

In a world where the boundaries between reality and fantasy are already blurred, the revelation that a game is becoming a reality shakes the very foundations of existence. Cultivators, magical girls, espers, ancient mage hunger games, Them, and extraterrestrial beings coexist in this intricate tapestry of a world. A college student caught up in all of this after an encounter with a girl claiming herself to be his wife from the future, coming back to prevent his death.

Anotoki · Urban
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59 Chs

The Overpowered + The Strongest!

The flying brain materialized out of the thin air. It was akin to how monsters spawned in games.

As soon as it came into existence, it observed its surroundings. Kana made a move as two ravens crashed into it. Flame covered its body and burnt its feather. It collapsed as it rolled on the ground, an attempt to shake off the flame. Soon enough, it stopped moving.

They watched the whole thing in silence and when it was over, he shifted his eyes from the creature to Himeko.

"So you truly think they spawned like a video game? Not coming from another dimension or anything?" He inquired. He had his thoughts about these creatures and wanted to know how Himeko viewed them. One requires another 's perspective to achieve the perfect solution.

"It's hard to accept it, but I truly believe they aren't from another dimension. It's like you said, they just spawned into this world. It is truly shattering to know a creature can come into existence out of the thin air," she spoke, somehow troubled and helpless.

"So they will spawn indefinitely? Good luck with that, ETC." Kana chuckled.

She listened silently and easily accepted the fact these creatures can come into existence out of the thin air.

She also amused by the thought that the organization would be buried under pile of work and flustered with this finding. Surely they never encountered an event like this.

Nevertheless, he had a rough idea how ETC would handle the situation.

"That's their problem, not ours. Our job is to report our findings. Whether the head chief believes our reports, she can come here personally to confirm the truth." He then walked just below the spawning point.

"What are you doing?" His actions interested Kana.

"I want to know how these creatures were spawned and figure out if our reality is a simulation," he replied.

This whole thing reminded him of the belief the world was a simulation. It had been circulating around the public ever since computer become more advanced.

"Didn't you said our job is only to report it? Looks to me like you want to solve the problem." Kana crossed her arms, tapping her right elbow with her left hand.

"It won't hurt to investigate more. Who knows? I might get something out of this." He responded, smiling at her.

She rolled her eyes, "I'm not going to take care of your corpse."

Himeko let out a soft giggled. Their two reactions entertained her. She then asked, "How are you going to do that?"

"Applications run according to their code. Sometimes, the code doesn't work and that's a bug, sometimes a glitch occurs and can sometimes cause the application to crash.

"Well, with that in mind, I'm curious. Maybe these creatures can spawn and exist in this world because they're a bug? Because this is not normal for our world.

"There must be something before these creatures spawn. Whatever it is, I don't know, but it should be found if I focus using all my superstitious energy." He gave a lengthy explanation and his plans.

"It might work. I'll help in case something bad happens." Himeko gave a green light. "Wait, using superstitious energy? You don't mean to use that!" She came to realize and took a few, no, around two hundred steps back. Just to be safe, Kana followed her.

"What is he going to do?" Kana pondered when her eyes fixed on him.

He made a holding gesture with nothing between his hands.

Wind start to blow in his direction. Their hair fluttered. The cave's atmosphere changed as an unfathomable feeling of dread and despair filled the cave. Breathing became hard.

Between his hands, a black ball took form as it sucked the air. Upon its existence, he smiled. His smile immediately vanished as his eyes became sharp, he focused.

His hair and clothes fluttered crazily as he controlled the energy of destruction in his hands. The energy ball enlarged and immediately shrank as he suppressed its mass. It was then large again and he quickly suppressed it.

As a testament of its power, the ground he stood caved in. Despite that, however, he was still standing as though an invisible platform formed beneath him.

The nearby walls turned into rubble as they got sucked into the energy ball. It devoured the pile of corpses on the ground as well.

The air sucked into the void also increased. Kana noticed her body slowly got closer to the energy ball. Panic flashed through her eyes.

Just as she was about to do something, something held her abdomen like a hug. She looked down and saw roots around her stomach, stopping her from being devoured by the energy ball.

"Thank you!" She shouted. Himeko gave her a subtle nod and turned her gaze to him, slightly concerned.

Back to him, sweat flowed down as he kept feeding it superstitious energy. He looked away from the energy ball to the spawn point. Nothing happened. It must mean this ball wasn't strong enough!

He took a deep breath and increased the output. The ball vibrated greatly as everything within five kilometers, even the ground he stood, turned into million pieces and fly into the ball.

The ball slowly became powerful as it continued eating the cave interiors. Beneath him, the ground was no more, replaced by a trench– the bottom couldn't be perceived, covered by pitch darkness.

At the same time, he controlled the ball to not eat the ground where Himeko and Kana was standing.

The cave became something else as it now have a deep trench, and in the distance, a man stood on an invisible platform, holding a ball of energy in his hands.

Remain oblivious to his surroundings, he looked up at the spawn point. Waiting for something to happen. He believed the ball reached a point where it could eat a whole star!

As his mind wandered, his instinct told him to place the ball near the spawn point. He heeded as he raised his hands.

The creature appeared out of the thin air, immediately sucked into the void and he heard a rip in the air. He immediately put a powerful barrier, a technique he learned and could only be used by using supernatural energy, around the spawn point with the ball.

He stopped feeding the ball with superstitious energy and the it also stopped devouring anything. He condensed the ball as it got smaller and smaller, though its power increased tremendously it can destroy two stars.

He took a deep breath and poured a bit of mana into the ball, causing it to tremble crazily as it became unstable. He released his control over it.

Flash of light burst out as though a new sun was born, illuminating the cave as though it was evening.

The girls closed their eyes and also covered them with their arms. Kana turned her body around as the light still blinding her.

Around the same time, they start to feel warm. The light start to fade away. They opened their eyes and in the air, they saw light trapped in an invisible barrier. This light gradually dimmed.

"..." Kana looked at him with wide eyes, in disbelief and stunned. Her eyes had trace of fear. Her mind fell into deep thoughts.

"Are you alright, Ms. Kana?" Himeko stood next to her when she inquired worriedly.

"... Yeah, I'm okay." Himeko's words forced her to return to reality. She replied after a short silent.

"Can you keep his powers a secret?" Himeko requested.

"Why? With his power, he can save many people and can make the world peaceful. There will be no more wars and destruction," she responded with a suspicious frown.

"It's his wish. I want you to respect that. Please." Himeko crouched and was about to plant her head to the ground.

"Hey! What are you doing?!" She became flustered, crouched as she hold Himeko's chest to keep her from groveling. "Fine, I get it!"

Himeko slowly turn her eyes from the ground to Kana. She smiled, "Thank you."

Kana let out a tired sigh, "You don't have to kneel, you know? I will definitely listen to you if you persuade me once more."

"I will keep that in mind." Himeko said in acknowledgement.

While they were sitting on the ground, talking. He still fixed his attention on the spawn point; ravaged by the ball of energy. The light meant explosion was still happening inside the barrier.

It dimmed slowly and two minutes went by, it vanished slowly. Revealing an empty space in the air, showing nothing in the other side. His heart sank. He vaguely know the empty space was a bad thing.

He messaged his glabella, feeling tired. Honestly, he never considered this possibility.

What he imagined after the explosion was for the space time disturbance caused by the explosion to affect the spawn point, removing it.

This came from his gut. The latter never failed him.

He frowned, how should he explain this to the head chief? He believed a three hours of scolding wouldn't be enough to satisfy her anger.

The empty space began to shake. That shifted his attention to reality and he looked at it cautiously, preparing to use superstitious energy if something were to happen.

A hat appeared out of the empty space. He frowned, bewildered.

Following the hat was a head, looking around with darkness concealing his face.

It stopped looking around when it faced him.

The man with top hat remarked, "What a monstrosity."

He slightly lean his body backward, taken aback. He pointed himself with his finger, "You're talking about me?"

"Of course, who else?" Trace of mockery could be heard in his tone.

"Who are you? Why did you come out of that space?" He asked.

"Eh...? You didn't call me?" Confusion evident in the hat man's voice. "This space abruptly appeared in my room, so I thought someone summoned me."