&Literature
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44 Chs

Chapter Six

'I can't believe you did this to me, I thought we were made for each other, you said you loved me and you go with him who he says is from your past life. I didn't think you were that easy to get to and here you are getting sucked in. I did not have you as predictable and a push over'

'hey…I'm not a pushover and I did not get sucked in, I have always been me and free minded. I was only with Carns to get to know him'

'Did you have to use your mouth?...you have really hurt me, I really thought you were better than this. I guess I got it wrong'

'OH MY GOD! are you hearing yourself, this isn't you…' Ateara was almost shouting.

'And this isn't you…'

'Let me finish instead of interrupting me all the time will you, there is nothing going on between me and Carns stop being like this and it's not like we were together that way. I came all the way out here to find myself, to have some time alone, to be honest I did not think I would meet anyone so soon''

'Then why spend time with me if you wanted to be alone, you could have saved yourself the trouble, and why did you continue to live with me…I have so many unanswered questions'

'Well I didn't exactly plan this and I never planned on staying this long in one place, it's just that I have grown fond of you as you seemed like a nice guy'

Igor stood in silence trying to find the words but nothing came out, Ateara waited a while before turning away and walking off deep into the woods, Carns knew it wasn't a good time to follow him so he stayed put and minded his own business. That evening they all slept on their own.

Igor laid in his bed wide awake unable to fall asleep, the argument he had earlier that evening with Ateara played over in his head just thinking over all the possibilities he could have said instead.

However, on the other side of the river Ateara was still angry but he managed to control that anger after talking to Jacob and Bella. He spent a few days away to clear his head. He eventually managed to lay his head down and sleep.

'Suddenly Ateara woke up with a start shaking slightly. He was now sat up in his chair, whatever just happened was now going through his head as he did not believe that it was just a dream. He then caught sight of Igor and looked at him for a while, trying to make sense of it actually happened, he noticed that he was smiling so he knew it must have been a dream

They sat and talked the way they haven't done in a long while. Since the arrival of Carns, Ateara and Igor's communication has been somewhat non-existent until now, where it seemed like they could not stop and continued like there was no tomorrow. It was past midnight when Carns returned he watched them get closer and he started to realize that he had interrupted them from the moment he arrived. He looked sad and watched them for a long while. They still never looked away from each other so he decided to pack his things and leave them be and continue his quest alone, not without leaving a note.

"To Ateara and Igor, thank you for your generosity and I'm sorry for prolonging my stay, but I have decided tonight that I have taken too much of your time. It was most enjoyable to have you as company but I must continue on my quest alone. Ateara I really do hope you will truly find yourself soon as your destiny has barely begun, As for you Igor you will get this I'm sure of it. Cannot thank you guys enough. Bye for now. Your true friend C"

Ateara woke up only to find himself lying next to the river and as soon as he realized he wasn't dreaming he headed back to Igor hoping there was still a chance to fix things.

Soon as he arrived Carns was nowhere to be seen he couldn't help but feel a little relieved. He bumped into Igor and didn't really know how to start so they decided to sit somewhere and as soon the talking started, halfway through it all sounded all too familiar to him like it was Déjà vu. Ateara got up and wandered around, "Ateara…?" Igor called out "What's going on? … Are you alright…?" still he didn't respond so Igor followed him and there Igor saw the note and picked it up. He calls for Ateara, "Hey Ateara…there is a note from Carns" Ateara did not hesitate to rush over and take a quick look which had said the same thing as what he dreamt. "Where did you find this?" Ateara asked

"Here on this table in plain sight" Igor said as he pointed.

Unbeknownst to the pair Carns had not left the area yet, Carns was watching from a safe distance then before he turned on the spot and walked away in a sprint and phased. He kept going through his head his destiny and what he has achieved, the last conversation he had with Ateara and Igor, just repeating itself over and over as he ran even faster till everything around him was literally just a blur but also at the same time trying to fade out his thoughts about what happened the past few days. However, no matter what he did or how hard he had tried the feeling was just too strong.

He didn't turn back, as much as he wanted to, he needed to stay strong and just learn to let it go, to let destiny run its course, if it was meant to happen it would have happened.

He eventually phased out of his thoughts and found himself still running so fast he was virtually invisible to the human eye. He only stopped when he sensed someone had noticed him which never happens, so he phased out and looked around and couldn't see or sense anyone. He phased back and continued to run like he did and after that he only stopped to catch his breath, but he would feel the need to always carry on running to wherever it takes him. After a while he realized that he could not stop his current thoughts the way he has done before, these feelings were far too strong, but he knew he couldn't go back he has to let Ateara discover things for himself. This is when he finally stopped and made camp building himself a shelter 'This is where I will stop running and I will wait and fight if I need to for what I want' he thought to himself.

As he went through his thoughts, he laid there to rest and slowly drifting off, he usually can sense someone coming even when he sleeps but this time he was oblivious to the shadowed figure that showed up watching over him. Carns woke up shocked when the figure placed a hand on his shoulder, Carns had half opened his eyes, he shot up and slightly backed away.

"I'm looking for someone" The guy said in the deepest voice. Carns stared blankly.

"His name is Calvert, well at least that's what he was called when I knew him he might have a different name now. Which is funny cause you look a lot like him"

"And you are who again strange man?' Carns responded

"Oh sorry, my name is Jal. Calvert and I used to be best of friends, we were like brothers as we did almost everything together" Jal said trying to figure Carns out.

"Why couldn't I sense you earlier, you do look vaguely familiar like I know from somewhere" Carns said slightly confused.

"So you're not Calvert then, well this is awkward and slightly embarrassing" Jal said

"No, I'm not Calvert I am Carns"

Carns knew all too well who Jal was, too many memories flew through his mind. Memories that he would have preferred to stay hidden, too painful. He was covertly trying to make Jal leave so the memories would stop.

"The only thing I can say to you is keep looking around." Carns said

"Yeah I think you're right I should keep going but is it alright if I stay put for the night?"

"Yeah sure" said Carns though in his mind he was saying 'No'

Jal had woken early the following morning and just sat trying to study Carns, he had sensed something but could not figure it out, at least not straight away. That's when Carns woke up only to find he still wasn't alone. "You know Jal, I'm only here temporarily, I tend not to stay in one spot for too long so I will be moving on very soon" said Carns

"Oh that's ok I will be off soon as well don't worry about me I have my own path to follow" Jal said trying not to sound suspicious.

Jal set off into the woods and Carns waited till he was out of sight before he took off in another direction and phased into his wolf form. His fur was soft with mixed colours of browns and a few streaks of grey and black on his tail. Jal however waited then phased, his wolf form was slightly coarse but the colours was a nice blend of greys and black. He cautiously followed Carns, but only managed to get as far as the city as he was stopped by a very pissed off Carns. Without phasing they used telepathy to communicate. 'Why are you following me, I'm not who you think I am Jal'

'You cannot fool me this time, not again. It took me a while, but I know who you are...….Calvert...love will always find a way to bring us together'

'But how…how did you find me?...I need some space Jal that's why I left I felt crowded'

'It wasn't easy it took me one hundred years to find you as your scent is everywhere, you do not stop and we can make it work again'

'Jal I don't know if I can do that, I just need to be on my own'

'Of cause, it won't be the same, it will be better if you just give it a chance'

'Will it, how can you be so sure? All that I know is that I need to be alone and find myself again'

'What do you mean again? Did you find someone else?' Jal said feeling hurt.

'Well kind of but it didn't work he was like a flame from another lifetime but he has changed now'

'I'm sorry to hear that Cal…Carns'.

They both phased back to their human form and made camp and started chatting with some laughs, as they both went to sleep Jal felt strange and lost control of his body as it decided to wrap it around Carns. As soon as he realized what he was doing he couldn't let go but, he knew that Carns wouldn't be happy about this when he wakes, so Jal only cuddled for a few minutes then released his hold and turned over and fell asleep.