

Zenk's mother was severely ill. Ever since he was a child, Zenk had to suffer seeing his mother's health detoriates day by day with him not being able to do anything. His father died in the war, and his siblings were too young to take care of themselves. So, he was raised in poverty. Most of the nights he witnessed weren't pleasant or cozy. And if he or his family needed an otherwise simple thing, Zenk had to pull arms and legs just to get it. Yet, in spite of the harsh life, Zenk considered his condition the worst things could become. He always thought that his mother's state would not get any worse than this, and he eventually thought about it as the norm. But in those recent days, clirics had been telling him that she may not live any longer, and a surgery is required. And since he couldn't afford the expenses, Zenk began working with a benefactor that assigned him to do different shady jobs, each required certain set of skills. His latest endeavor was working with a Space Pirate named Gorbash who was going after Vincent Hindergrass, another Space Pirate. But instead of capturing the brown haired guy, Zenk caught Petra instead. And the entire operation fell apart when Afallan's forces intervened. Because of that, Zenk did not get paid, and his mother's life became in grave danger.



"How's she doing, sir?" Zenk asked the clirc.

"I don't know what to say, but her breathing is getting heavier.." the clirc exhaled. "She needs an immediate surgical treatment."

These words rang very hard into Zenk's head. It made his heart sink in despair.

"How long can she still hold on..?" he asked.

"A day or two.." the clirc replied.

"I'm on my way to get the money," Zenk said. "So please, stay with her.."

The clirc nodded, "I'll do whatever I can.."



With this crucial goal in mind, Zenk accompanied Julia, Talkid, and Lara to the outskirts, in a mission to rescue people trapped in an old mine. After the group passed through the south gate, they crossed the Sahara. It wasn't much time before the sky went dark, but Julia decided to press on regardless.

I won't blink if I'm traveling with this guy, she told herself as she gazed at Zenk walking steadily before her. Besides, I can't afford wasting any more time—

"Hey, look!" Lara pointed toward the horizon. "I see fire!"

"Looks like we made it..!" Zenk said in surprise, and then sprinted forward.

"He—hey! Wait up!" Talkid ran after him.

"Oh.." Julia stood in place, trying to grasp the situation.

"Come on, Julia.." Lara pulled her hand.

"Ye—yeah.." she muttered, and pushed her foot ahead.

"No traspassing allowed." said the guard of the entryway.

"I told you: we came to save those people in the mine!" Zenk raised his voice in frustration.

"You didn't show me any proof. How can I trust that you wouldn't kill or rob someone at this hour." replied the guard.

"What..?!" Lara tilted her head.

"We don't want to hurt anyone. Mister Ascot sent us here so we can help!" Julia said.

"Yeah, let us in!" Talkid tried pushing the muscular guard away.

"Quiet down, pepsqueek!" the guard grabbed Talkid by his head, and hung him up before dropping him on the sandy ground.



"How could you toss him like that?!" Zenk shouted. "He's a little kid!"

"Then, you better move out of my sight!" replied the guard.

"Ugh.." Talkid bounced back on his legs. "How about we make you move?! Julia!"

"Uhh!" the ginger haired girl panicked for few seconds. "All right.."

Julia stepped forward against the guard with her eyes starting to glow purple. She was determind to get this mission over with. And if that meant harming those standing on her way, Julia considered it a necessary evil.

The guard, on the other hand, jolted and reached for his large sword hanging on his waist. "One more step, and I'll have to cut off your head!" he shouted in panic.

If this stupid guard won't back down, our fight is going to cause a scene for sure, Julia thought. It'd be harder on us to convince the village that we came to help.

Dark purple shadows resembling large clows had began to appear around Julia's hands. The guard in response, pointed his sword against her.

"Prepare to die!" he shouted out loud.

"—What's this comotion all about?" another man emerged from behind the guard. His built was a lot leaner, and he got a shoulder level straight green hair.

"Huh..!" Zenk's jaw dropped the moment he saw him.

"Uhh—these people are trying to traspass into the village!" the guard explained while trembling. Julia's powers must have terrified him. "B—be careful! They're dangerous!"

"Hm?" the man gazed back at Julia and the two kids. "They do not look like criminals.."

"We came here to rescue the poor mine workers!" Lara blurted out.

"What? You?!" the man exclaimed once he heard Lara said those words, but then, his eyes spotted Zenk. "..Oh, I see now.."

"Sir, can you please let us in?" Julia asked the green haired man.

"But you will need to have a word with the cheif before anything else." he replied. "I'll find you a roof for tonight. You can put it on the tab.."

"Haah!" Julia and Lara smiled gleefully, but the guard seemed scared by that decision.

"But, sir! They could be—!" he tried to say.

"Do not worry," the man interjected. "These people would not go through the pain of travels if they weren't earnest.."

"Oh.." the guard gazed down at the ground while moving away from the enterance. "As you wish.."

"Well, then.." the green haired man gestured for Zenk and the other to follow him. "This way, please."

As they walked after the green haired man, Julia and the others couldn't make out most of what they saw. There were few bonfire scattered around the village passageways, but it was still too dim to exactly point out the area's layout. Through the darkness of the night, the green haired man escorted them to a small shack.

"And this is your accommdations for the night. Hope you rest well for tomorrow." he told them.

When Zenk looked inside, his eyes caught three beds and a small table on the side. "You live here?" he asked.

"More or less.." the man answered, but then excused himself immediately. " I hope you rest well. Now—— if you'd excuse me.."

After they got comfortable, the four decided to rest up for the coming day. Talkid slept on a bed all to himself, and so did Zenk. Lara and Julia were forced to share the third bed. It didn't take long before sounds of snoring rose up in the shack. But it wasn't this surroundings which made Julia wide awake. The fact that she was laying in a room with three strangers made her heart race.

There's no way I'll sleep tonight, she thought to herself, and turned to watch the sleeping Lara. How could she close her eyes in a place like this?! We're far away from home, and there's a bandit in the same room. Isn't she afraid?!

Julia kept looking at Lara's calm face. She sleeps on her side—like my sister!, she thought. I wonder if she's asleep, too. Or maybe she's not. Maybe she's looking for me..

—— Ruki, please be okay..


"..Hm..!" Julia turned to the opposite side.

So, he's awake as well, she saw Zenk sitting on his bed. He seemed to Julia like he was looking at something. A picture, perhaps. It's not settling at all. I can't allow myself to sympthize with that story of his. He's still a cheap bandit. He can act all remursful to himself for all I care. Wait! Why am I even thinking about that?! There's no way I'm concerned about what might happen to his mom! That piece of garbage, damn him!

—— It's going to be a long night., she told herself.

"You couldn't sleep too..?" Zenk broke the silence.

Oh, great, Julia thought. Now he opens a conversation! Literally, the last thing I need..

"Huh? Yeah, it's hard to sleep like this.."

"So, you're not used to nap in random places!" he cracked a smile. "I thought with the powers you got, you should be much more relaxed.."

"I'm a traveler, not some bounty hunter.." Julia shot back. "And why are you even awake, Mister 'Former Pirate'..?"

"I cannot seem to close my eyes when my own mother might close hers forever.." he replied.

"Don't say that. She will make it. Have faith in her, okay?" Julia told him.

"All these years, she held the pain and kept going. But all I did was living out there— holding on to vague, empty hope that something somehow fixes everything.." Zenk said. "This is all my fault.."

For sure it's your fault!, she thought. Nothing comes from doing nothing..

"But you came all this way to save her." Julia said. "Later's better than never. Things could still work out."

"Yes.." Zenk mumbled. "I'll make sure they do.."

"Humph. That's the spirit!" she smiled at him.

He might not be a bad person after all, Julia thought to herself. I better keep a more open mind in the future..

The sun rose as next morning arrived. The village's cheif, along with a number of important elders had gathered by the entrance of the mine. Zenk, Julia, and the two kids came to meet with them. The green haired man handled the introductions.

"This is the outskirt village cheif, Mister Forrn." he said, and looked at the cheif. "And those brave people came all the way from Flowershade to save the workers."

"So, you're the people Ascot recommended.." the cheif strocked his white beard. "What make you sure you could finish the job?"

"We were Space Pirates for some time.." Zenk replied. "We have raided dungeons before, as well.."

"What..?" Julia was taken aback by Zenk's response.

"—Do you have a problem?" Zenk gave her a cold glare.

What has gotten into him?!, she wondered. Things like that are really serious! He better not be thinking about double-crossing!

"This is an old gemstone mine where most of the residents of the outskirts work." the cheif explained. "But one evening, as the wives and childern were waiting, no one came back. There were only sounds of howels and screams, and even that disappeared later on."

"We tried sending others to look for them, but they as well, never returned.." an elder added.

"And at some other night, the night guards said they saw a large shadow lurking near the entryway."

"It's probobly a Lander, but we can handle it.." Zenk nodded.

"We'll be in your deabt if you do." said another obese elder. "The village prepared nine hundred thousand for bringing back those poor workers."

"Well—if you really this competent, this shouldn't take much time, right?" the green haired man smirked to Zenk's face.

"Shorter than you think." Zenk shot back. "And then, we'll be even.."

"I am indeed, have high hopes in that.." the green haired man replied.

"Do you need anything before you go in there?" one elder asked.

"Nothing. We're rather in much hurry, so, excuse us.." Zenk walked passed the villagers and toward the cave's entrance. "What are you waiting for? Aren't you coming?"

Julia gazed toward him as he walked farther. For a second, she glimpsed Mado walking in front of her instead.

—— That attitude.., she clenched her fist.

"Come on, Julia!" Talkid passed her, and sprinted after Zenk.

"No, you're staying here!" she grabbed him by the coller. "Somebody has to watch over Lara."

"But I want to see the Lander! That's not fair!" Talkid protested.

Julia gestured for Lara, and the latter wrapped her arms around Talkid. "Yeah, this place is scary, and I can't be alone!" she cried.

"Huh?! Why now?!" Talkid's face twitched as it turned red.

"Julia please, tell him to stay with me!" Lara cried even louder.

"What are you going to do now, you big hero?" Julia teased the little boy.

"Uhh—" Talkid didn't have any other chance but to comply. "Fine.."

"Yaaay!" Lara jumped in cheer, and hugged Talkid even harder.

Seeing them like that, Julia decided to go after Zenk who already went inside the mines.

"Oh, so you're here..!" Zenk said.

"I told you I'm not giving you the chance to slip away." Julia replied.

Both her and Zenk had entered the cave at that point. The walls around them were irrigular and rocky. And the path was dark and twisted. It sometimes grew so thin that it almost seemed like they had hit a dead end, so the lantern's light only showed a foot or so ahead of them. The feel of the walls that Julia sometimes touched was hard and rough.

So was the sensation of the ground under her feet. Yet, after some time of meticulous searching, the two had not found a single soul. The further along they went, the more the fire of hope seemed to dim, and

it felt like even the slightest breath could extinguish it. Even if they moved

forward cautiously, step by step, was there even going to be a payoff for it at

the end?

Had this been the right choice?

Wasn't it a huge mistake instead?

It had been hot when they had first wandered in here, but it had been cool

for quite a while now. The air was dry, but it still smelled like a bog for some

reason. As they traversed further, Julia noticed blue glowing eruptions carved through the walls which started illuminating the way.

"What's this..?" she said.

"No idea.." Zenk replied without looking back toward her.


"Huh!" Julia spotted a strange shadow dashed toward the side.

"Here it comes..!" Zenk took out his sword.

It moves very fast, she thought. At this rate, fighting in the dark will be hard.

As both Julia and Zenk were turning back to back, the shadow-like enemy slid toward them.


"Here it is!" Julia prepared to raise her purple sheild, but Zenk jumped first.



"Huh!" Julia was about to lose her balance. "What's wrong with you?! We should've seen what kind of Lander it is!"

"And how's that important?" Zenk asked.

"So we might know whether it could've killed those lost people!" Julia replied.

"Well, that's unnecessary.." Zenk charged forward as more strange approached.

Once they got close enough, the creeping shadows emerged above the ground, and most of their forms became apparent. There were four mosiac dark bodies with a small head that had a large single green eye, and two whip-like limbs.

"Kyaaaah!" the monsters screatched while dashing toward Julia and Zenk.

"HAAAA!" Zenk swang his blade over at them, and managed to defeat two.

~Slash! ~Shatter!


"Out of the way!" Julia used her electrifying sheild, and paralized the other two. But as soon as she got closer—

"Ugh!" Julia's felt a sudden pain in her chest, and dropped on one knee.

What the?, she panicked. It's the same as that time in the Waterways! Does this mean..?

Zenk drew a hexagon in mid-air with his finger, and a small magic circle appeared. A moment later, a thick chain snaked through the air, and struck the remaining two monsters.

~Sting! Sting!


Julia stood back on her feet, but Zenk went on without any regard to his companion.

"Hey!" Julia called for him. "Wait up! I think I found out about these things!"

Zenk kept running forward, and more dark monsters showed up, but he slashed his way through them fearlessly. There were few he didn't kill completely; those were the ones Julia took care of as she tried catching up to him.

"Zenk!" she yelled. "Don't run off on your own!"

"I can finish this on my own!" he finally stopped and replied.

"You don't understand. These monsters aren't Landers!" Julia said while catching her breath. "They're demons.."

"Is that your excuse?! Well, I'm not slowing for you!" he shot back at her. "Listen. I'll handle this alone and take as much gemstones I can. They would worth millions."

"What?! What about the mission and paying your benefactor?!" she asked.

"I won't give him a dime!" Zenk snapped. "My family and I had enough of this filthy life. It's our time to be happy at last!"

"But, my friend.." Julia face tensed in dread. Is Zenk really going to flip on her at such time?

"The benefactor—he's here in this village." he said.

"Huh?!" Julia was surprised.

"You've talked to him already, in fact.." he continued.

"You don't mean.." Julia said. "The guy with the green hair!"

"Exactly, and I think he'd help you get to your friend. So, you better head back—"

"But we promised these people that we'll help them—Ahh!" Julia was cut short by thick magical chains that Zenk unleashed.


Zenk's chains spirally floated around Julia, and tighed her up in a matter of seconds. Julia then, fell down on her knees, utterly immobile.

"Zenk, don't do this! Release me, now!" she said. But Zenk completely ignored her.

He then stepped further away from her, and drew a magical circle in front of him. After he was done, Zenk clapped his hands together while mumbling words of incantation, and a white diamond-like wall rose up from all four corners and separated him from the tighed girl.

"Zenk!" Julia shouted.

"Sorry, but a hungry creature like me won't understand people with faith like you.." he said as a semi-transparent white wall filled in the space between them, and Zenk went out of sight.



The weather outside had taken a cloudy turn soon after Julia and Zenk entered the mines. Echoes of thunder eminated every now and then. And as the crowd of villagers standing by the enterance of the cave along with Lara and Talkid, the guard approached.

"Sir Cheif, there's someone requesting to come in." he said.

The old Cheif rose one eye brow; as though he was weirded out by this news. "And what does this person wants?" he asked.

"He's saying he needs to speak to a man named Zenk." the guard replied. "He said it's of a great importance."

"Huh?" Talkid and Lara looked at each other in disblief.

"Oh, no.." Lara muttered as she gazed back at the mines entery.

"Come on, Julia.." Talkid gritted his teeth. "Hurry up.."

Meanwhile, inside the gemstones' mines, Julia was tighed up in thick chains on the floor. The shackled girl tried struggling out, but she couldn't move an inch. "Ahhh!" she grumbled. "Shit! It's too tight!"

I'm just pathetic, Julia thought. I can't get myself out of a tight spot, how am I suppose to save anybody?! God, I should've been the one resqued not the other way around! But if that happened, I'd be a burden to him..

The picture of Jaden came to her at that stressing moment. Julia couldn't handle the fact of her owing to Jaden more than she already had.

"No—I can't let it happen.." she tried pushing the chains. "Ahhhh! LET GO OF ME!"

Julia's body emitted dark crimson aura that flared through the black chains.


The dark chains shattered, and disappeared. Julia was now able to stand on her feet again. But the path ahead of her was still sealed off. The white semi-transparent wall before her was standing tall.


"Zenk!" she slapped the barrier, and shouted. "You better take that off, NOW!"



Julia kept on hitting the walls, but there were no sign from Zenk. Julia's patience had run out. She realized that her only way of getting through was by destroying the white barrier herself.

—— I need to focus...

Julia gathered all of the Mana within her into her hand. The dark purple aura emitting out of her converged and formed a round focal bursting flare of energy. "That'll do.." she whispered, and redirected her energy onto the wall with a punch. "HAAAAAA!!"




"UGH!" Julia pushed against the wall with all her might. "..Open up.."



The white wall broke into hundred pieces, and Julia rushed inside. But the moment she stepped forward, her vision hazed off for a moment. And before she could realize it, the ginger haired girl found herself in a foggy place. "Huh..?" she looked around her for any signs of her traitorous partner. "ZENK! WHERE ARE YOU? SHOW YOURSELF!'

As she was yelling amidst the mist, Julia felt somebody is approaching. When she turned to face them, Julia went shocked. "..What?!" she muttered.

"Come on, Safi. You don't have to be so loud.." a tall girl with fair skin emerged.

"Ruki..?!" Safi covered her mouth in fear. "What are you doing here..?"

"But it's good that you're letting it out. You've always been the one in her head all the time.." Ruki said.

"Hey, what you mean by that?" Julia asked while trying off her best not to lose her mind.

"How can I say this in a less rude way..?" Ruki wondered. "Aha! You're delusional. You think everyone can read your mind!"

"No! I'm not——" Julia tried to reply, but Ruki laughed out.

"Hahaha! Now that's good news.."

"But at least, don't lie to yourself.." Ruki finished. "You won't fool everyone for too long, you know. They will see through you eventually, and you'll be left behind.."

"No, stop!" Julia put her hands on her ears, and shut her eyes. "This can't be real!"

"—Safi!" another voice called her from the depth of the fog.

"Who's there?!" Julia feet got cold the second she saw him.

"Mado..?!" Safi mumbled.

"I can't believe that I used to love you as a friend!" he said. "But you were only playing along.."

"Uh..!" Julia was at lost for words. "..Ruki?"

Julia turned to look, but Ruki was no where to be found.

"You lied to me!" Mado yelled.

Safi then gazed back at the angry boy standing before her eyes. "What's going on here? How did your look go back to—?"

"Enough! I'm tired of listening to your lies!" Mado shouted, and then stepped forward. "All this time, I cared about you more than anybody else. I loved you like nobody else. But now, it's time to pay it all back.."

Mado got closer in steady steps. Before Safi could wonder what might he do, the Engineblade materialized in his hand as he approached.

"Uhh..no! Mado, calm down.." Safi took few steps backward. "I don't wanna hurt you, please.."

"I didn't wanna hurt you one of these day. Back when we were all friendly with each other, or so I thought.." Mado raised his sword against the ginger haired girl. "But now—I'M IN PAIN!"

Mado charged against his friend. Julia panicked. Her brain, although, pulsating like a volcano near errupting, was completely empty. She had no other choice, but succmbing to impulse.



"Uh..?" Julia opened up her eyes, and found a sharp dark rod extending through her hand, and headed straight; piercing through Mado's chest, halting him.

"Ugh.." Mado groaned. "Just as I thought—you're nothing but a demon.."

Julia lowered her gaze, and looked at her body. It was all smoky and black; just like the demon Jaden faced within her mind once before.

"Huh..?!" Julia gasped as she pulled her hand close. She was the demon that tormented Jaden, and was about to kill everyone at her old hometown. "No! This can't be happening!"

"Oh, but it is happening.." words had just reached for her ear; a familiar voice tinged with rage.

When Julia turned toward it, she saw her father, Peter Park.

"What's going on..?!" Julia cried. "How could you be here..?!"

"I told you," he smiled with open arms. "I'll always be a part of you, Julia. I am your darkness."

Safi looked down at a puddle of water where her reflection showed a dark one eyed demon. "I—I didn't want any of this.." she sobbed. "Myself, my friends, my life.."

"This is who you're truely are.." he told her. "Your darkness runs deep. And it'll eventually flood you below it."

"Shut up.." she shouted. "None of this is real! This is only made inside a computer!"

"I'm not Julia Park! I'm a medical student! My real friends are Hadeel and Hanan!" she clenched her dark fists. "I decide who I value and what I appreciate. You are not any part of anything."

Julia's father smirked in denial, "That doesn't changed the fact you ended up faking liking these people around you, Julia.."

"I told you I'm not Julia.." Safi charged against him. "My name is SAFI!!"

Safi extended her hand to deliver a blow, but she soon halted at the moment she came in contact with her enemy.

"Huh?!" Julia's eyes saw the demon she embodied a second ago standing in front of her instead of Mr. Park.

But once she looked at herself, Safi found her Real Life body. The confused girl lost balanced, and fell backward on the ground.


The dark demon approached the girl. "You think you can wield the darkness, silly fool?" asked the demon.

"Stay away from me!" Safi dragged herself away in fear as she shouted. "I don't want any of this!"

"A meaningless effort." said the demon. "One who knows nothing, can understand nothing.."

It's that it?, Safi thought. Am I gonna die here? By the demon I gave into. It seems like a fair end for someone like me. But at least, I wanted to talk to more people before this. I wanted to appologize to Mado. That guy stood by me every time—even when I-----he really shouldn't. It felt burdening, honestly. Maybe—he read my intentions wrong. Or maybe, I'm the one who was wrong. But I really need a hand right now..

The dark demon transformed it's raised hand into a sharp blade, preparing to attack. "Now, sink in to the abyess!"

Julia closed her eyes in despair.

—— Mado..



"Uhh..!" Julia opened her eyes again only to see the Engineblade in her hand. It blocked the demon's blow.

"That's—Mado's sword..!" she mumbled in awe.

It's so warm!, she thought to herself. Just like that time—when I felt his emotions..

Julia got back on her feet with Jaden's sword. "I finally got it.." she said.

I finally understand, she thought. Mado's sword——Mado's heart, it's warm and kind. It's ready to support anyone needing help. There were no ulterior motives, nothing in return. That's why we're different.

Safi held the Engineblade tight. "This is where the nightmare ends!" she jumped forward against the demon.

The dark monster elongated its arms, and turned them into sharp knives. It thrusted the blades at her, but Safi ran forward in untraceble speed as the sword activated [Sonic Leap].

"It ends here!" Safi pushed the sword onto the demon's torso, and blew the enemy with a single swift.


The following moment, everything around Safi had warpped out of shape. And the next second, Julia found herself falling out of a small glassy capsule onto the ground. "Ahh!"

~Break! Drop!

"Ugh.." Julia pulled her body up in pain. "What's—?!"

Julia's eyes widened in shock. The scene before her was a one to dread. Hundreds of red glassy capsules hung on the cavernous wall. Inside those capsules were people of different ages; trapped in small cavities.

What just happened?!, she thought. Everything I saw—that can't be all an illusion, can it..?

Julia kept looking left and right. Out of those hung capsules, there was one that caught her eyes.

"That's Zenk..!" she rushed toward him.

Julia used her dark purple aura, and punched the red glassy cover with all her might.


"Come on, wake up!" she said as she pulled the comatosed man out.

"Ugh..!" Zenk gradually regained his consciousness. "..What—what happened..?"

"We were trapped, apparently.." she told him.

"Nugh!" Zenk stood up in panic. "Huh?! For how long?!"

"I don't know.." Julia shook her head. "Looks like whoever this demon is, it tricks its victims into sleep.."

"That maggot!" Zenk clenched his jaw as he looked around. "So, that's how the mine workers disappeared!"


"Oh!" Julia lost balance as the ground below them shook with rubble falling from above.

"Up ahead!" Zenk pointed toward a massive black spider-like mechanical creature crowled down on the walls around them in an incredible speed.

The large monster eventually landed on the ground facing both Julia and Zenk. The two had to look up to view the entire creature. The moment it settled, its face flipped from within to show a bloody woman's features with purple glowing eyes, and surrounded by some animal fur.

"Kweeeeeee!" the spider-like demon screetched in anger. The sound was too loud for Julia to take; so she closed her ears.

"Uhh..!" Julia opened her eyes to see that she was surrounded by thick mist.

The ginger haired girl stood all by herself. And from all around her, people resembling her friends and family had turned into slugish dark one-eyed demons charged at her from every corner.

"..SHEILD.." she rose the purple electrifying barrier as more and more monsters columinated against her.

~Flock! Flock!

"...Safi..Safi..Safi.." the demon echoed her name as they attacked. Their voices were blending with the voice of her loved ones.

"Ugh.." Julia gritted her teeth in frustration. "I've had enough!"

She then focused her Mana to unleashe the shadowy figure that resembled her. The second it emerged, it floated to the middle of the fog. And in one full flextion, the shadow abruptly extended; as if bursting. And an explusive pulse blew the mist away.


Zenk wasn't in any better situation. The dark thick mist caught him surrounded by myriad of demons. "Damn you, demons!" he swang his sword at them.

A number of demons remained crowling at ground level, and ambushed Zenk from below. One demonic whip-like limb twirled around his leg. "Kehhayy!"

"Ugh! Damn, not here!" Zenk tried yanking it off, but it was too late for him. More demon approached him from beneath his feet, and Zenk almost believed that he was through.


Dark clows of dark aura cut through the fog, and dashed over the demons hindering Zenk. Once he was fcompletely free, Zenk saw Julia coming his way. "So, it was you.." he said.

"Who else would think about saving you?" Julia supported him.

"This monster—" Zenk started. "It absorbs Mana.."

"Yeah, I've figured. That's why it keeps all this people captive. They're livestokes." Julia replied. "But I don't think he'd like the Mana coursing through me."

"How's that?" he stood back slowly.

Julia charged forward, "Because I'm cursed."

The large black demon screetched as it saw Julia dashing toward it. Once she got close enough, the demon's eyes went purple, and began shooting beams down at Julia.


"Oh, you won't!" she raised her purple transparent sheild as she marched onward. "This is it!"

Julia jumped against the spider-demon, and used her dark aura claws. "..Cursed Nails!.."



"Kyheeee!" the demonic female face grimaced in irritation. Its mouth crocked open, and electic bolts came out, and shot randomly at the ceiling. As Julia was trying to hit the monster, a bolt of lightning came her way.

Dammit!, she froze in place in dread. But luckly—

"Look out!" Zenk her pushed away from the blow.


"Tha—thanks.." Julia said.

"I'll try distracting it. You, find a way to finish it off.." Zenk draw a magic circle and unleashed the dark large chains, and dashed toward the spider-like huge demon.

Zenk ran in full speed, and twisted his floating chains. They delivered multiple attacks onto the enemy.

~Sting! Sting! Whipe!

The demon brushed off some of the attacks, and shot purple beems of destructive blasts that almost hit Zenk.



"Ugh..!" Zenk was tossed by the blow, and hit the ground.


Julia pulled herself up as the demon screetched like it will take their souls. "Ugghh!" she groaned as she stood on one knee.

I'm at my limit, she thought to herself. But I have to keep going—I need to end this, or else.

Julia raised her head to see the monster towering over her. But there was some other thing her eyes saw. It was Jaden; Julia saw a ghost of him standing couragously before her to face the demon.

—Or else, I won't be able to face him. I won't be able to be truely myself—weather good or bad. If I don't do something about it, I won't go back to my real life. I gotta finish this off right now!

Julia stood back on her feet, and pushed herself past Jaden's ghost. Dark purple aura flared out of her like one big fountain. Her determind eyes glew blazing purple. And as soon as she spread her fingers, dark demonic claws floated all around her hands.

Because in the end, it's my life to live, Julia dashed toward the large demon. And I don't want to live in regret!

"No more holding back, YOU DEMON!" she jumped and delivered a double claw slash.


"KYHEEEAAAH!" the demon screamed as it twisted its body to counter, but Julia was ready.

"..Rewind.." the waves reversed the monster's moves, and caused it to wobble.

"Zenk!" Julia ran to the other side.

"Get ready!" Zenk flew his chains, and made them twist around the demonic monster, and tie it in place.


"NOW! IT'S YOUR CHANCE!" Zenk shouted.

Julia rose one purple sheild on top of another for her climb on. She leaped in succession, and absorbed each sheild afterwards. When she got high enough, Julia converged the energy from all the sheilds into her hands. And up in the air, way above the demon, Julia forged one large glowing purple sphere of cursed Mana. "This is—" she tossed it onto the demon. "THE END!"

The cursed sphere dashed down, and hit the spider-demon.


"Oh, damn!" Zenk clenched his fists at the scene of the monster's struggle. "Come on, Julia!"

The still floating Julia's eyes glew brighter, and the shadowy figure itched from within her body. It emerged hlafway only; causing the girl body to vibrate vigrously like it was under control of some devilish power.

"Ahhhhh!" Julia screamed as her voiced demonified. A second later, she dashed onto the purple sphere and the demonic spider.


"KYHEEEEAA!" the demon tried to struggle against the added force, but before long, it finally collapsed, and exploded.


The blow severely rocked the entire cavern, and dust rose way up high. After the air cleared a little, Zenk opened his eyes again. He looked for Julia in all directions, but the still hazy view hindered his vision. "Julia! Julia, where are you?" he called for her.

Can it be?, he told himself. Is she dead..?

"Julia!" he tried calling her name one more time. And then, footsteps emerged from within the foggy dust. Once he abruptly turned, Zenk found the ginger haired girl walking toward him.

"I'm right here." Julia said, looking completely normal. As though what happened a minute ago, was an illusion.

"Are you all right—?" Zenk asked dumbfoundedly.

"Yes, and look!" Julia pointed toward the hung capsules.

~Crack! Break!

~Break! Drop!

~Break! Break! Break! Break!

The two watched as the trapped men bagan falling out from the cavities they were trapped in. "They're alive..!" Zenk mumbled.

"Yeah—come on, lets help them!" Julia sprinted toward them.

The storm had ended outside the mines, but the villagers' wait apparently remained. The sun reappeared, but not for long. Since the sky had already turned orange. Among those patient people, Lara gazed at the cave's enterance. And the following minute, she glimpsed something new. There were silhauettes, coming closer to the light. Lara's surprised mind couldn't process the situation; so her only reaction was to point silently. At that moment, Talkid and the green haired man saw turned to the cave to see the astonishing scene as well.

"They're back!" Talkid yelled. And the entire crowd looked toward the exit.

Indeed, Zenk and Julia came back, but they brought company. There were about sixty people walking behind them. That scene made the villagers cheer in atmost happiness. "WHOOOAAAA!"

The mine workers were soon taken by the arms of their loved ones. Sounds of loud cries eminated across the village. Julia too was taken by the arms of both Talkid and Lara. "Yeah! Julia, you made it!"

"Thanks, guys!" she embraced them as Zenk stood in the background.

Talkid eyed him first. "You know, you might not be a bad guy after all." he told him.

"Yeah! Thank you, Zenk for helping Julia." Lara added.

"Your friend here was the real hero. She deserves all the praise." Zenk replied happily. "Without her strength, we wouldn't have saved all these people."

"And why do you care now?" Julia asked. "Thought you were only after the gems."

"Uhh, well..!" Zenk's face went red as he looked away for a second.

"Mr. Zenk, you're a kind person.." Lara said dumbfoundedly.

"Cut it out!" he replied angerily.

"Such fine work this time!" the green haired man approached them. "To say the truth, I'm impressed."

"So, it's you.." Julia stepped forward.

"Uhh, what's the matter, young lady?" he asked.

"This is my benefactor." Zenk told Julia and the two kids. "He's the one who hired me to work for Gorbash.."

"Ha?!" Talkid jumped in surprise.

The man fliped his long green hair, "It is true, I hired Zenk for that job."

"So, you know where that Pirate is?" Lara asked.

"And why would you want to know?" he asked.

"He's got my friend. I need to rescue her." Julia said.

"Well, I'm sorry, but I won't tell you." he answered. "Your friend here owes me plenty—"

"We'll give you the mission reward." Zenk interjected.

"Huh?! But that's—" Julia was shocked.

"My mother has always been a tough crust. You don't need to worry." Zenk gave her a thumbs up.

After he said those words, both Talkid and Lara looked at each other with worried faces.

"What's wrong?" Julia asked.

"About Zenk's mother.." Lara muttered.

"Pardon me.." the village's cheif approached them. "Mr. Zenk, this man wants to tell you something important.."

From behind the old cheif, a thin frail man stepped forward. "Zenk.."

"Wise man?!" Zenk's face lost all colors. "What are you doing here? You were supposed to look after—?!"

"She passed away, Zenk.." the clirc said. "Your mother died this morning.."

The last words echoed heavily through Julia's head. She turned her eyes to see Zenk's. The latter froze in place for a couple of seconds before he responded. "No, you're lying, right? You got to be lying now because you told me I still have some time, and the—"

"No, Zenk. I won't be here if she wasn't. You need to listen to me—!" the clirc said.

"No, no way! You just need a raise, right? You should just say so!" Zenk snapped.

"ZENK!" Julia shouted at him. "He's telling the truth!"

Zenk looked at Julia in disbelief. "Please," his face fought off the tears. "Don't say this..."

Zenk fell to his kness as tears were coming down his face. "I was so close. I made it—I finally made money.." he sobbed. "THIS IS NOT FAIR! AHHHHHHHHHHH!"

Zenk cried on his knees in defeat. The loss he endured is irreplaceable. After all, it was her mother that he was struggling for all this time.

"I wanna just—take my own life already.." he sobbed.


"Enough!" Julia punched Zenk on the cheek.

"Ugh!" stopped crying, and Julia reached for his collar.

"So that's it?! As soon as you lost, you want to take the easy way out?!" she told him. "Is that what your mother worth to you?!"

"My mother died, Julia! Everything I've done went for nothing!" Zenk yelled at her.

"What about her?! What about everything she's been doing all this time?!" Julia shouted back. "Your mom may had been in pain all these years, but she didn't chose despair or death. She struggled to live. She chose to believe in hope. She chose to believe in you!"

"Julia.." Zenk's eyes flooded once again.

"Your mother chose the pain; so her son—live and grow, and be happy.." Julia said. "She gave you her life. Don't just waste it. I'm not saying that it would be easy. But do your best and never let demons take you by. There'd be days when it'll hurt like hell, but you have to face it everyday and be thankful. You once had somebody who chose to die for you."

Zenk rose his head, and looked at Julia while wipping his tears. "Can I do that?"

"I did.." Julia replied. "I do everyday.."

"Me, too!" Talkid added.

"Me, three!" Lara joined in. "And whenever I feel bad about it, I go back to ones I still have.."

Talkid hand reached for Lara's and held it tight. "As long as we have each other, we're gonna be okay!"

"Zenk, let's go back to Flowershade." Julia told him. "We'll held your mom funeral together, okay?"

Zenk stood back on his feet, tighted his fists, and nodded. "Okay."

The following week, Julia and the two kids helped Zenk and his siblings held the funeral for their mother. With the help of Grandpa Borg and his men, everything were culturly appropriate. At first, Zenk admitted that there might not be that much people attending. But he was later surprised by the hundreds of people who showed up. People like the benefactor, Ascot, and even the entire outskirt village. During the ceremony, Ascot, the village's cheif and the green haired benefactor asked to talk to Julia in private.

"What are going to talk about?" Julia asked.

"I talked to both of these gentlemen about you and Gorbash.." explained the benefactor. "I think, after all that had occured, I decided to give you the information you asked me about."

"Huh?! Really?" Julia smiled.

"Yes, and we made sure of its legitmatity." Ascot added.

"Uh, thank you!" Julia almost bawed out of graditute.

"So," the green haied man started. "Gorbash was last seen in the city of Janacre along with a strangely dressed girl."

"That's Petra!" Julia jumped. "But where is this city..?"

"Not very far." said the cheif. "A train trip from here will do."

"Really? Thank you, again.." Julia scratched her cheek in embarrasment. "If only I also knew where they may have taken the others..."

"The prisoners, you mean?" Ascot. "I may have a lead on that one.."

"Huh?!" Julia's eyes widened.

"They were caught with members of the Insurgants, isn't right?" asked Ascot.

"Hmmm.." the cheif stroked his beard. "I have had news about an important member of the Insurgants; a woman.."

"Yeah, she was with my friends!" Julia replied.

"We heard she may be with some Judge right now, heading to meet Janacre's Prime Minster." the benefactor added.

"So, it is ordained. You got to travel to Janacre." Ascot said. "Especially if you want to find your friends.."

The next day, as the sun was still rising, Julia was already standing in the train station. Only Lara and Talkid came to see her leave.

"I'm sure we're going to meet again." Talkid said. "You're way too scary to die.."

"Talkid, that's rude!" Lara slapped him.

"No, it's funny actually!" Julia giggled. "Don't worry, I'm sure we'll see each other again, too."

"Yeah! Along with Petra and Jaden and Eugene, as well!" Lara smiled. "Grandpa will forced to hold a feast!

"Yeah! So, come back safe, and don't blow Talkid's feast." Talkid winked at her.

"Absolutely!" Julia gave the little boy a thumbs up.


"Oh!" Lara looked at the train. "It's already leaving!"

"Yeah, I have to go, so—" Julia waved to the two kids goodbye as she hopped on the train. "Take care, okay?"

"GOOD LUCK, JULIA!" the two kids yelled in uinson.

The train picked up speed, and railed away from the station. Julia kept waving until she could no longer see them anymore. She then went, and took her seat.

All right, she thought. It's only a matter of time, now. Noor, Majd, I'm coming to set things right. And this time—I'll tell him the truth..

—— Mado, I'll finally face you and tell you how I really feel..