
Twenty Five Year Quest

Zen a lone man, searching for justice of those who died at the hands of the corrupted government. After they refused to aid them, when they most needed it. The only survivor of the attack Zen lived on the streets, later joining a guild and building a reputation. Finding a quest that just might kill him if he fails, he takes it on anyways. Needing the power to defeat the very government that abandoned his once loving home. Shocking truths reaveal themselves to Zen, leaving him confused and trapped. Will he be able to find out the real reason why the government is so corrupted? Stayed tuned to this new adventure. _____________ Cover pic not mine, monsters portrayed 8n my book qre not myne, credit goes to the artists and creators.

Storymamma · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter Six

They slid down the whole that the dragon guarded, one by one they went down into the dark narrow cave.

The fire users were spaced out, using small flames to light the cave, Zen was at the far rear of the group. Keeping his distance from them, he held onto the wall, guiding himself as the light was limited for him.

Their foot steps echoed, their soft wispers bouncing off the wall. Zen grew to dislike them, anger still bubbled within him as the cave grew ever more humid.

"Be ready guys we do not know what is ahead of us." Leo warned them all. As the all steped into the next cavern, the air was hot and humid. Lush green tree's as tall as skyscrapers reached high to the caverns roof.

Large birds flew high above the clouds. "How is this even possible?" Zen stared in amazment at the clouds and lush green trees, vines hanging in between the trees "We are far below the surface, and yet this cavern has it's very own eco system."

The rest of the adventurers stared in amazment to, while not wondering too far from the exit again. Leo turned to them all, "We will set up came here and send scout's to look for the exit out of this cavern, Zen will be the first scout leader." he casually stated.

Zen grew ridged at his words, his brow creasing. "Zen please if you don't mind, we would all appreciate it, you can even take anyone you'd like from party." Leo waved his hand to his party that stood right behind him.

Zen looked at them, Laurie was apart of Leo's group, no wonder he suggested it. Zen's knuckels grew white, "No I'll go alone, it will be faster that way."

Zen disregard them all as he began to make his way into the forest of trees. Leo had a devilish smile that could kill, as Zen left on the scouting mission that was forced on him.

Zen looked back to the group, as they all began to set up camp. Laurie looking at him, something deep within her eyes, before making his way into the thick dense forest.

Anger flared within him. 'That high class jerk, pretending that I'm one of his party members. But that's what you get from those types of aristocrats like him. Thinking they are so much better than anyone else.' Zen made his way futher into the forest, marking the trees as he went.

As he walked he calming down a little bit, noting the path he took as some light filterd through the dense forest, making it other worldly. It would take a while before he would find the way out of this cavern. Zen picked up noises of running water not to far from his location.

He pproached slowly seeing a women bent down at the bank, dressed in dark green flowing clothes, vines that floated around her. Zen slowed down his pace, staying vigilante. "You can come out, young one I mean you no harm, although it seems you are causing me great harm. And your intentions seem pure so I shall forgive you this once, your friends on the other hand are diffrent from you.

Zen froze in place unsure of how she even knew. "They are not my friends, and as to how you knew I was here, that seems suspicious?"

She gave a sweet light laugh at his question. "My young one, as to how I know you were here, I am the forest itself, also your friends seem rarher close to you?"

Zen moved a little close to the woman, unsure of what she meant as she said she was the forest. "We are not close, nor are we friends. They think I'm a useful tool for them to dispose of sooner rather then later."

The woman stared at Zen, surprised at his words. She narrowed her light green eyes. "Very well, I shall take you on your word. As what it is you seek, it's very easy to find. But I must warn you, the monster do not take kindly if you trespass into their territory to the south. That is where you shall find the way out."

Zen was confused at her words. "Please ma'am, may I ask is the exit in the monster territory or close to it?"

She gave another light laugh, Zen felt he was growing inpatient with her strange way of speaking. "Young one, I love your manners for someone so young. The exit you seek lays deep within the monsters territory to the of the camp they are makin, for you and the other to get by you must hide all that shines like coins of gold and silver. You must also step lightly as they like to set traps and kill those who dare set foot there. For all this information I seek one thing from you?"

Zen stood there absorbing the information and wondering what she wanted. "What is it you seek fair lady?"

"What I seek, is what you hold dear to your heart." What he held dear to his heart? Zen thought about it for a moment. "I shall reward you greatly in return young one."

Zen's eyes widened, she sought his pendant around his neck, something he rarely took off, although if she was the forest her reward might be priceless. Zen's heart felt heavy, how could he decised, how could he let go of the keep sake of someone he held so dear to him. But what he wanted most was revenge and he wanted to get to the lowest floor quickly.

Zen took off the silver pendant hesitantly handing it over to the woman that watched him with great curiosity. "Young one I see your struggle clear as day, but something else is of more importance to you than to the keep sake you hold dear to you, for your sacrifice I shall reward you greatly."

The woman floated forwards to him like a ghost, Zen was shocked, the woman saw this. "I am the spirit of this forest, I see all through the roots that lay deep within the earth."

She stopped before Zen, She looked into his eyes. "I am Nyra, the druid if this forest, remember my name young Zen and call for me when you need me most." She placed a tiny hand on his cheek leaning forward while placing a soft kiss on his lips before she vanisshing onto thin air.

Zen stared blankly ahead of him, unsure of what to do next, the keep sake no gone but his revenge burned deep within him. "Nyra, I shall remember that."

He began making his way back to where the others were, he didn't feel like sharing this information, but then again, they were his way to the lower levels of the dungeon.

Zen heard the other talking and relaxing a bit to much, these people seeked death very early. Leo saw him aproched, he had a look of surprise and shock, but recovered really quickly.

"Zen.... Your back really quickly, did you find the exit so soon man?" Leo slapped Zen's back hard. Why had he looked so surprised upon seeing him. "Yes I have, thanks to the forest druid."

Leo's jaw tightened. "O really Zen, how lucky of you then, so what did this druid tell you?"

"She told me, the exit is to the south in a monsters territory. Also we need to hide anything of value that shines like gold and sliver. And we need to step lightly, the like to set traps."

Leo thought for a moment, "Mmm... Interesting information Zen, well done. We shall head out at first light in the morning, I shall brief the other."

Leo left without another word, Zen stayed where he was, he was going to climb into a tree, this was unfamiliar territory for him. The others weren't as vigilante as him.

He found the perfect tree, he had a view of the adventurers and of the forest below. Zen saw Leo speaking to the others, the didn't look happy as to what Leo had said.

Leo stormed off to his his tent, not pleased. Zen wondered why, also why was Leo so surprised at his return camp, what was Leo up to...