
Twenty first century Boa

Dr Harry is a highly innovative scientist but he is unexpectedly murdered just as he launches his first capsule into the atmosphere in a bid to restore the Earth's climate and make it better. Jocelyn is an 4GPAI model in the year 4833 but she is an old soul and is drawn towards the 21st century. It was a relatively silent time in history but her kind was first made then, this however is not one of the reasons she is drawn to that time in history.She is on an unoblivious case to find out why it is so. The two fall in love in a swindling experience be sure to check in everyday as we unravel their story :⁠-⁠*

cutecow_H3lg4 · Urban
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2 Chs


There was pindrop silence in the corridor, the white bright led lights illuminated the whole area just as it was designed by Harry who owned the place. But it was eerily quiet and Harry could hear his own heartbeat as loud as the tum tum drums of west Africa. AK-47 on hand he surveyed his surroundings but just as he turned around a bullet pierced through his "bullet proof" vest and instantly killed him, he silently cursed as he felt his breath leave him.He regretted putting effort only in his career and nothing else only for his life to end like this he felt wasted, oh well. He couldn't control what happened and so he dispelled his feelings.

The light around him faded fast and he could only think of heaven he'd been good enough he deserved at least that.