
The Skeleton Wizard Cis'te

Enzo's emotions went crazy. A fall from that height would kill her. He looked at his body his heart was beating really fast and the black orb's strands grew thicker surging more black essence through his body. Enzo felt lighter, he felt stronger. Enzo jumped up at the still falling Elza catching her then teleporting back to the ground. He sit her down. It was a one on one fight. Mikha looked at Etzio who now had bright maroon color and was pushing straight back. The whites of his eyes were black and his pupils were white. Enzo ran at Mikha so fast that he couldn't comprehend what was going on. Enzo then kicked Mikha at the side of the colosseum causing the wall to break and crumble. Mikha sit in a cloud of dust. Enzo ran at Mikha again for another attack before being stopped by the current king. He appeared before Enzo and wrapped his arms around enzo.

"Its okay Enzo. You won and Elzas safe." After the king held Enzo's hand in the air Enzo fell to the ground and his body went back to normal.

Enzo woke up looking at an unfamiliar ceiling. He looked at the side of his bed where Elza lay. He tried moving his body and was very hurt and bruised. He looked back at his black orb it's strands had returned to normal but the orb had grown in size, it was now about as big as his palm. Elza woke up next to him.

"Hello Enzo how are you?" With a big smile on her face though he could tell she had been crying.

"I'm fine just my body hurts." Enzo tried to move at that point but it sent pain down his spine and forced him to lay back down. The tournament was postponed until Enzo and Elza were healed and ready to fight again. Enzo sit in the castle for 3 days eating and healing until he was finally able to fight again. Enzo and Elza got ready, equipped themselves with their weapons, and headed towards the colosseum.

The two big doors opened and the two teens watched from the other side of the arena as a skeleton and a goblin walked out of the other doors. The skeleton being had a staff and the goblin had a small dagger. If both of them stood on top of each other they would be no taller than 7 foot tall. The bell rung three times. On the first both teams stood there. On the second Enzo and Elza drew their weapons and on the third Enzo and Elza started their run at the opposing team. When the skeleton saw this he conjured 50 other skeletons out of the ground the goblin drank some potion and set behind the skeleton. The new smaller skeletons only stood 3 feet tall and if they were hit even once would collapse but there was a lot of them. After the initial 50, more came out of the ground one after the other. Enzo and Elza couldn't get to the original skeleton. Then after trying and failing for a minute or so a giant 17 foot tall goblin jumped from behind the ever growing skeleton army and right into Enzo and Elza. Enzo and Elza kept repeatedly attacking the goblin giant and before they knew it 300 skeletons were upon them. Elza put as much power into her spear and hit the ground with the butt of it causing a lot of the skeletons around them to collapse apart. Enzo grabbed hold of Elza and teleported three times to the skeleton conjurer, who was lying on the ground. He had used too much energy and was asleep. At this point it was power against power. Enzo and elza versus 300 skeletons and a giant goblin. "Enzo! I'll take care of the skeletons. All i have to do is stay far enough back and swing my spear. You go beat up the goblin." Enzo nodded his head then ran left around the army of skeletons. He found the giant goblin who at this point had covered himself in skeletons bones and had bone armour. Enzo jumped at him re-unlocking his orb's power. With his crown rapier he pierced through the armour but only sliced the goblin's skin. The goblin was not only powerful but also had speed. He could've been hitting Enzo, if Enzo wasn't either teleporting or dodging. Enzo decided to convert his sword back to a crown and put it on. Then he used the extra speed he gained to beat up the giant goblin. After defeating the goblin it fell on its back and reverted to the smaller form. Enzo turned around to see Elza still taking care of the skeletons. He joined in and they finished off the army in no time. After they were done the king came down to congratulate them. He raised Enzo's hand in the air. "Etzio Kaiser is the new second in line, with his partner Elza." The crowd cheered and some more aggressive beings threw rocks and tomatoes at the two. They walked back to the castle and rested for the night.


Enzo gathered his things and went to the main hall. There was Elza, Mikha, the skeleton sorcerer, goblin, king, and about 20 others. Enzo and Elza were preparing to leave when they were stopped by the skeleton wizard. "Hello i don't believe we ever exchanged names. I am Cis'te a draugos training to become a lich king. I hear you are departing for a journey and wondered if i could join your crew." Enzo looked at Cis'te very confused wondering where his voice comes from but brushed it off as magic. He smiled.

"Well of course you can join my crew i want strong people with me and there's only two of us." Mikha walked over to the three.

"What are you peasants talking about?" Cis'te responded and told him about their previous conversation. "Fine i guess i'll join too." Enzo let out a loud laugh. "Okay but what about your partner's?" Cis'te went first.

"My partner is returning to his family."

"And mine doesn't want to accompany me anymore." With everything said and done the group went back to Enzo's ship, which was now upgraded thanks to the kings large treasury. The crew spent the rest of the day packing and decided to set sail in the morning.

Enzo was in a room sitting in a chair. A woman walked into the room. She was very beautiful and looked similar to Enzo. "Hello Enzo. I'll get straight to the point. I am the goddess of fertility. In the gods plane there are two sides, the light and dark. You have met the god of death who planted inside of you his power. Given enough time and use it would consume you. That was a dark orb i will give you a light orb of my power." She touched Enzo who was not scared at all and felt a motherly feeling.

"Who are you?" The woman smiled at enzo.

"Im your mother." Enzo woke up in his room. The ship rocking side to side and the creaking of the boards was all he heard. He looked down at his chest and next to the dark orb was a light orb. Enzo looked outside and the sun was just rising. He pulled up the anchor, checked his map, set the sails, and started sailing towards the Beasapiens continent. On the first day of sailing after about 5 hours the crew came across another ship. Enzo and his crew prepared to fight. A boy jumped out from the top of the ship with a straw hat and yelled. "Hellooooo. Hand over all your loot and you won't have to fight." Enzo chuckled and after he did a hand stretched out at Enzo who cut it off. Then a man with two swords and one in his mouth jumped from the boat and Elza in two moves sliced him down. Enzo yelled across the way. "Hey how about we let you weaklings go." And the two boats sailed away from each other. Cis'te walked over to Enzo. "Who were those people and how did he stretch his limbs?"

"I don't know who they were but it was probably an adaptation."