

In a world where the boundaries between reality and fantasy are already blurred, the revelation that a game is becoming a reality shakes the very foundations of existence. Cultivators, magical girls, espers, ancient mage hunger games, Them, and extraterrestrial beings coexist in this intricate tapestry of a world. A college student caught up in all of this after an encounter with a girl claiming herself to be his wife from the future, coming back to prevent his death.

Anotoki · Urban
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59 Chs

Cross Over I

Without realizing it, I stared at her for more than necessary. She noticed my gaze, got curious, and looked behind her. She spot no one. She return her eyes to me.

"Is something wrong with my face?"

"Oh, nothing." I shook my head. Her question dragged me to reality and I continued, "What's next?"

She looked at me curiously, but didn't probe further.

"Go to the direction you want to go. Next, move around 30% of your strength to your shoulders, pull them backward until you feel it on your back, and 10% of your strength to your abdomen and legs. Next, release your strength as you push your shoulders forward." She explained while also giving a visual with her body.

I absorb everything she said like a sponge. At the end of her words. I took a deep breath and released my strength.


A sonic boom with shockwave spread across the sky. My body fly in a straight line, piercing the sky and producing white smoke trails.

A shriek with horror and fear spread the sky. It became muffled as the source got further away.

She was baffled with wide eyes, too stunned to speak. In a world of superstition, flying was dangerous, hence why she only said to spend 40% of his strength to his body.

Perhaps he miscalculated the amount of strength he put into? The chance weren't low, but if that was the case, he should be slowing down by now.

Reality said otherwise as he kept flying at a constant speed.

Take a rocket for example, it took a lot of fuel just for the first launch to penetrate the thick atmosphere. The 40% strength, or maybe more were akin to that fuel. After it ran out, one would require mana to fly.

If he used her mana as an exchange, her mana should be decreasing by now, but her mana remain the same.

What kind of energy he used to fly? She thought to herself with curious eyes.

Returning the perspective to Ryuta....

"Help me!" I yelled across the sky while maneuvering the skyscrapers one by one. I left behind a zig-zag trail of clouds.

However, due to inexperience, I failed to dodge a building just in time.

I crashed into an abandoned building and came out on the other side heavily injured with giant debris and dust particles falling to the ground. I fly upward while I grit my teeth as I endured the pain.

I looked down from the corner of my eye. The debris were coming at the civilians. Just as I was contemplating whether to dive down to save them.

"Don't worry about the debris!" A familiar voice came from the distance. It was unknown when did Airi arrived, but her presence eased my heart greatly. She casted some kind of spell to the falling debris as they return to their original position.

At the same time, I was already above the sky, where the buildings were very small. Then, I straightened my flying direction.

Not a second went by, I encountered a plane and maneuver myself to fly below it. The roaring sound of the engine devoured any sound around me and almost burst my hearing! I gritted the pain in my teeth while also keeping my eyes peeled open!

Finally, the sound grew distance as I reached the edge of the plane and kept flying without facing any troubles. In this period, I tried to slow down by relaxing my strength and muscle.

A futile effort. It remain the same.

[Stop breathing for thirty seconds.] Zero's voice echoed in my mind. Though a strange suggestion, I accept it without a doubt. I took a deep breath and stopped breathing.

Thirty seconds has passed, my body gradually ceased in motion and stopped, suspending me in the air.

I heaved a sigh of relief and sent the man's location to Airi.

[Roger that. Speaking of which, you'll be able to arrive safely, right?] I can feel her concern in my heart.

[I will be okay. Right, how did you control your flying speed?"

[You don't have any superstitious energy so I can't help you. Try to observe your body with the help of Divinity. Tell what you want, and Divinity will assist you. After which, see if you sense any kind of energy and control it with your mind as you fly.]

[Okay, got it.]

I put my phone away and with a thought, a game like holographic panel with many options appeared. The UI was smooth and clean with neon blue as its main color.

The panel changed to a system prompt after I command it.

[Commencing Self-Appraisal... Completed.]

I could sense everything in my body. From the millions of nerves, blood cells, trillion of cells to my vital organs.

Right now, with my senses spread all over the body, I failed to sense any energy. However, I felt something in an instant. It refreshed my mind. If I weren't focused, I'd have overlooked it.

I shifted my senses into my stomach. When my senses arrived, I felt nothing. A mistake on my part? I thought with a frown.

[Let me help you.] His voice filled my mind. Next, I lost control of my body. It surprised me briefly.

[What are you planning?] I inquired, displeased. Without preparation, switching bodies were similar to get your chest electrocuted.

My pain tolerance was better than most people, but as soon as I lowered my guard, my pain tolerance started to fall on the same level as ordinary people.

[Sorry.] He said solemnly and added, [Keep an eye on your stomach.]

[That's what I've been doing. What are you trying to do anyway?]

[I'll fly again.] He replied briefly, but I understood his meaning.

As soon as Zero fly. Like an engine, my stomach would pump out energy across the body. After I came into contact with it, I could control it.

His speculation turned out to be on the spot. Golden yellow particles attached themselves with blood cells.

At this moment, he wanted to know what these particles are called. Next, as if answering his curiosity, he heard a soft ding in his mind.

[Chaotic Energy.] A notification materialized before me.

I was stunned. Ominousity plastered those two words. Instantly, innumerable questions appeared in my mind, but due to lack of knowledge and information, I decided to put them aside.

[It's done,] I said and waited for Zero to switch body. After a short time, my brows furrowed. He didn't respond. [Hey, I said I'm done!] I yelled.

Then, something unexpected happened. Energy burst out of the stomach as if the body required a lot of energy. Additionally, as my senses were inside my body, it abruptly shook like an earthquake and it tossed me around like a volleyball.