

In a world where the boundaries between reality and fantasy are already blurred, the revelation that a game is becoming a reality shakes the very foundations of existence. Cultivators, magical girls, espers, ancient mage hunger games, Them, and extraterrestrial beings coexist in this intricate tapestry of a world. A college student caught up in all of this after an encounter with a girl claiming herself to be his wife from the future, coming back to prevent his death.

Anotoki · Urban
Not enough ratings
59 Chs

I'm Not a God!

"You don't have to worry about that. We're here to help people and keep the country at peace." Kana said coldly, due to the fact that this stranger insulted the organization that cared for her.

"That's unfortunate. Speaking of which, do you guys know who Jahil is?" Airi sighed and then asked. She wanted to confirm something knowing how Jahil usually acted.

That guy would use everything for his benefit, and this organization might have some connections with him.

Looking at Jahil's perspective, having a government organization working with him would allow him so much freedom to move around.

"No, I've never heard such a name." Kana shook her head. Airi believed her as Kana's expression and body language were telling the truth. She fell silent, wondering something and nodded as though to come to a decision.

"I've asked what I need to know. Go to sleep." Airi raised her right hand and a purple magic circle appeared below Kana.

She didn't think and reacted instinctively by jumping a few steps back. Immediately afterward, she aimed her palm at Airi and fiery fire burst out of her palm. Her twin tails swayed about.

The fire illuminated her face further. Her eyes reflected the fire.

The ground scorched black. The window frame began to melt, the wall paint no better, dripping to the ground.

Facing the incredibly hot flame, Airi casted a transparent barrier, blocking the flame. She wasted no time as she sprinted in Kana's way, head on. The long flame slowly shortened as Airi got closer.

Since a magic circle required a bit of time for it to activate and Kana retreated immediately, Airi deemed magic circles as useless. So, the only option was close combat.

Airi arrived before her, Kana turned off her attack and jumped back a few times, but no matter how far she retreated, Airi kept their distance the same.

Kana turned herself into fire and ran away from Airi. In an instant, she appeared quite far from her. Airi turned her body around, where Kana stood. Her fire form slowly turned into her human form.

"Come now, don't be shy." Airi's voice was filled with teasing and a bit of mocking. Airi started to think, since catching her at a normal speed won't work, she had to increase her speed.

She spread mana into every corner of her body. Her body let out a gentle blue glow; one might mistook the glow coming from the moonlight.

Kana's sensitive senses knew her opponent became stronger. Her brain immediately sent her a notice; she would lose.

It won't change no matter how hard she convinced herself she would win. Her position was akin to an armless soldier meeting a tiger. He got ahead of himself thanks to his large experience in battles and close combat skill.

However, it didn't change the fact he faced a tiger. A creature genetically stronger than a human and specifically designed for hunting. The moment the tiger pounced, the soldier realized his death.

Her mind wandered slightly, thinking at an incredible speed about the situation and came to an answer, she wanted to run.

As if saying no, Airi had already arrived next to her. In Kana's eyes, she seemed teleported next to her. Sweat flowed down Kana's body. She kept calm as much as possible.

"You smell so sweet." Airi leaned her head closer to Kana's neck and gently sniffed with her eyes closed as if savoring the scent. She opened her eyes, fixed on her sweaty neck and she bit it. Two fangs slowly grew from her teeth as it penetrated deep into Kana's skin.

Kana moaned in pain as her face blushed. Her hand grabbed Airi's clothes and held it tight.

Airi shut her eyes as she savored the warm blood entering her mouth, warming her tongue and spoiling it with extraordinary sweetness plus deliciousness and a little fat. It feels like drinking a juice fruit with milk, but it was three times better.

Her throat moved up and down as she gulped down around two mouthfuls of blood. She stopped and retracted her head. She opened her eyes as she licked her lips.

With eyes still on Kana's neck which has two holes and blood flowed out of them. Pity flashed through Airi's eyes.

It was like she couldn't eat the delicious food before her due to the fact she would get fat, or in this case, Kana would die.

"What did you do?" Kana touched her neck, feeling holes on them. Fear and confusion evident in her voice.

"You don't read too much fiction, huh? I'm a vampire and after biting you, you're now my subordinate." Airi explained as she wiped her mouth with her right hand. She saw a bit of blood there and licked her hand.

"A vampire? But you don't look like one..." She looked at Airi in shock and refused to accept the situation.

Airi could only shrug her shoulders with a chuckle.


All of a sudden, a terrifying power overwhelmed their bodies, affecting their minds and caused them to stay still, quite surprised and bewildered.

Kana felt dizzy because her mind failed to handle the power. She slowly closed her eyes and collapsed to the ground with her butt first.

After Airi bit her, a connection would form between them. Kana wasn't in danger. Airi felt relieved. It wasn't easy to find someone as powerful as Kana.

She casted a barrier around Kana and rushed to the source of this terrifying power.




In my eyes, a dark red, ominous and terrifying aura wrapped him. I looked at him cautiously and controlled my breathing.

[Be careful, Ryuta. One hit and you're dead. He has become much more powerful. Do you want to switch places?] Zero warned solemnly and offered.

I thought for a moment. Everyone has their roles. Honestly, I don't know what my role is here, but one thing for sure, my role has run out since this bas*tard became strong.

What? I am useless? What nonsense, everything has weaknesses and I'm not an omniscient god!

"Very well."

Two white holes appeared in my shadow along with a curved smile. I closed my eyes and my consciousness fell into a dark place and as I fell, I encountered a turned on tv box illuminating the darkness.

I reached the ground and got up before watching the TV.




Zero opened his eyes, revealing his dark red pupils. He looked at the man before him and searched for openings, none.

"Tremble in fear, rodent." Rangda looked at him in contempt, pretty displeased despite the terrifying power he exude, Zero still stood on his legs and his eyes seemed sharper too and filled with determination.

"With this much? You never feel a true fear then." Zero assumed a fighting stance.

At the same time, Airi arrived behind Zero. She looked at him first and shifted to Rangda, standing loftily with eyes looking down at the world.

"He became stronger. What did he eat?" She asked as though already figured out the story. Perhaps she encountered the same thing in the past?

"A fetus." He replied without hesitation. At the same time, he felt at ease with Airi here. Her strength could overturn the situation easily.

"Hey witch, why did you descend into a man's body?" Airi called her out.

"Don't you dare call me a witch!" Rangda's eyes filled with rage. Simultaneously, she raised her hands and skeletons holding swords came out of the ground.

Airi stood next to Zero and asked, "Any plans?"

Zero felt complicated about this. The situation was similar to your friend: excellent in his expertise, and decided to ask you for advice regarding his field, even though you had limited knowledge.

Different from that, however, Zero had participated in tough battles before and his insight in the battlefield wasn't less worthy than Airi, a former last boss.

"I'll distract her and her minions and also provide you with the support you need."

Zero moved. His body turned into a black silhouette, leaving a black trail behind and the skeletons he passed scattered into bones with its skull cleanly cut in half.

In an instant, her minions reduced to nothing. They might possess some threat against ordinary henchmen, but to Zero, they were children with swords.

With the path cleared, Airi rushed in her way, immediately appearing before her like she just teleported. Her right hand fingernails increased in size and became sharp, red claws.

She swung them, aiming for his vital spots, his chest to be exact. Before her claws could reach him though, he reached out his hand, precisely hit the front of her right wrist and knocked them back.

She lost balance. He took advantage of this and made a piercing motion with his right hand to her neck.

About two centimeters away from it, a black blade appeared, blocking the pathway. Immediately afterward, Zero changed the blade from the sharp edge facing the ground to Rangda's hand.

He swung his sword as fast and powerful as possible. Sparks flew by upon the impact.

A stalemate occurred as two parties were stuck on a strength contest; the blade failed to slash Rangda's hand or his hand couldn't break through the sword. Their attacks didn't move at all.

Airi didn't let the contest last longer. She jumped from Zero's back, and clawed Rangda from above, along with powerful magic spells floating above her, letting out a red, lethal glow.

Rangda looked up and clicked his tongue in annoyance. He withdrew his hand and as a result, Zero's sword got closer. Two lethal attacks were approaching him from two directions, three if you include Airi's magic attack.

Rangda swung his hand upward and a giant skeleton hand rose from the ground, exactly below Airi. Airi reacted but a second late as it caught her and it threw her into a distance like a baseball.

On the other hand, Zero's sword slashed his abdomen, a deep cut appeared on his body as blood spurted out.

Rangda ignored the wound for a moment as he slapped to the left. The skeleton hand followed as it swat Zero like a fly. He crashed onto a wall. A loud boom echoed throughout the area and dust filled the place.

A few coughs could be heard from inside the dust. A few seconds later, Zero walked out of the dust with a slightly annoyed expression while spinning his left arm which felt a bit stiff and required some stretches.