
TWD: The protean (The walking dead)

No Ai, absolutely no harem, haven’t decided if there will be romance, but probably not. No r*pe, no s*xual violence, no NTR of any kind, I think that’s it for the tags let me know if I missed any. If there s*x scenes, it will only be between a man and a woman, so no yuri. I needed to change this part of the synopsis to be easier to understand because I overestimated the reading comprehension of some of you. I'll be taking liberties in the chapters, and I'm watching the series while writing. *** This is the story about a random déad man that gets reincarnated in the TWD universe. With gifts, and boons. But he might’ve come into this universe with other changes that is… dangerous. (not crazy) *** Updates when I feel like it, I'll try once a week, but I'm lazy so idk. Oh and I'm not a native English speaker. Anyway, this is my first try at writing anything that isn’t for school. You’re welcome to give constructive criticism, tips, corrections, or whatever. I, obviously, don’t own anything in relation to any of the stories I take inspiration from.

ScarletQC · TV
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5 Chs

2- Awakening

(A/N: This will be my first try writing anything that isn't for school. So be patient, or not I don't care, and keep in mind that, if this is even published, it will probably end up dropped.

I did not read or watch anything related to "The Walking Dead" apart from Fanfics. But I am writing this chapter while watching the Serie. And I decided to post another chapter because the first chapter was just an introduction.

Anyway, I think that's it for now, enjoy.)


~Season 1 episode 1, Harrison Memorial Hospital in King County, Georgia 3rd POV~

In the hospital that clearly has been abandoned for some time now, in one room amongst the multitude of them that is reserved for personalised patient care. There was a young man of around 20 years old that seemed to be dead, if it wasn't for the rhythmic rise and fall of his chest.

What is even stranger than the fact that someone, who's clearly a patient, was let alone in an abandoned hospital. Is the fact that the patent in question, shows absolutely no signs of having been left alone in that room for any period of time. In fact, if it weren't for the medical apparatus that are hooked to him, he would give the impression that he broke in just to take a nap.


He was sporting a clean shaved beard, medium length spiky brown hair and eyes, and he had a sharp jawline. What's more, even beneath the sheets and the hospital gown, you could clearly see that he was deceptively muscular. At the end of his bed, there was a bag that looked completely ordinary.


Suddenly, the man stirred, and his eyelids started to tremble. It was, clearly, a sign that he was going to wake up. After a while of tossing and turning in the uncomfortable hospital bed, the man's eyes slowly started to open.




~1st POV~


Slowly waking up from that weird realistic dream, I wondered why I dreamt of that thing. Maybe I should stop reading all those shitty fanfics by equally shitty authors, and read a real book or, finally, find another 'real' hobby.


While shaking my head to let the grogginess of the weird sleep I had go, I opened my eyes and saw my surroundings. I was in room that clearly wasn't mine, and if I go by my incredible observations(not), I am, more specifically, in an hospital room.


'Why am I here? Did I get hurt in my sleep or something… Oh no, don't tell me my dream wasn't a dream, but the reality, and I died in my original world.'


While I was having those questions, I got up from the bed to explore my surroundings. Because if I really was in the walking dead universe, I would prefer to know where and when I arrived. After surveying the room, as if guided by instincts that I previously didn't have I knew every entrances, escape routes and hiding spots.


'Ok, I am in Harrison Memorial Hospital in King County, Georgia. Which is the hospital where Rick woke up. Let's hope I'm here with him, and not in the middle of the series or something.'


I went to the washroom to get a good look at my appearance to see if anything else than the absolutely massive muscles that I now have has changed. And let me tell you a lot changed. Before, I was your average joe with a normal job, normal friends, normal family etc. The only thing that wasn't average about me was my crooked moral compass. But now, I became manliness on two legs.




'I hope that this appearance isn't one of those boons, and if it is, I hope there's more to it that I can't see. And why do I feel like I forgot something extremely important, something that defies me.'


Suddenly, I felt a rush of memories enter my brain about a life that "I" lived. My new name, or the name of my new body, is Roy Colt a 23-year-old man that was trained all his life to survive in any type of situations by his World War 2 veteran grandfather after his dad died on the front lines in Afghanistan.


He, or me now, was taught everything. From fighting bare fisted, with sharp weapons, with guns or even with pencils. We were also taught how to kill and prepare our meals, how to make shelter without being noticed, how to forage, how to aply first aid etc. I was taught everything my grandfather found useful for my survival.


After digesting my new memories, I went back to the room and looked into the bag. Once I touched it, it disintegrated into tiny motes of light and fused with me. Once it fully fused, the strange letters appeared once again.


[Hello Roy, this will be the last you will hear of me, or more like read of me. Anyway, this little message is just to tell you that one of the boons I gave you is an inventory with a beginner pack. No, it isn't one of those boorish system you read about. It is only an inventory. For the other boons that I gave you, they are… joking, you will have to discover them yourself. Goodbye, and enjoy your new life]


While I was reading the message, I heard some weak cries for help that I completely ignored because I couldn't care less about strangers. That was until I heard ruffling and steps coming towards me, and I remembered what hospital and universe I was in.


'I really hope that the one who's making all that noise is alive, and more importantly that it is Rick.'


After dressing in the clothes given to me by the being that I will call ROB and sheathing the long knife and the beretta M9 at my sides in their holsters. With an extra 3 standard magazines that contain 15 rounds each.



Slowly opening the door, I try to peak it the small opening made to gather more information about the state of the hallway, and to see if I can see the one making all that noise.


'I can see someone in a hospital gown slowly lumbering towards me. I don't think their alive if I go by their slow walk. But it could be Rick because, if I remember correctly, he was in a coma for a little while. Which means he could just be taking it slow.'


When the person was close to the room I was in, I could see that it was, in fact, a Walker, and more disgustingly, I could smell it.


'The smell is really disgusting; I really should try to get used to it as fast as possible. …Ok, let's try to kill it to get experience killing those things asap.'


I waited for the dead to get the furthest away from the room I was in while still being in my sight before opening the door while trying to make no noise and making sure the coast was clear. Once making sure for the third time there were no more monsters around. I got out of the room and slowly made my way towards the dead with my knife in hands.


Every few meters, I would stop and listen to my surroundings before continuing to walk slowly. Once I was at arms length away from the dead, it started to sniff the air more aggressively and slowly turning his head my way.


But before he could look at me, I swung my knife up into the base of his skull. The dead stopped moving and crumpled to the floor, after killing him, I looked around to make sure there were no other walkers before allowing myself to relax a little.


'Phew, that was stressful. But strangely easy, it's probably because I took it by surprise while I was a 100% ready for the fight.


The knife went a little too easily into the skull. It should've been extremely difficult to pierce the bones. Is that another boon, or is my new body supernaturally strong on top of handsome? No matter, those are tests and questions for later now's not the time. I hear someone walking towards me.'


Turning around and hiding behind a corner that leads to another hallway to my right, and to my left there was a gray barricaded door that had [Don't open dead inside] written on it. The footsteps were coming from the hallway to my right.


Waiting until the footsteps were close, I jumped out of my hiding spot gun and knife drawn and pointed at the unknown person making the sounds. When I saw who it was, I was nearly as surprised to see him as he was to see me.


(A/N: 1,484 words.

There you go folks, the first kill of many and we finaly know more about the Mc.

And don't worry about the ROB he won't act anymore than he already did in the story apart if I decide to give the Mc "rewards".)

Tell me how I did. And don’t be shy about the ideas you have, I might get inspiration from it.


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