

In a world where the boundaries between reality and fantasy are already blurred, the revelation that a game is becoming a reality shakes the very foundations of existence. Cultivators, magical girls, espers, ancient mage hunger games, Them, and extraterrestrial beings coexist in this intricate tapestry of a world. A college student caught up in all of this after an encounter with a girl claiming herself to be his wife from the future, coming back to prevent his death.

Anotoki · Urban
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59 Chs

Hanazaki's Fate: Slavery

She retracted her gaze to the potion in her hand. She find it confusing why it attracted her. She stared at it for a while before shaking her head and went to the bushes where she hid the lamp.

Behind it lies a backpack. She wrapped the glass potion with magic to prevent it from cracking and put it inside. She also put the golden plate with the Honored One's name.

She then flew to the hotel where Ryuta was resting. She entered through the window and put the backpack on the sofa. The latter is located near the queen sized bed.

Upon entering, the bed was empty, crumpled and messy. She panicked and spread her senses, only to find out the sound of water from the bathroom. She let out a sigh of relief and shrink back her senses.

She sat on the bed and turned on the TV, watching the news. It still covered the event of an evil organization that get destroyed.

"It's still covered in the news?" She leaned against the soft headboard.




I left the bathroom and heard the sound of TV. I immediately thought of Airi and indeed, after a few steps from the bathroom, I saw her leaning against the headboard while watching the TV.

I rubbed the towel against my hair and hang the towel inside the wardrobe.

"Where have you been?" I asked, closing the wardrobe. She didn't respond as I heard rustling noises.

I turned my head to her, curious what she was doing and why she didn't say a thing. She opened her backpack and put a red potion on the table next to the sofa.

My eyes locked on the sofa, I vaguely know this is what Shino wanted, but uncertain.

"I met with a man named the Honored One to give him the lamp. After which, I met the man that saved you. He's a seer, or maybe a prophet. He knew you wanted this from his dream and gave it to me," she explained, zip back the backpack and continue leaning her back against the soft headboard and resume watching the TV.

"How did he know you're related to me and your location?" I grabbed the potion and observed it. Its red, shiny liquid reflected my face and it gave a cold sensation to the potion, like a cold drink.

"He encountered us when he sensed the Honored One's presence and he has a magical technique that lets him know about people related to the person he casted the technique on," she calmly explained the situation while watching the TV.

I put the potion on the table, turn my head to her, "How much did you believe in his words?"

"None," she said without hesitation. "There are many things I find odd. His magical technique, and that we met coincidentally."

I'm curious why she found the magical technique odd. Surely, with how vast the universe was, such a magical technique exist.

As though following my line of thought, she averted her eyes to me, "It's not the magical technique, but how did he cast it on you. He's been unconscious the whole time."

I looked up without knowing and thought what she said made sense. Tracing type technique required a medium to find the source. What medium did that mysterious man use to know Ryuta's connections?

"And how we met bothered me, especially that rat." She shivered just remembering the moment they met. She sensed something uncanny about him and the rat. Her instinct screamed not to indulge further about that sensation.

"A rat?" I raised my brows in surprise.

"Yeah, he carry around a rat pet on his shoulder." She turned the TV station to a game show featuring a recently popular idol.

"I don't remember he has a pet." I pinched my chin, remembering back.

"Maybe it's a new pet he recently acquired." She guessed.

"I guess you're right." I nodded, accepting her guess.

"Speaking of which..." She aimed her palm at the backpack. It floated towards her. She pulled out a book and the latter, along with the backpack, flew to my position.

"There are a lot of things about Divinity so I figure it will be easier to write about it than lecturing you."

I accepted both things and put the backpack on the table. I sat on the sofa and started reading.

After thirty minutes or so, I pretty much committed its content into my mind.

"Thank you, Airi." I closed the book and put it on the table. The book told me Divinity's other features such as creating a group chat, joining one and leaving one. The group chat feature was hard to find unless you know the keyword to activate it. For now, it's a useless feature.

Other features include sending gifts, listening to music, accessing the internet for a limited time, map, know the location of your friends with their consent and a lot more.

[-Ruler- Overseer: Can I know your location?]

As I was checking Divinity's feature, I received a message. I had been waiting for his message, but caught by surprise it would be fast.


After which, my vision went blank for a split second and a letter rested on the table. I also noticed an alarmed reaction from Airi as innumerable red magic circles appeared around her and me.

"What's going on? I sensed something ominous just passed us." She looked around cautiously.

"Don't worry, it's just Overseer. He sent me a letter." I showed the letter to her. She looked at it and dropped the magic circles at they vanished.

"That's fast. He usually reply to my messages after three days," she said, slightly discontent and exasperated.

I didn't know how to comfort her and read out loud the letter after tearing the envelope.

"Jahil has killed powerful cultivators in the cultivation world, destroyed an important site and the cultivation world is in a chaotic state right now. The last time I saw him was with the Demonic Sect. He is planning something. What are you going to do?"

She let out a troubled sigh, "He's aiming for the cultivation world, huh? Can't say I'm surprised."

She seemed to predict this, I thought to myself and turned to the letter. It has another page.

"I rarely involved myself with the cultivation world because of personal reasons. However, I have a friend there that can help you if you want to prevent his plans. This is her number, +81 218*******, add her quickly. This letter has a self-destruction feature."

I added her contact. Immediately afterward, the letter turn to ashes.

"What should we do?" I turned my head to her and ask for suggestions.

"We should make you powerful first before meeting her. Make powerful armor and a second weapon. After that, give the potion to Shino and take care of Hanazaki." She turned off the TV, tap the wall a few times and all sounds diminished as if the whole room was covered in a soundproof wall.

"What do you want to do with Hanazaki?" She looked at me.

I let out a low hum, thinking, "I've read many cultivation works before. There is a method to cut one's destiny and being reborn as someone new with new destiny without memories of their past lives."

She pondered for a moment, "Why not just kill him? All of that doesn't seem worth it for a guy that wants you dead."

I shook my head, "He can still be used for our fight against Jahil."

"He will stab you in the back!" She informed solemnly. "His ability is useful, but he brings disaster more than merit." She observed my expression.

"Even so, I'd like to try. Hanazaki will be very helpful to us." I stared at her with determined eyes.

"... Fine, we will do it your way. However, the moment I saw something is wrong with him, I'll kill him." She eventually agreed to my actions.

"Thank you, Airi." I bowed deeply.

"Stop that, you fool." She got up and watch the city through the window. "You want Hanazaki to steal a cultivation technique that allow one to cut their destiny. How are you going to find such a cultivator? It might take years." She assumed such a technique was precious and not any cultivator have it.

"About that, I can craft 'Eye of Path'. It will allows us to find them. The materials are from monsters living underground." I just looked at Guide. The result never disappointed me.

"The item is incredible, the materials aren't cheap either, yes?"

"For some reason, it's not. I need eyes of a creature called 'Coreupter' and some powder of a Crystalbug. According to Guide, I can find Coreupter in the underground below level Y: 430."

When a certain area turned into an All-Craft Realm, everything in that area, from the sky to the ground, wouldn't follow laws of physics and exist as a different reality.

"You don't need any cave equipment, right?" She asked, concerned.

"No, I don't. Before we go hunting, I want to give this to Shino first." I turned my eyes to the potion, screenshot my vision and send it to her through Divinity.

[Shino.] That is quick. You said I would get it in five days.

[Something come up, can you send your address? I will go to your location.]

[It's late at night, I want to sleep. You can give it to me tomorrow at college.]


I didn't bother her any further and got up, standing next to Airi.

"What did the girl say?"

"She doesn't want to be bothered and want it tomorrow. With that settled, let's go and kill those creatures." I smiled in excitement.

"We'll not be back for the next few days. Have you called your parents?" She glanced at me.

"Yeah, I said I'm doing a project and need to sleepover at a friend's house. How about you? What did you say to your parents?" I asked curiously.

"I'm helping a friend with their experiments and won't return."

"No way they believe that," I said full of doubt. She is still a student, why would she get involved with experiments? No, that's not the important question, what kind of experiments does she participate in? A secret one? Surely not…

"You will be surprised." She smiled.