
Twilight Aftermath: Kingdom

In this world, the universe is divided into four realms, and one of those realms is called the Avatar Realm. In this realm, the inhabitants are called Avatars. They appear human but possess special powers known as Attributes. On a certain planet in the Avatar Realm, Chiaro, our protagonist, finds himself in a grassland under the moonlit sky, without any memories and lacking any Attributes to navigate this world. A few moments later, a mysterious breeze blows the grass around Chiaro, and his surroundings transform into a strange two-sided world: a black side on the left and a white side on the right. Chiaro found himself sitting on the white side, while on the other side, a silhouette approaches him, intimidating and assigning him a task to survive in this world and make someone pay, or else everything won’t move forward. After that, Chiaro's surroundings change back to a grassland under the night sky. As soon as he opens his eyes, he sees a man aiming a silver dagger at his throat.

ZSonata · Fantasy
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12 Chs


I followed Leto on the way to the exit, and as soon as I laid my right foot beyond the wooden door that leads outside, the cozy warm rays of the sun touched my entire body, it's a feeling I know that I have never experienced before. I looked ahead as we walked outside and I saw, wooden houses joined together, they have similar shapes and dimensions, and there are also two roads ahead with a row of small tree-like plants between them. Me, Luciel, and Leto walk on the sidewalk of the left road

[ You see the houses here, Chiaro? This is where the medics of Zacrynem district live ]

Says Luciel as she points her finger at different wooden buildings

[ And what are those moving things on the road? ]

[ Oh? Those are wooden carriages, they carry medical supplies and food, and sometimes people use them to travel across the district! ]

[ You mean- ]

[ Yes, the whole district is connected to this road ]

[ That's ama- ]

[ Enough talking, Luciel, Foreigner. Our ride is here ]

We stopped walking as one of the wooden carriages stopped before us

[ Saxon, you arrived just on time ]

[ Saxon? ]

The flashback of what happened on my first night here in this place played at the back of my head. Saxon then got out of the wooden carriage-

[ Oh my, if it isn't my Older Sister! ]

Luciel suddenly goes behind Leto

[ And the princess is safe, I am glad- ] As soon as our eyes met, Saxon said [ Silver Attribute: D- ]

Before Saxon could finish his chant, Luciel stands in front of me with her arms spread while nervously saying-

[ Don't.. Do anything bad.. To Chiaro! ]

[ Huh? Princess? Why are you covering that unknown- ]

[ Save it for later Saxon, that foreigner is about to have an audience with the Mayor ]

[ Oh, I see ]

[ And also Chiaro, I changed my mind about keeping an eye on you ]

[ Huh? What do you- ]

[ From now on, Saxon will be the one doing it ]

Both I and Saxon said, [ Ehhh!? ]

[ But Sister Leto! Saxon might hur- ]

[ This is also for the foreigner, don't pamper him too much, Luciel ]

[ O-okay.. ]

Said Luciel as she goes back behind Leto while obviously avoiding Saxon

[ Why is Luciel scared of Saxon??? ]

[ Well then foreigner, I heard the princess call you Chiaro, I am Saxon, Saxon Hitman. So.. Chiaro, let's get along~ ]

He said as he extended his hands toward me 

I took his hand and say [ In what way? ]

Saxon chuckles [ Everyone, go to the carriage now, I'll take y'all to the Town Hall ]

[ Uhh- ]

[ You should go now, Chiaro ] said Saxon with a smirk

[ Tsk ]

I then followed Luciel and Leto inside the wooden carriage as I closed the door. Saxon then began-

[ To the Town Hall! ] 

Driving the carriage by leading the two horses.

As the carriage moved, Luciel sat beside me and whispered to my ears-

[ Always keep your guard up around Saxon, he loves surprise attacks and may randomly stab you with his daggers. ]

I whispered back

[ But why would he do that? ]

[ I don't know as well, but he's said to always do that to his comrades.. Especially the people in his group ]

[ Group? ]

[ Yes, he is assigned to a group of Avatars. It's like a squad ]

[ But why would he stab his squad randomly? ]

[ I don't know but, that man who stabs his comrades randomly is in charge of you.. So always keep your guard up.. ]

I swallowed the air

[ Okay.. thank you Luciel.. ]

Luciel stands up and sits beside Leto again

[ What did you guys talk about? ]

Luciel looked away while saying [ Nothing.. ]

[ Then why is the foreigner sweating? ]

Both me and Luciel stare at each other for a few minutes.. And after a few moments..

[ We're here, everyone ]

Saxon left the driver's seat of the carriage and opened the door for us

[ We are now in the Town Hall. Luckily for Chiaro, the Mayor is present right now ]

I then again swallowed the air

[ It'll be fine Chiaro, you won't die and I won't let you die.. ] Luciel then began murmuring [Like what u did to me.. ]

[ I didn't hear that- ]

[ It was n-nothing! Now just believe in yourself and say the truth, you'll be fine ]

I put my hand on her shoulder [ Okay, thank you Luciel ]

Luciel's face suddenly goes red, and I, in a spur of a moment, took my hand away from Luciel's shoulder, and as I do it, a silver dagger straightly goes between us

[ Ah ha, not bad Chiaro~ ] [ Silver Dagger Attribute: Dispel ]

The silver dagger aimed at my hand continues to go in one direction, and when it's about to hit someone, it disappears into thin air.

[ Hey Saxon, at least don't do that in public ]

[ Yes yes, I couldn't help myself hehe.. ]

[ That bastard.. ]

[ But I should say, you're a bit fast, Chiaro ]

I looked at him straight in the eye

[ You'll need to do better than that ]

[ Ah ha, interesting~ ]

Saxon and Leto goes inside the Town Hall

[ Hey, Chiaro, why did you say that? ]

[ I- I don't know! If it weren't for your warning, I might get a scratch or two.. I might've got annoyed by what he did ]

[ Jeez, Chiaro, control your temper! ]

Me and Luciel then follow them

[ We are here to meet the Mayor ]

Leto said to the receptionist 

As they talk about getting access, I looked around and concluded that [ Every building here is really made out of wood- ]

[ Foreigner, Luciel, let's go now ]

Leto leads us to the door on the left, before I can even look around, we begin going up the stairs near the door. Two floors later, we stopped and began walking towards that one door. Unlike the one in the hospital, you have no vision below the previous floors since it's covered by a wooden floor

As soon as we reached the door, Leto opens it and

[ Mayor, I bring you your daughter along with the foreigner, I also have my brother over ]

I wasn't in the room so I couldn't see him but, his voice-

[ Okay, come in ]

Paralyzed my whole body in an instant