
Twilight I Bow To No One

Hello people im bad at writing so be warned. I wanted to try my hand at writing a fanfiction for myself so here it is I know twilight is kinda not everyone cup of tea but I wanted to try something easy for now and I don't mind suggestions I take everything I can get.

Daoist148866 · Book&Literature
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5 Chs

Chapter 1

They say when death comes your life flashes before your eyes, the happy the sad moment and even some you wish you never remembered.

I watched my life fly by as a god stud next to me and watched he was kinda surprised how boring a life I could live even if I tried to help people more than myself. I was kind of an intravolt most of my life but out in public, I would be pretty social so most would question where I would disappear to from time to time because I got stuck playing games throughout the day and night but what threw me through a loop is how I died all I remembered was walking to class after an all-night gaming session when blank I do remember a shadow before blanking though and I'm guessing it has something to do with this God though I doubt he will tell.

God: So David you get three wishes and get to be reincarnated into twilight.

David: Why twilight?

God: I know you want to go there maybe get Bellas mom just to mess with her and maybe get Edyth Cullen.

David: Makes sense I always wanted to be a vampire anyways. Ok, I want to be the first vampire to live with no weakness, I would also like the skill created where I can create anything except living beings too much work there. My last wish is to have world travel just in case you never know.

God: Good choices I will allow all wishes even if there op you still lazy to do anything too crazy anyway. Now off you go and have fun.