
Twenty Ninety

Jax, a 23-year-old man, finds himself in a strange and chaotic future in the year 2090. Along with thousands of other people, he wakes up in a massive arena without any knowledge of how or why they were brought there. The atmosphere is tense as everyone is confused and frightened by the situation. Jax, however, is determined to find a way back to the past and begins his quest for answers. As he explores the futuristic world around him, he encounters strange new technologies and discovers that the world has undergone significant changes since his time. He meets other survivors who share his goal of returning home, and together they begin to unravel the mystery behind their displacement. As Jax delves deeper into the mystery, he uncovers a sinister plot by a group of scientists who have been experimenting with time travel. He realizes that they are responsible for bringing him and the others to this future as part of their twisted experiment. However, their experiments have gone awry, and Jax and his fellow survivors are now trapped in this time period. The conflict rises as Jax and his team must navigate through various obstacles to uncover the truth about the experiment and find a way back to their own time. They face numerous challenges, including dangerous creatures, hostile factions, and the ever-present threat of being captured by the scientists. The stakes are high as Jax and his team race against time to find a way back home. They experience many setbacks along the way, but their determination never wavers. Finally, after many trials and tribulations, they discover the key to their escape: a secret portal that leads back to their own time. In a climactic scene, Jax and his team confront the scientists responsible for their predicament and succeed in shutting down their operation. With the portal now open, Jax and the others make their way back to their own time, leaving behind the strange and terrifying world of 2090. In the end, Jax returns home a changed man, having learned valuable lessons about perseverance, determination, and the power of friendship. He realizes that even in the face of impossible odds, anything is possible with the right mindset and support system.

Nirv · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

Time Wraiths

The sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the barren wasteland. Jax led his ragtag group through the desolate landscape, their boots crunching on the cracked earth beneath them. He was a resourceful and resilient young man with an unwavering determination to find answers and return to his own time. Ariel, a mysterious survivor with a wealth of knowledge about this futuristic world, walked beside him, her eyes scanning the horizon for any sign of danger. Kaiden, with his easygoing demeanor and quick wit, kept the group's spirits up as they trudged onward. Seraphina, cunning and manipulative, trailed behind, her gaze constantly shifting between the others.

"Are we even sure this device exists?" Kaiden questioned, addressing the group's ultimate goal: to find a way to travel back in time.

"According to the information I found," Ariel replied, her voice steady, "it does. But we have to be cautious."

"Especially now that we know about the Time Wraiths," Jax added, his voice full of concern.

Time Wraiths were ghostly creatures that haunted this forsaken land, feeding on temporal energy and erasing people from existence with a mere touch. Their ethereal forms glided silently through the air, making them difficult to detect until it was too late. The group had encountered these chilling beings only once before and barely escaped with their lives.

"Those things give me the creeps," Kaiden shuddered, casting a wary glance around them.

"Stay focused," Jax urged. "We need to find the device before more of those creatures show up."

"Agreed," Seraphina chimed in, her eyes flickering with something akin to excitement. She paused, her gaze fixed on something in the distance. "Look!"

A structure loomed ahead of them, its metallic surface reflecting the last rays of the setting sun. The group exchanged determined glances as they picked up their pace, eager to investigate this potential lead.

"Remember," Ariel warned, her voice barely above a whisper, "we cannot let our guard down. Time Wraiths could be anywhere."

"Understood," Jax replied, his eyes locked on the structure that seemed to hold the key to their salvation.

As the group approached the mysterious building, their hearts pounding with anticipation, they knew that they had to remain vigilant. For in this treacherous world, danger and deceit lurked around every corner, and the stakes were higher than ever before.

Jax's heart hammered in his chest as he scanned the dimly-lit corridor of the metallic structure, the weight of their mission bearing down on him. The Time Wraiths ability to erase people from existence was a terrifying reality they had to face in this future timeline. One wrong move and any of them could vanish, wiped from history completely.

"Stay close," Jax whispered to the others.

"Got it, chief," Kaiden replied, gripping his energy pistol tightly.

Ariel's eyes narrowed, her senses heightened as she focused on detecting any disturbances in the air. "We must be cautious. Time Wraiths can sense our temporal displacement when we're close."

"Right," Seraphina agreed, her fingers dancing above the hilt of her blade. "We can't afford to lose anyone else."

"Let's just find that device and get out of here," Jax thought, determination coursing through him.

As they moved further into the structure, the air grew colder, sending shivers down their spines. A low growl echoed around them, followed by a sudden gust of wind. Jax's stomach dropped as he realized what it meant.

"Time Wraiths!" Ariel shouted, her voice sharp with urgency.

The ethereal creatures appeared before them, their ghostly forms shimmering like smoke. Their glowing eyes seemed to stare right into Jax's soul, and he felt the cold grip of fear clutch his heart.

"Stand your ground!" Jax yelled, unsheathing his sword. "Remember what we've trained for!"

His pulse raced as he lunged at the nearest Time Wraith, the edge of his sword crackling with energy. The creature screeched as the blade sliced through its incorporeal body, dissipating into the darkness.

"Watch my back!" Kai called out, firing his energy pistol at an approaching Wraith. The creature recoiled from the impact, its form momentarily destabilized before it retaliated with a swipe of its clawed hand.

"Stay focused," Jax thought, his heart pounding. "We can do this."

Ariel, her hands glowing with arcane power, unleashed a barrage of energy bolts at the attacking Time Wraiths. One by one, they shrieked and vanished into the shadows, their forms disintegrating under the assault.

"Seraphina, now!" Jax shouted, seeing an opening for her to strike.

With a predatory grin, Seraphina leaped forward, her blade slicing through the air. The remaining Time Wraith let out a final agonizing cry as it was cleaved in two, its essence evaporating like mist.

The group stood there, panting and victorious, the adrenaline still coursing through their veins. But Jax knew that this victory was just a small part of the greater battle they faced in this unforgiving world.

"Good job, everyone," he said, his voice tense but determined. "But we can't stay here any longer. We need to find that device and get back to our own time."

As they pressed onward, Jax couldn't shake the lingering fear that clung to him like a heavy shroud. He knew that survival in this world was a fragile thing, and that trust could be both their greatest strength and their most dangerous weakness.

"Keep your guard up," he thought, leading his team deeper into the treacherous labyrinth. "We're not safe yet."