
Atlanta under siege

Chapter 2 Atlanta under siege.

After learning that Rick is in a coma, I decided to go home. When I get home I find my mother on the computer talking to my dad, before this a smile adorns my face.

"Dad! You're still alive, that's good." I say jokingly laughing a little as I approach the computer, in that my mother hugs me.

"How was school, boy?" My father asks, behind him military personnel can be seen walking from one side to the other.

"Nothing interesting." I answer like it's nothing. "What do you know about that flu that circulates where you are dad?" I ask innocently.

"Nothing to worry about lad, none of us are sick, whatever it is, it's just affecting the locals, it's pretty rare." Says my father as he sneezes a little. "Although I still have allergies." My father laughs a little.

At some point during the conversation with my father, a severe headache makes me scream, worrying my mother, however, as soon as it arrived, it left.

"Justin, are you okay? My mother touches my head, you scared us for a second.

"It was nothing, I think I have too much homework, that's all." I say waving my hands dismissively as my smile returns to my face. What a strange headache.

"You should get some rest son… What the fuck?" From the other side of the screen, my father is looking away with a strange look, as if trying to detail something that is happening in the distance, before a siren begins to wail and the military start running back and forth.

"Love, what is happening? Everything's fine?" My mother asks worriedly.

"I have to cut, something is happening outside the base." My father says when several military vehicles begin to accelerate at full speed behind him. "I'll call you later, take care of yourselves." The communication is cut off at that moment.

"It'll be fine honey, it's probably something unimportant." My mother says as she hugs me.

It's begun.

Later while we were having dinner, my mother gets a call. "Hey Negan, no…it's off. We communicated with him, but something was happening in the base and he cut off communication, we have not been able to communicate again." My mother's hands were shaking as she spoke on the phone. "OK thank you." My mother says before hanging up the phone and looking at me.

"Turn on the TV Justin, something happened." I don't expect an explanation and only get up from my chair turning on the television shortly after.

"…The death toll is incalculable. If you are tuning in to us, a tragedy of biblical proportions has just occurred in several Asian countries. A few hours ago millions of people throughout Asia began to collapse, these people were sick with the flu that had been spreading throughout these weeks throughout the territory. Which seemed to be harmless, however in a turn of events it began to take lives in an alarming way from one moment to another." Channel change, many channels are broadcasting the news.

"It is still unknown if it is a terrorist weapon, experts say that a terrorist weapon is the most likely cause. The governments of Japan and South Korea have declared martial law. While other governments have agreed to start closing their borders." Channel change.

"The United States government has decreed the cessation of school activities and has canceled all flights from Asian countries. No cases have been reported in Europe or America." Change to another channel.

The President of the United States is seen giving a lecture. "Our military in the different bases of Japan and South Korea will help the local security forces to guarantee order."


Before America starts to fall, I sent my fabulous Uncle Negan a little present, a baseball bat with a note on it that said. *Of the little demon~ Aim at the head* I would like to see his face when he realizes that I knew what was coming. Although I will most likely die before I can leave this city, but I don't regret anything, I have lived a very comfortable life until now.

A few days passed and some strange news began to circulate on the internet, some of these people who died days ago in Asia, began to rise up and attack anyone in sight, these videos were quickly deleted. It seems that governments want to keep this a secret as long as possible.

They haven't mentioned anything else on television about what's happening in Asia. However, the internet is exploding. Another video shows a soccer stadium full of corpses and some of them begin to rise before the soldiers begin to set the stadium on fire.

My mother does not allow me to leave the house for prevention, this morning she received an emergency call from the hospital and left very early for the city. I stay home the rest of the day watching the internet news while keeping the TV on. Television only shows riots in some parts of the country.

From time to time I hear some police sirens going by near my house, it seems that everything is about to go to hell. A dark smile spreads across my face. I keep scrolling the internet until a video grabs my attention, it has hundreds of thousands of views and it just got posted. 'China launches nuclear weapon against infected cities in its territory.' The video shows a live broadcast when one of the nuclear weapons falls on one of the cities, destroying everything in its path.

From this moment the videos multiply, coming from different parts of the world, it is no longer just Asia. Until the internet goes down. I just sigh as I watch the TV reports showing more riots and the military being deployed in some cities. Even some television channels have stopped broadcasting and only show an emergency alert.

I pick up the phone to try to call my mother, but she doesn't answer the calls. Then nightfall came and my mother didn't come home. I shake my head and let out a sad sigh, I think it's better that way.

This world is not made for everyone and I don't want people to slow me down. Am I insensitive? Yes, yes I am, I am also a realist and people like my mother will not survive. My father may be able to resist more, but he is in Japan or maybe he is already a walker.

It is fascinating to see how society gradually destroys itself. My little heart starts to beat faster and faster, I'm so excited.

My phone starts ringing and seeing the caller ID is from Negan, at this I raise an eyebrow and answer the call. "Hello uncle, did you receive my present?" I say with a giggle before Negan quickly cuts me off.

"Fuck, fuck, your mom doesn't answer my calls, are you home? Do not leave home." Negan says quickly into the phone while I just hum.

"Mom got a call from the hospital very early and hasn't come back. Do you know that some countries are bombing their cities? And the internet stopped working." I say while taking a breath.

A sigh is heard from the other side. "Justin, Justin listen to me for once in your life. I'm going to go look for them, just… stay in the house." Horn noises are heard from the other side, Negan must be in a traffic jam.

"You are many states and cities away man, forget it and spend more time with the aunt. Don't waste energy talking to a child who won't survive." I tell him with a small smile. The other side is silent for a few moments.

"Damn it, I'll come for you. Did you hear me?" Says my uncle angrily when I interrupt him.

"Use the bat I sent you, decorate it a bit and wear your leather jacket, you'll look really tough, okay? I'll go have fun in the city. Bye-bye ~ Uncle Negan." A piercing scream is heard from the other end as I turn off my phone.

"To hell with everything!" I scream with my hands in the air as I go to my parents' room towards the safe, I put the key obviously it's my date of birth and I manage to open it. I take out a 9mm pistol from inside it along with some chargers, then I go to my room, take my backpack and start to fill it with important things, like candy and sodas that I had prepared for the end of the world.

"If I want something, I'll just take it and whoever gets in the way of my fun will be eliminated." I say to myself determinedly. I will not be a hero. You could say that I will be the bad boy.

When I stand at the door of my house I realize that the television has stopped working, when I hear the first shots outside my house. With my heart beating rapidly I walk out of my house and close the door with a big predatory grin on my face.

My adventure at the end of the world is about to begin and I'm going to enjoy this.


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Panic reigns outside my house, many of my neighbors pack their bags to get as far away from the city as possible, while others begin barricading their doors and windows. I take my bike and start pedaling towards the city. What better place to witness the chaos and have fun than in the city.


To highlight, I have no plan, I will just live life as if it were a game. I'll improvise, that way it will be much more exciting. After all, I have nothing to lose, I already enjoyed these years to the fullest and I have no regrets. It will be me against the world.

After pedaling for 30 minutes I get close enough to the road and notice a large column of vehicles trying to get out of the city, but the traffic seems to be stopped. The view is quite impressive. There is also a convoy of military vehicles entering the city and splitting off in different directions.

I continue pedaling and after a few more minutes I enter the city, it is all chaos and to add fuel to the fire it is night, looting and riots everywhere, people running from one place to another, the streets full of cars honking their horns, with some abandoned cars and I even managed to observe some walkers attacking some people who were looting. For my part I did the smartest thing at the time, I joined the looting with a smile. Group pressure is quite strong. Time to get some stuff from Walmart. I leave the bicycle outside and go into the store.

On the plus side, I got a state-of-the-art music player which I keep in my backpack. People were fighting over things until gunshots began to be heard outside the store I was in when several riot police began to enter the store to suppress the looting, hitting anything that moved.

One of these policemen saw me and started approaching me, I back up a bit when I fall to the ground after slipping on some boxes. In my small panic, I draw my gun and point it at the officer. I can see the surprised look on the officer's face, who would think a little boy would be armed. "Wait, I just wanted to help you… don't do it, kid…" That is all the officer says before I shoot him through the head and he falls on top of me. This causes the other officers to stop and watch as their partner falls to the ground.

"Shooters, the looters are armed, open fire." Some officers yell as they start shooting at the looters, I highly doubt any of them saw me. The officers continued to fire on the looters until no one was on their feet, thus causing a small massacre. Meanwhile, I was just taking cover under the body of the officer I shot a few seconds ago.

The shots stopped and at the same time, cries of pain began to be heard along with cries for help from the dying unfortunates. Some officers were perplexed by what they had just done and quickly fled the area, the other officers also left the store and began to retreat.

I crawl a bit and get out from under the body of the officer, I can see on his uniform that his name was Rudy. "Sorry Rudy, I win!" I say as I take his gun and put it in my backpack along with his ammo.

I look at the scene around me, without the officers or other looters now I can take what I want without anyone stopping me. I have to be quick though before the dead come back to life, luckily the dying will distract the walkers. I realize my shirt is now stained with blood courtesy of Rudy, how rude.

Come to think of it, I just killed a cop and didn't feel a thing. The survival of the fittest. "Yeah, I'm a little villain now…" I whisper with a giggle. I go through the store acquiring some things that catch my attention, while I begin to hear the moans of the dead rising, it's my time to escape from here.

"Help please help!" A man screams crawling towards me, however behind me, I have several walkers following me slowly, so I just jump over the person calling for help while he becomes a good distraction for me to escape.

"Thank you for your sacrifice." I say in a singsong voice as I hear him scream and then several of the walkers following me lunge at him. I am evil.

I leave the Walmart with my backpack full of things that interest me and I see that my bicycle is not there. "Damned thieves." I whisper while now I have to walk with my stolen things.

People run from one side to another and the police fire their weapons at some walkers who approach them, but apparently, it is not enough as they are quickly caught and bitten.

Some military helicopters fly above me, occasionally firing their machine guns at the walkers.

I even saw a military tank speeding through the streets running over everything in its path, from walkers, crushing vehicles to break through, and even some people. The city has become a war zone. Some loudspeakers claim that there is a refugee center in the city center, protected by the military.

"I guess I can try to get to the center of the city." I say dodging some walkers. As the minutes go by and after walking through many streets, always listening to the noise of the shots together with the screams of the people who escape from the walkers, I come across a barricade of police cars full of officers. I approach the barricade when some officers point their guns at me, but seeing that I was not a walker they motion for me to approach them.

I'm not the only one making it to the safety of the barricade as more people are starting to arrive and some of them are infected.

"Kid, did they bite you?" a sweaty officer with his hand on his gun asks me as he looks at my bloodstained shirt courtesy of Rudy. At this, I just shake my head acting like a child. The officer just sighs. "Where are your parents?" I'm about to respond when I see another of the officers shoot a guy in the head who had a bite on his arm as if nothing happened.

"We have secured this street, while we wait for the situation to improve." The officer tells me with a small forced smile. "Go with the other survivors inside the police station." I just nod my head and stare at the big Atlanta Police Department logo. While this is happening several police officers, members of the SWAT team, a couple of soldiers with heavy weapons, and armed civilians run towards the barricades.


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"Hold your positions!" yells one of the commanding officers. "Don't let any infected cross."

"We need reinforcements, we need more personnel." Another officer yells as I enter the police station.

You are running away from the walkers when a kid appears in front of you pointing a gun at you. "Would you give me all your power stones please?" He says with an innocent smile.

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