
Twice Rejected Omega, The Alpha's Regret

“I refuse to let you be my mate. Get out of my sight right now!" That's what alpha Kyrill said to Zoe an hour ago with a look full of anger and hatred, as if he would pounce on her to death if she didn't disappear from his sight in an instant. But an hour later, he said something completely different, with a gentle facial expression, he hugged her from behind, as if he didn't want to let go at all. “Don't go, you're all I have. You're all I need. I can give up everything, but not you. Promise me that you will always stay by my side." Zoe felt very confused by this drastic change. ************************** Zoe was an Omega in the pack, where she was very lucky to be the alpha's mate, but one night, she found Isaac with Layla, the woman he always said he saw as his 'little sister'. At that moment, Zoe decided to reject her destined mate and ran away from the pack It's just that after finding out Zoe was gone, Isaac went crazy and decided to get her back.

WildWildWorld · Fantasy
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40 Chs


Zoe pushed Kyrill away from her as hard as she could, until he could feel her unwillingness to be kissed by him. He voluntarily backed away from her. His eyes were hurt for the rejection.


"Al- alpha… this is not right." Zoe was scared, she was breathing raggedly, she still could taste the flavor of noodles he just ate. It was far away from how she imagined her night would be.


"Why did you reject me?" Kyrill asked, he looked hurt, frowning so hard. "Why did you reject me? What have I done?"


"Alpha?" Zoe was scared now, because he didn't look like himself.


"You are my mate, why couldn't I kiss you?" He took a step forward to approach her, but then stopped when he saw the horror in her eyes. "Don't look at me like that, I will not hurt you. I promise. I will not hurt you. I swore, I will not let Mr. Thorne to hurt you."


"What?" Who was Mr. Thorne? His sibling? This situation became more confusing.


"Don't leave me, don't leave me, please. I will do everything that you told me to do, but don't leave me. I can't without you."


"Alpha, please, leave… please leave my place."


However, suddenly Kyrill grunted, his legs buckled down and he pulled his hair tightly, he muttered under his breath, as he hit his own head.


"No! No! No!"


"Alpha?" Zoe became even more scared to see the way he acted. "Are you, okay?"


Against her better judgment, Zoe crouched down and approached him. She touched his arm and tried to stop him from hitting himself.


"Alpha, don't do this, you will hurt yourself."


But then, Zoe could feel this chill ran down her spine when she saw his eyes. That pair of eyes that a second ago filled with sadness and pain, now laced with killing intent.


Zoe was too late to react when she could feel his strong hand wrapped around her neck and pushed her down to the floor. Her head hit the floor so hard, she felt like it would split into two. Her ears were ringing painfully and black dots filled her vision.


The last thing she saw was the alpha's furious expression. He said something angrily, while his hand still wrapped around her neck, chocking her to death.




Isaac opened his eyes and found Layla was sleeping next to him, she snuggled against his body, as they were still naked.


His eyes widened, he wondered how she could be here, but then he remembered every detail thing that had happened last night and how he ended up in her bed. This was her bedroom.


A strong feeling of guilt washed over him, as he immediately stood up. This sudden move, stirred Layla awake, she rubbed her sleepy eyes and then watched the alpha hastily put on his pants.


"Isaac?" Layla called his name groggily, but he didn't reply to her and immediately rushed out of the bedroom, leaving her there alone.


Layla bit her lip. She watched the mess that they created the previous night and felt this emptiness in her heart when she realized she was alone. Isaac left her just like that after he got what he wanted with her.


However, that was not his fault.


"But, this is not my fault too…" Layla hugged herself, she cried silently.


The way Isaac ditched her this morning was not as painful as when he called Zoe's name mid thrust last night. He didn't even realize it. Layla didn't even think he remembered too now.


She bit her lip, her body was still sore, but the void in her heart was hard to ignore.




Zoe opened her eyes and the first thing she heard was the sound of people talking around her. There were around four people or more, but then the door was opened and their muffled conversation faded away. The room was quiet again.


Zoe didn't dare to open her eyes, because she could feel there was still one person inside the room. She didn't know why she chose this ridiculous act and stay silent instead of wake up like normal people did.


That person was standing next to her and she could smell cigar and cinnamon from him, but this time the cigar was very strong.


His eyes were very sharp. She could imagine he was staring at her, observing her closely, to the point it was very uncomfortable.


"You are awake."


That was not a question, but a statement, which made Zoe couldn't continue with her pretension. She opened her eyes sheepishly and meet with his eyes.


"Uhm… just now," Zoe said hoarsely, she was still scared of him. She remembered what happened.


"How is your head? You feel pain somewhere?" He pressed the button next to the bed.


"No. I am fine."


No. Zoe didn't feel fine. She felt her head was very heavy, her ears were ringing, but 'fine' was the default answer that she used to use, she didn't even think when she answered that. It felt normal, just like breathing.


She didn't use for people to worry about her, thus she always brushed off all the concern about her body. As long as she could handle it and it was bearable, she was fine.


"Do you remember what happened?" Alpha Kyrill asked again. He sat down on the edge of the bed, watched her expression closely.


Zoe pressed her lips and then answered him softly. "No. I don't."


Alpha Kyrill didn't say anything for a while, but when someone entered the room, he muttered under his breath. "Lie."


Zoe looked at his eyes and she could see his disdain there. Alpha Kyrill hated a liar.


However, there was nothing Zoe could do when she used to lie in order to survive if she wanted to live in her former pack house.


Zoe lowered her gaze and let the doctor to check on her. Only then, she realized that she was in a hospital