
Twelve Winged Pale Angel

The humans are the victim when that Thing got here, as it creates calamity by its appearance alone! It seems I'm immune to it and with me here the humans will stand a chance to resist its inherent corruption! However, the more I stay here, the more I become the humans victim, they are corrupting me, in every bit of the way, my body, my emotions and even my mind are altering. Siding with that Thing might be the only way for me to resist, but is that a good thing to do in their world?

Black_Turban · Fantasy
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4 Chs

C1 Shooting Star

A bright object moved fast, reminiscent of a shooting star, across the vast emptiness of Cosmos. The speed of the object defies all logical reasons as it behaved with weightlessness, causing no ripple whenever it passed close to an object!

Its speed on the other hand had gone beyond what humans could relate to or hope to attain. Its movement was a thousand times the speed of light, perhaps, even more!

The luminous object's destination was unknown but it avoided any rogue Planets, Stars and Asteroids that litter in clusters at one part of the vast Cosmos it was passing! 

After the aeons-long journey, the luminous object came close to an orange Star, its speed reduced each passing moment the more it enclosed the section of space the Star was.

Moving at its usual speed, its light intensity would have outshined the Star and may bring more overwhelming phenomena that the planet was currently facing.

Reaching within the halo of the Star, it steered toward an ordinary blue planet with no redeemable features that may describe it as special!

And as weightless as it could be, the luminous object passed the layers of the planet's atmosphere, causing zero ripples.

Those that were lucky enough to gaze at the object were mesmerized and assumed it to be a shooting star.

Most kids were happy as they started making wishes. A shooting star in their traditions means a Good Omen. Others with different beliefs fear a dreaded Bad Omen associated with shooting stars!

Some Astronomers and Astrologers were startled by it and went to investigate the phenomenon. While most disregard it as the world was already changing with many unexpected phenomena happening. To them, this was no exception!

A fair distance away from most Nations and Countries, a lone forest stood. It wasn't special by any means necessary. As every wild animal living there was the most commonly seen. No special life form.


A soft sound reverberated as the dimed luminous object hit the ground. Causing very little commotion with dust covering less than 3 meters radius.

Due to the Sunlight, not even the closest ant nest noticed the blob of light dropping or they just ignore assuming it was something common.

Gradually, the dust calmed, and a blurry bright object shone in place. Then it dimmed down and the object's true form was revealed.

A folded bright feathered wing!

The wing shifted and unfolded itself, unwrapping what it had enclosed, it swerved twelve times, spotting another wing well wrapped like the first one while the other just floated in place as the second wing unwrapped the same way.

What was inside was a blob of light, hours later it dimmed showing a folded bouncing baby boy with white glowing hair, silver glowing skin, and bright rosy lips.

What gave it gender away was its bag of masculine parts!

The baby was fast asleep with his right thumb in its mouth sucking.

The entity, being, a strange baby life form of glowing nature kept dimming as its glow fought with direct Sunlight and later disappeared, leaving behind a baby frowning as if it was been disturbed by something—as its halo veil was down!

A few moments later, the baby's face contorted and was about to cry but something mysterious happened, preventing it. 

The baby behaved as if it was drowning, or the space itself wrapping around its face, constricting it. That annoyance forced him to open his eyes and woke up from his long slumber!

Instead of continually trying to cry, the baby's adorable lips curled upward into a smile. Just like a human boy when given a toy he desired the most!

Its silver-grey eyes stared at the blue sky with its mouth making an O, then it raised its hand wanting to grab it, strangely, it touched the blue sky.

Up in the sky where people presumed the blue sky was, began to fade as the blue reduced in its intensity and became pale.

The baby retrieved its hand and observed the gradually dissipating blue hue that sticks to its chubby hand. But as if it didn't like the smell coming off it, it quickly shook it up.

Deciding that there were way more variety of interesting things on the ground than in the blue sky, its eyes wandered around akin to a villager in an advanced urban community, for the first time

Everything was interesting to the baby. The soil, the pebbles, the grasses, the trees and when its eyes settled on the colony of ants...

'Ya, ha.'

A soft melodic voice escaped its mouth, akin to the chapping of a baby. In an instant, it opened its wings which stretched out far behind it.

The wings were unwrapped into hundred-meter-long bright feathered wings that were attached to the toddler size entity.

On the baby's back the bright feathered wings were as thin as the size of its finger, the further away from the toddler's body the bigger the feathers and the wings are.

Three meters away from the toddler's body, the wings and their feathers were as large as the toddler itself. And the further away, the larger they are.

The pair of bright feathered wings when unfold were enormous, encompassing a large area in all directions. They served as a canopy and a pair of guards protecting the innocent Celestial Being at the centre.

The shadow of the wings was pale, unnoticed by anything. Or it might be due to the shadow of many trees that were cast due to the intensity of the Sun overhead.

Nonetheless, the wings should have been sighted from a mile away, but not even the closest animal was bothered by them.

The wild animals close by behave as if the two wings were the most normal thing in the forest just like the tree closest to them. 

Will they wonder how amazing a tree was? Maybe if it has something edible on it?

A newbie Writer here. care to show love to my creativity?

Black_Turbancreators' thoughts