
Twenty Ninety

Jax, a 23-year-old man, finds himself in a strange and chaotic future in the year 2090. Along with thousands of other people, he wakes up in a massive arena without any knowledge of how or why they were brought there. The atmosphere is tense as everyone is confused and frightened by the situation. Jax, however, is determined to find a way back to the past and begins his quest for answers. As he explores the futuristic world around him, he encounters strange new technologies and discovers that the world has undergone significant changes since his time. He meets other survivors who share his goal of returning home, and together they begin to unravel the mystery behind their displacement. As Jax delves deeper into the mystery, he uncovers a sinister plot by a group of scientists who have been experimenting with time travel. He realizes that they are responsible for bringing him and the others to this future as part of their twisted experiment. However, their experiments have gone awry, and Jax and his fellow survivors are now trapped in this time period. The conflict rises as Jax and his team must navigate through various obstacles to uncover the truth about the experiment and find a way back to their own time. They face numerous challenges, including dangerous creatures, hostile factions, and the ever-present threat of being captured by the scientists. The stakes are high as Jax and his team race against time to find a way back home. They experience many setbacks along the way, but their determination never wavers. Finally, after many trials and tribulations, they discover the key to their escape: a secret portal that leads back to their own time. In a climactic scene, Jax and his team confront the scientists responsible for their predicament and succeed in shutting down their operation. With the portal now open, Jax and the others make their way back to their own time, leaving behind the strange and terrifying world of 2090. In the end, Jax returns home a changed man, having learned valuable lessons about perseverance, determination, and the power of friendship. He realizes that even in the face of impossible odds, anything is possible with the right mindset and support system.

Nirv · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
21 Chs


The dust of the battle had hardly settled when Jax and the others found themselves standing in a dimly lit room, its walls lined with broken machinery and rusted gears. The air hung heavy with tension and betrayal, the weight of Seraphina's deception pressing down on them like an unseen hand. They had fought their way out of the ambush, but Ariel's injury served as a constant reminder of the treachery they had just faced.

"Jax," Ariel whispered, her voice weak from pain, "I trusted her. We all did."

"Trust is a luxury we can no longer afford," Kaiden muttered bitterly, his hands clenched into fists at his sides.

"Enough!" Lyla snapped, drawing their attention to her fierce gaze. "We need to find Seraphina and get answers." She paused, considering their options. "We know she's working with the Raiders, so we'll have to be cautious."

As they moved through the eerie corridors of the abandoned building, Jax's thoughts raced. How could Seraphina have deceived them so easily? What was her endgame? Each step seemed to echo with the memories of their shared laughter and camaraderie, now tainted by the knowledge of her treachery.

"Wait," Kaiden whispered, holding up a hand. Through the grimy window of a nearby door, they caught sight of Seraphina, smirking as she spoke with a group of Raiders. Jax felt a cold fury burning within him, igniting a determination he hadn't known before.

"Let's confront her. Now," Lyla said, her eyes gleaming with resolve.

"Agreed," Jax replied. He glanced at Ariel, who nodded despite the pain etched on her face, and then turned to Kaiden. "Ready?"

"Always," Kaiden growled, his powers crackling with anticipation.

With a collective breath, they burst through the door. "Seraphina!" Jax shouted, his voice echoing through the chamber.

"Ah, you survived," Seraphina drawled, feigning surprise. "What a pleasant...surprise."

"Cut the act!" Ariel snarled, leaning heavily on Lyla for support. "Why, Seraphina? We were friends!"

"Friends?" Seraphina scoffed, her eyes narrowing. "In this world, survival is everything. You're either predator or prey. I chose my side."

"By betraying us?" Kaiden spat, his flames flickering with rage.

"Enough talk," Jax said, stepping forward. "You're going to answer for what you've done, Seraphina." He drew his weapon, the cold steel reflecting the harsh light of the room. "Starting now."

Seraphina's smirk curdled into a sneer as she stepped back, the Raiders forming a protective barrier around her. "Try it," she taunted. "But remember, you can't trust anyone in this world. Not even your closest allies."

As Jax and the others braced themselves for the confrontation, he couldn't help but wonder if there was any truth to her words. In this dangerous world, could trust ever truly be regained? Or had Seraphina's betrayal severed their bonds beyond repair? Only time would tell.

Jax's heart pounded in his chest, the bitter taste of betrayal still fresh as he locked eyes with Seraphina. Her once-trusted face now twisted into a cruel, mocking grin, surrounded by her newfound Raider allies. He gripped his weapon tightly, knuckles turning white, as his friends prepared for battle beside him.

"Let's get this over with," Seraphina taunted, her voice dripping with disdain. "I've wasted enough time on you."

"Your mistake," Jax shot back, his anger fueling the fire within him. With a roar, he charged forward, his weapon slicing through the air toward Seraphina.

The Raiders leaped to intercept him, but Ariel and Kaiden were right behind Jax, their powers igniting in tandem. Ariel's ice shards pierced through the air, impaling several Raiders, while Kaiden's flames engulfed others in a fiery maelstrom.

Jax fought with every ounce of strength, his muscles screaming in protest as he slashed through the Raiders' ranks. It was all he could do to focus on the battle at hand, but Seraphina's words echoed in his mind, festering like an open wound. How had she managed to deceive them so thoroughly? And who else could be hiding their true intentions?

A sudden blow sent Jax staggering, snapping him back to the present. Seraphina stood before him, her weapon drawn, and a fierce determination blazing in her eyes. "You really thought you could defeat me?" she scoffed. "Pathetic."

"Maybe together we can," Lyla growled, launching herself at Seraphina, her injured leg straining beneath her. The two women clashed in a whirlwind of steel, their weapons clashing with a deafening ring.

As Jax recovered, he noticed Kaiden and Arirl struggling against the remaining Raiders. Despite their powers, they were outnumbered and exhaustion was setting in. He knew he had to act quickly or they'd all be lost.

"Kaden! Ariel!" Jax shouted, his voice cutting through the chaos. "Use your powers together – now!"

With a nod, Kaiden and Ariel combined their flames and ice, creating a massive explosion of steam that enveloped the battlefield. The sudden onslaught caught the Raiders off guard, leaving them disoriented and vulnerable.

Seizing the opportunity, Jax and his friends pressed their advantage, picking off the remaining Raiders one by one until only Seraphina remained standing, panting heavily and clutching her weapon.

"Give it up, Seraphina," Jax commanded, his voice cold and steady. "It's over."

Seraphina glared at him, hatred burning in her eyes, but she eventually dropped her weapon with a clang, defeated. As she sank to her knees, Jax couldn't help but feel a pang of sorrow for the friend they had lost.

After all the rotten things Seraphina had done, she finally gave up and didn't move. hoping Jax and the others spare her life.

Although with a heavy heart after what Seraphina did to the team, Jax and the others agree to give Seraphina one last chance.

"once again you do this disgusting thing, you will be finished by my own hands" Ariel threatened with anger and hatred.

Seraphina could only stay silent and looked down without uttering a single word.

they were forced to give Seraphina a one-time chance. besides Seraphina being their former adventurer friend, there are other things that make them have to forgive Seraphina. because Seraphina's strength is needed to complete this dangerous mission.

Victorious yet weary, the group looked at one another, the weight of Seraphina's betrayal still heavy on their hearts. They had triumphed this time, but the knowledge that trust was such a fragile thing in this dangerous world left them with an unsettling sense of unease.

"Let's go," Jax said quietly, turning away from Seraphina's defeated form. "We have a mission to complete."

Together, they walked away, knowing they could no longer trust everyone they met in this treacherous landscape. But, as long as they stood united, they could face whatever trials lay ahead as they continued their journey through the unforgiving wasteland.