
TVD: Twin Calling

I own the the MC only. MC is Gip and OP. Arianna Gilbert is the twin of Elena Gilbert that is someone who was transmigrated as her. She’s coming home to her family to protect them from the future dangers.

GustWind · TV
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Chapter 2 - The Reckoning


I decided to stay home, Diana decided to go with Damon wherever they went to but I know that what's she doing is going to piss me off.

Then I got a text from Diana saying to go enjoy Senior Prank Night.

I got up to head to the school but as I arrived I felt something was off as I walk in to head to the gym.

As I entered I saw the one person I wanna hurt the most, Klaus.

Klaus: Well now, who are you?

Ari: So your the Hybrid douche that killed my sister.

I look at the blond.

Ari: And you must be Rebekah, The Original who can't keep her legs closed.

Rebekah: What?

Elena: Ari, what are you doing?

Ari: What? It's true isn't it?

Rebekah sped to me but I grabbed her by her neck to the bleachers.

Klaus: Rebekah!

Klaus sped to me as I backhanded him away as I look at Rebekah to sneer.

Ari: Listen here Original slut, if you ever put your hands or even look at my sister wrong I'll rip apart everytime, clear?

I snapped her neck to sped to Klaus as to pin him by his neck to the bleachers next.

Ari: Listen here Hybrid Douche, if you ever come for my sister again I'll hunt you down just like daddy did to you all over again.

I hear the door opening to see a girl walk in, a very pretty girl.

?: Nik!

She sped to me as I snapped Klaus's neck to pin her next.

Ari: Who the hell are you?

?: Don't ever touch my family!

Ari: Well your brother ruined mine so I'm returning the favor.

?: The names Kali and that doppelgänger bitch deserves it.

I squeezed her neck.

Ari: Watch your mouth when talking about my blood, your disgusting family has destroyed the countless lives of others don't deserve to live.

Kali: They deserved it.

Ari: Yeah well this is for all the innocence your family has killed.

I snapped her neck but then I hear Elena scream as Stefan attacked her so I sped to him to snap his neck to bend down to Elena.

Ari: You okay?

Elena: Y-Yeah.

Ari: Let's get you home.

Elena: What about Stefan?

Ari: Nothing we can do for him, Klaus compelled him to turn off his humanity so will worry about that latter, let's go.

I helped Elena up as we left the gym.

Elena: We can't leave, Klaus fed Tyler his blood but it will only kill him.

Ari: Come on, I know why he can't create Hybrids.

I took out a blood bags to give to Klaus as they were Elena's blood, I made a stop to the hospital before coming here just in case.

I looked at Klaus as I sense him getting up for me to leave with my sister but of course.

Klaus: Your not going anywhere.

We turned to Klaus.

Ari: I gave you my sisters blood but we're done, come for her again and I'll enjoy kicking your ass everytime.

Klaus: You think you can threaten me? I'm the hybrid!!

Ari: And I don't give a shit, you come for my family and expect consequences.

We walked as I texted Caroline, Bonnie, and Matt to get Tyler to drink the blood if he wants to live.

As I got Elena home I sat her on the couch as she was asleep.

Then there a banging at the door which I opened revealing the Mikaelson's.

Ari: What is it?

Rebekah: You think you can do whatever you want and leave did you?

Ari: No but I'm tired and tonight has taught me one thing and that the The Original Family are annoying me.

Kali: Your gonna regret this.

Ari: I think I'm not so, take your threats and get the hell out of my face.

I closed the door.