

In a world where the boundaries between reality and fantasy are already blurred, the revelation that a game is becoming a reality shakes the very foundations of existence. Cultivators, magical girls, espers, ancient mage hunger games, Them, and extraterrestrial beings coexist in this intricate tapestry of a world. A college student caught up in all of this after an encounter with a girl claiming herself to be his wife from the future, coming back to prevent his death.

Anotoki · Urban
Not enough ratings
59 Chs

Gear Up !

I opened my palm. A potion with red liquid materialized out of the thin air. I store it in my inventory before we set out to kill Coreupter.

People on the street won't care about us as they are too caught up in their world. I believe no one see me materialized a potion out of thin air.

"Now, our deal is completed. Thank you for your help the other day." I hand her the potion with a smile.

"Are you sure this thing can cure any disease?" She received it and observed it. Once done, she asked doubtfully.

"Yes, or would you like me to drink it first?" I offered.

She averted her eyes to me, "No need. I just praised it with my magic. It's hard to believe such a thing existed. Have you ever thought about introducing yourself to the world as a genius that invented a cure for every disease in the world? You can make a lot of money with it."

I chuckled, "It's a tempting idea, but I will pass. I've watched enough fiction to know how it will end."

"That's too bad," she said, slightly disappointed.

"I'll get going. See you later." I bid my farewell.

"Yeah, see you later. Speaking of which, if you want to join his hidden quest, you can contact me. I figured out the clue last night," she said, pointing her finger at Ren.

"That's great. I will let you know if I have time. You don't have to worry about me, you can start the quest without waiting for me." Things have been getting busy lately. I'm not confident about making a promise.

"Okay, don't regret it if I complete it without you and get a nice reward." She then entered the cafe.

"See you later, Ryuta." Ren waved his hand and followed her from behind.

"Ren, take care of her for me." I observed her for a few seconds before uttering those words. She reminded me of my sister. I couldn't help but say those words.

"I will do my best." He acknowledged my words with a small nod.

"Ren, come on, hurry up." She urged him from the cafe.

Ren entered as he responded, "Okay, I'm coming!"

Airi became a spectator during the whole thing. She listened with her hands tucked inside her pocket pants. As they finished speaking, she finally opened her mouth.

"You seem to take a liking towards her. Going for the harem route, aren't you?" The corners of Airi lips curved up teasingly.

"Hell no I'm going for the harem route. She reminds me of my sister. That's all." I told her.

"Your sister? That reminds me of the future timeline. I also haven't seen her even after we got married. You always change the subject whenever I bring the topic."

"It's nothing important, really. Should we start grinding then?" I changed the subject. She sighed softly and didn't probe further. I was grateful for that.

"What is the strongest armor you can make right now?" She inquired. Grinding materials foolishly without knowing what he would make would only be a waste of time, so it was better to ask this first.

"Below level Y:1250, there is Aurorium, a rare ore known for its remarkable strength and durability.

"When forged into armor, it provides unparalleled protection against both physical and magical attacks. I think this is perfect," I told her what I found from Guide. I did some research when Airi was returning the lamp.

"How rare is this thing and will it cost us some time?" She wanted more information.

"It doesn't tell me. Should we look for another ore?" I'm open for suggestions.

I opened the Guide and select the ore category. It displayed everything about ores. I scrolled down, reading the general idea of each ore.

"We should. It will be bad if we look for the Aurorium for too long and that annoying bastard makes a move." She agreed. "What materials are we looking for? Something better than ordinary armor yet not that hard to find."

"Wait, I'm looking for it."

From an outsider's perspective, I looked at the distance, daydreaming. No one really cared though.

"Okay, I found it. A titanite, It's a common yet sturdy ore found in abundance in another world.

"When properly refined and forged into armor, it offers superior protection compared to standard armor materials. It's favored by soldiers and mercenaries for its durability and reliability on the battlefield."

"It's an ore from another world?" Her brows raised. Her eyes widened in surprise.

"Apparently so. It's found at level Y: 1500. Huh, that is below Aurorium. How strange." I realized, feeling it odd.

"Your ability bring ores of another world into this world. That is already strange compared to a common ore that exists below a rare one," she analyzed the situation and came up with a logical sentence. I accepted her words.

Afterward, we looked for an empty alleyway, wrapped ourselves in illusion so that ordinary people can't see us and fly to a nearby forest to start grinding.

A few hours had passed, and I managed to mine thirty titanites. The worst thing could happen considering how deep and long it took us to dig down. We also have to look for a cave vein.

The monsters we found in the deep cave were odd looking, but not as dangerous as that thing with long limbs. These monsters took the form of a brain with white wings and a round mouth of a leech.

They looked disgusting and hard to kill due to their small size and quick flying speed. I had some trouble bringing them down.

Different from Airi, however, as she simply snapped her fingers and magic circles appeared right next to them, arrows came out and annihilating them.

They dropped [Brain Jelly.] I looked it up at the Guide, curious what for. Apparently, upon consumption, they make the brain smarter and increase your IQ up to 300! Side effects included, of course. Rretarded, lost control, bad temper, suicidal and hallucinations.

Yeah, I surely avoid drinking that. Yes I am tempted by the +IQ, yet the repercussions were terrible. With those things, I'd commit suicide.

"Leave the item drops be. They're not useful." I put a Crafting Star and a furnace, and start to melt raw titanite.

She looked down at her hands full of jelly like matter and threw them. She rubbed her sticky hand on the nearby underground pond.

Fortunately, pond in this area couldn't produce bacteria, or else, she had to rub her hands against my clothes.

When she finished, she returned to where I was and watched what I'm doing intriguingly even though I didn't do much except for moving my hands in the air, interacting with the smelting feature.

I couldn't help but to look at her, "Is it that interesting?"

"To me, everything you're doing is always interesting and beautiful, no matter how dull it seemed," she complimented.

I chuckled and smiled bashfully, "Thanks."

"Can I give it a try?" She requested. I was guessing she wanted to try melting the titanite. However, the answer lies after knowing where her eyes are looking. I'm still holding my pickaxe. I didn't realize it was still in my hand.

I grant her wish. She accepted the pickaxe cheerfully and went to a stone block. She hit it a few times and destroyed the block, she picked it up and observed it.

Unlike me where the block vanished and stored in my inventory, it remained in her hands and she had to carry it around.

She got an idea when she threw it at me. My body stored it into the inventory when the item got closer. Each time she destroyed a block, she'd throw it at me.

Thankfully, she didn't break them blindly and instead looked for the ores, or else my inventory would be full to the brim with junks. She managed to find five titanites after thirty minutes of mining.

She went far looking for these ores. She returned to me with her hands full carrying them. Although five, each had the size of a slightly larger baseball.

She threw them at me, along with the pickaxe. Next, she sat on the block not far from me, watching me working.

While she was away, I got fifteen cooked titanite. It looked like an iron bar, yet more white with orange mixed, akin to a rusted silver bar. I know for a fact silver won't rust, yet titanite looked like it.

I put them, around eight titanite bars, on top of the Crafting Star in order according to what the Guide said.

They turned into light, merged to plate armor. I wore them, and it didn't feel any different from before. The armor was incredibly light.

I wondered if I craft the right thing, so I checked the armor bar. It filled 4.5 bars. I turned my head to Airi.

"How'd it look?" I spread my arms.

"Handsome." She raised her thumb. That was all it took for me to be happy. I continued to craft the rest of the armor and wore them. It left me with two empty armor icons. However, that wasn't all. Each armor reduced damage by 5%

So full set, it decreased 20% of damage! Not bad. If I were to meet that creature with long arms, I can survive three hits. Five hits if I were lucky.

"Why do I need a second weapon, anyway?" I pondered curiously.

"There is a brief process for the weapon to be materialized in your hand. If you find an enemy that can lock spatial spaces, you won't be able to summon your weapon.

"However, your inventory is part of you. So, you can still use your weapon."